All Topics / Value Adding / Rendering in Canberra
Hi guys
Just thought I'd share.
This w/end we had our PPOR rendered by a local business in Canberra.
I was so impressed with the quality, price, time and professionalism of the guys that done it that I thought I'd give them a plug on this forum – the company is called Elite Rendering in Canberra (Brett 0413 796 348).
The house has literally been transformed. We invited some people over for the footy yesterday and a few of them actually drove straight pass our house! That's how different it looks.
Once it's been painted, I'll post some photos.
I don't stand to benefit from this – although the owner said that if I recommend anyone to them that they should mention my name to him. I will definitely be recommending their service to my clients.
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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Gidday Jamie,
I’m thinking about getting my place rendered. I’m interested to hear how much it cost for what sized place?
Also it’s probably be done before somewhere on the forum, but what are people’s thoughts on the cost vs the increased value of a rendering a brick home?Cheers,
Matt.Hi Matt
I'm confident that it's added significant value. Once I find some time to paint it (that's going to be fun) and tidy up the landscaping, I'll have it revalued and will report back.
I think it also has a more dramatic effect in a street where there aren't many (if any) other rendered houses.
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
Jamie – u going to paint over the render?
Just out of interest, why did you choose to render then paint? My understanding is you can pay a little extra for a tinted render. Was this offered?
Painting over render is going to be messy …a lot of paint splash
If you got a lot to paint, i suggest buying and investing in a paint spray gun- much quicker and easier..else a good quality sheep skin EXTRA thick roller would do for render.I wonder if they service Sydney ummm
MichaelMick C | Shape Home Loans
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wisepearl wrote:Jamie – u going to paint over the render? Just out of interest, why did you choose to render then paint? My understanding is you can pay a little extra for a tinted render. Was this offered?Yep, going to paint over it. One coat of primer and two coats of paint.
You can organise to have the colour applied to the render but we weren't sure which colour to go with at the time. I blame my wife! She is extremely picky! We've already gone through 5 sample pots and none have been chosen yet.
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
Coloured render is tricky to get the right colour from a small sample (pretty much like trying to choose a whole house colour from a 2" square card from bunnings). Going down the base/intermediate/topcoat paint option is safer, and the colour is much closer to what you choose. Also be mindful that amature persons spraypainting could be disasterous if you havent got the right precautions in place for spraydrift. Cutting in and using a decent roller still results in desirable painted outcome.
Good renderers are hard to come by. Look forward to the pics Jamie.
pinkboy wrote:Coloured render is tricky to get the right colour from a small sample (pretty much like trying to choose a whole house colour from a 2" square card from bunnings).My thoughts exactly.
pinkboy wrote:Also be mindful that amature persons spraypainting could be disasterous if you havent got the right precautions in place for spraydrift. Cutting in and using a decent roller still results in desirable painted outcome.Yep, I'm sure my car will end up the same colour as the house if I use a spray gun
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
The renderer just finished our house the week before last. I've taken two weeks of annual leave to paint it. We've almost finished the first coat (with a roller) and OMG my body hurts from head to toe.
Unfortunately the greys are looking blue in certain lights so we're going to have to change the colours
P.S. Jamie, I found this forum through the link on your website. Thanks heaps!
Angel 13 wrote:P.S. Jamie, I found this forum through the link on your website. Thanks heaps!No worries at all.
I'm feeling your pain in regards to the painting! I just spent a good 12 hours today painting the house. I'm thinking it's off to bed early tonight.
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
Good idea. I'd also recommend a hot bath with Epsom salts, lots of them.
We got more sample pots today and think we might have found greys that don't look blue. A couple of the small areas we painted are looking good but we'll see how it turns out tomorrow after we do a couple of whole walls. I have all my fingers and toes crossed.
What colour are you painting yours? Which suburb are you in?
The property is in Calwell.
We painted the house a light grey and we painted the front retaining walls, down pipes, door, etc a darker blue. Once I tidy up the landscaping and add a second coat I'll post some before/after pictures.
I don't think I'll pick up a paint brush for another week though
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
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