All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Terminating caretaker agreement

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  • Profile photo of lukebe2lukebe2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 20

    Hi – the motion to enter into my current caretaking agreement in QLD for 25 years was under the standard module. Obviously that cannot be done as the max is 10 years. So this motion must be void.

    Note that the motion also did not abide by the "major expense" rules to obtain quotes. This is because the caretaker currently is the previous owners of the complex so things we being hidden.

    That seems pretty black and white to me that the caretaking agreement can be terminated as the motion is unlawful.

    BUT I don't understand the "underworld" of caretaking agreements. I thought I would just terminate and go and find another caretaker as both parties have walked away.

    So my questions are:
    1. Would termination be as simple as getting the above motion delcared void by a judge?
    2. What happens if the caretaking agreement is terminated?


    Profile photo of MADPropertyMADProperty
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 44

    I'm guessing that the property is in an on-site managed complex with has a permanent caretaker and they rent your investment property.  Is that right?  Because if so, the caretaking agreement is with the Body Corporate and then you have a separate agreement to rent your property.  If you are not happy with them renting your property you can go to outside agent, it's entirely up to you.

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