All Topics / Help Needed! / Building and Pest reports
Hi all.
Just a quick question reguarding building and pest reports. If i go out and get these reports done then i'm unsuccessful at the auction, can i claim any of this money or is it a case of bad luck. thanks.Also, the property i'm interested in is in a block of 6 units in NSW. Do i need a building and pest report as well as a strata report. What information will i get out of these. Thanks
1. Not 100% sure abt the pest control part; as your not yet the owner at that time- but im sure an accountant can confirm.
2. You buying the whole block? or just one unit + is it strata title or one title?
MichaelMick C | Shape Home Loans
Email Me | Phone MeSame Banks. Better Rates. Served With a Passion.
Thanks Michael
Its just 1 unit in a block of 6 thats in need of a solid renovation. The real estate agent has given me the contact details for the strata managemnet.I always encourage all my clients to get the strata, building and pest ( especially the strata report)- you be spending ~$250 per report only…imagine buying a place where the sinking and strata fund is in the red ….god help you.
MichaelMick C | Shape Home Loans
Email Me | Phone MeSame Banks. Better Rates. Served With a Passion.
If you get permission from the owner and you know what you're looking for, you can go to the strata company and look yourself (usually $30). I would always check it though. As Shape said you could be in for a surprise.
I did however buy one with MINUS $30 in the sinking fund. The thing that I'm looking for is special levies coming up. It would be a shock to buy something and then get a $5,000 bill the next week. Could happen.I don't bother with pest and building on units. Personal preference. There is always the chance that there are things that no-one has noticed of course and they then won't be in the strata report of course.
I have RP data if you want info on previous sales data etc. PM me.
The strata report is always a good idea, value for money it's hard to beat in uncovering issues with units.
Totally agree on the strata report. Spend some time going through the minutes, repairs invoices, correspondence, etc. The last time I looked through strata docs for a NSW purchase it only cost $40 and I spent an hour in their office going over everything in detail…..problem is I should have spent only 30 minutes because during that time an offer was received and accepted on the property
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
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