All Topics / General Property / Can Anyone Help Me With An Equation

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  • Profile photo of se7en

    Hi guys

    I’m new to the property investing scene and just wanted some help with an equation. I’ve learnt about a lot of equations regarding the returns on an investment however I am looking for something that can tell me the playoff or equilibrium point of return on a risk. Im not sure if this is something that is easily calculated or quite advanced but it would be great to be able to apply a formula to different properties that could reveal the risk to return ratio and reveal at what point they are at an optimum level (if there is such a thing).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    Profile photo of Ryan McLeanRyan McLean
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 547

    Do you mean a cash flow calculator? Like to calculate whether a property is going to be positively or negatively geared?

    Or do you want a calculator that analyses risk based on area, price, vacancy rates, crime and all those sorts of risks?

    Ryan McLean
    A Free Cash Flow Calculator For Property Investors

    Ryan McLean | On Property
    Email Me

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi Adam,

    Haven;t seen such a calculation tool around the place. I expect the 'risks' are not readily quantifiable and thus a calculation would be 'rough maths' anyway.

    Maybe give that guy from the 'Numbers' TV show a call and see what he has:)

    Profile photo of Brett73Brett73
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 8

    there are a number of risks in property just like any investment. Rather than trying to develop just one equation I find it much more powerful to set up a spreadsheet with all the known variables eg. Int rate, occupancy rate, rent, projected growth etc.
    This is allows me to model the outcomes for different scenarios ie what if interest rates go up 2% or cannot rent for 2 months etc.
    I used to do this for each property but now just have an overall spreadsheet (model) for my portfolio.
    I also have figures such as ROI, projected Net worth etc. To check that I am making good decisions and on target
    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of JackFlash

    Risk analysis is fairly high end modelling. There are a number of software providers that have products to achieve this but its generally in the range of 1000’s of $$$.

    Unless you have a tertiary qualification in maths or economics my guess is you will struggle with the formula. It’s certainly out of my league. However a few links that may interest you (includes formula)

    Free spreadsheet (over 100)

    Latest Research on Investment Strategies, Asset Allocation Methodologies and Risk Management Techniques

    Have fun.


    Profile photo of Henry AdamsHenry Adams
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 105
    Profile photo of se7en

    Thanks guys you’ve been a great help .. I had a look at the links, very interesting stuff and Im in the process of setting up a spreadsheet to help me with risk analysis and other issues. It is a bit tricky though but Ill keep at it.

    Thank again

    Profile photo of JackFlash
    ajago5 wrote:
    Thanks guys you’ve been a great help .. I had a look at the links, very interesting stuff and Im in the process of setting up a spreadsheet to help me with risk analysis and other issues. It is a bit tricky though but Ill keep at it.

    Thank again

    Keep us updated on your progress. I’d be interested in whatever you develop just out of curiosity


    Profile photo of nicolas_bnicolas_b
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 21
    ajago5 wrote:
    Thanks guys you've been a great help .. I had a look at the links, very interesting stuff and Im in the process of setting up a spreadsheet to help me with risk analysis and other issues. It is a bit tricky though but Ill keep at it. Thank again adam

    You might want to take a look at @RISK — Risk analysis software.

    A great free resource to learn algebra, probability, statistics

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