All Topics / Overseas Deals / CNN article on 10 best cities to buy a rental property.

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  • Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    depending on where you are in Texas the property tax’s can be much higher than almost anywhere else in the country and by much higher I mean 2 to 3 times other areas with same purchase prices and rents. .

    Like any of the investments you will have proponants of one area and others who like something else for other reasons.

    The discussion we ( US based investors) have been having about a market like Texas as compared to others is this.

    Texas properties as a whole did not crash like most of the other hot beds of investing today say like Atlanta. However depening on the value of what you buy you will always have the builders there that can and do build new product in the low 100’s that will compete with standing inventory. And especially a home that has been a rental for any number of years.

    So with average prices much higher in Texas and rents pretty much uniform accross the country is it better to invest in a market that has properties that were selling 05 for 175k that can be bought for 75k with the hopes a small move to 100 to 110k will give you a nice equity return.

    Or is it better to go to Texas where the market has not moved per se’ and the only hope of equity gain is to make new Highs in the value of the real estate as oppossed to other areas where profits will come with just a bounce back to a % of the highs.

    I have one client who invested with us that had 30 houses in Texas and sold them all his comment was the vacancies and tax’s just ate him up.

    I will be in Dallas tomorrow,,,,,


    Profile photo of Alex SC
    jayhinrichs wrote:
    jane, depending on where you are in Texas the property tax's can be much higher than almost anywhere else in the country and by much higher I mean 2 to 3 times other areas with same purchase prices and rents. . Like any of the investments you will have proponants of one area and others who like something else for other reasons. The discussion we ( US based investors) have been having about a market like Texas as compared to others is this. Texas properties as a whole did not crash like most of the other hot beds of investing today say like Atlanta. However depening on the value of what you buy you will always have the builders there that can and do build new product in the low 100's that will compete with standing inventory. And especially a home that has been a rental for any number of years. So with average prices much higher in Texas and rents pretty much uniform accross the country is it better to invest in a market that has properties that were selling 05 for 175k that can be bought for 75k with the hopes a small move to 100 to 110k will give you a nice equity return. Or is it better to go to Texas where the market has not moved per se' and the only hope of equity gain is to make new Highs in the value of the real estate as oppossed to other areas where profits will come with just a bounce back to a % of the highs. I have one client who invested with us that had 30 houses in Texas and sold them all his comment was the vacancies and tax's just ate him up. I will be in Dallas tomorrow,,,,, JLH

    Jay I have to agree 100 % we are buying in Atlanta and Charlotte with the average sales price on back end  for turkey under $85k.The potential for equity is again totally speculative. We are hoping to find the values to go back up in  a reasonable  time frame. Just not sure how long that time frame is.You been doing this alot longer then us.What do you feel is a fair time for the markets to pick back up. I am looking at 10 years. Whats your take and why do you think that?

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Alex what is a Turkey house?? :)))) just could not resist.

    answer to your question though

    this is my 3rd recession depression that I have been fully involved in the real estate industry, and each had their own issues,

    back in the early 80’s it was sky high interest rates.

    89 to 95 was the first gulf war and for us Bay Area folks it was the Loma Preita earth Quake, The chinese investors went totally off the feed.

    911 was a little 10 month blip I actually made some killer deals in that little down turn,

    This 08 is by far the worse and of course its world wide. The amount of bogus financing products that allowed the entire nation to run up values was just not sustainable. Now you have over correction in a lot of markets.

    Market recoveries are going to be regional in my mind and of course there are markets that did not crash, like the SF Pennisula where average prices are still 1 mil or so. And parts of Texas as we talked about and other various markets.

    Then you have the upper rust belt cities like Detroit will it ever come back, its doubtful There is just a terminal over supply of inventory.

    Employment is a key factor of course along with over supply issues. I see atlanta as an over supply as well as florida AZ NV central valley of CA. I really do not know anything about N or S. Carolina other than the few loans we did for you guys..

    I personally think our US markets at least on the west coast and in the sustainable markets run in 10 year cycles and we are about 5 years through it. However with what has happened in the financial markets have set us back 20 or 30 years. Its any ones guess if the Mortgage products that allow far greater % of home ownership than today will ever come back, and if they don’t we will change our demographics to far more of a renter society especially in the minority markets where credit is a far bigger issue….

    This is why my thoughts are more keen on markets that crashed and just a little bounce back creates some equity growth and not counting on straight appreciation to create the profits like a Texas market or for that matter were I live in Oregon and Certainly the high priced areas of CA>

    those are my thoughts.

    Profile photo of Alex SC

    I give you that one.  Turn Key ….LOL

    Sorry but thanks for catching that( did just leave the gym ) .

    I appreciate your opinion ,being you have many more years in this business them me. I prefer people that give it to me straight then basically give me a line of bull…So thank you for that . That being said, that makes me alot younger then you…Just kidding

    Well next question .

    How do you feel about Florida , we are close to setting up shop there. I already purchased and sold a few house through the house calls show( Jay Mcbee ). That was few years back. Focusing on the North Port , Sarasota areas.

    Entry point  for our  purchases their , and back end sales of  Turn Key Deals .The numbers are about the same as the Atlanta , and Charlotte Market. The rent I feel will be lower then the other two markets.

    I am working on setting up a property management company first there. My oldest brother is  a 15 year vet on the Police force.The rehab crew I am running there are all cops so that helps ( very little theft)

    Look forward to your opinion


    Profile photo of janemcewen
    jayhinrichs wrote:
    jane, . I have one client who invested with us that had 30 houses in Texas and sold them all his comment was the vacancies and tax's just ate him up. I will be in Dallas tomorrow,,,,, JLH

    Jayhinrichs, this is interesting to know. The reason why I like Texas is due to my father's US office been there and free accom and access to his company accountants and his legal team. However at the end of the day we want a good return and if that means we have to have a larger outlay for better long term returns maybe we need to consider buying else where. Atlanta was definetly high on the list. Would you say rental demand is high in Atlanta? Also if you have properties there, can you recommend any areas worth looking into?

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Jane if you have assets there in Texas and a base to work from that is probably the best place for you.

    Just make sure you double check the property tax’s before you settle on a property, and make sure the tax’s you are quoted are for non owner occuppied property not owner occ with the tax exemption that will only last a year then your tax’s will go up if you are in deed under the exemption.

    We like the Suburbs of Atlanta, however our program is very different from anyone else in the US. Our investments are for a lack of better words partnerships where you invest in a single property and you partner it with us, we protect your down side IE you have NONE, and we pay a rate of return cash on cash then we split the equity, We do not take our profit up front as is traditional with any other company simply because thats how they make their money they sell you a house, we are not selling you a house, we are investing with you and staying in the deal for the life, We humbly beleive we can do it better long term being your owner partner than hiring vendors.

    We have a waiting list of US investors and our program is not well understood with OZ investors although OZ marketing companies really like it. Our investors are mainly retired and do not want to deal with the day to day they would rather invest with a company that does that for them and has 30 plus years at it plus a very large portfolio to back it up.

    Best to your investing future


    Profile photo of janemcewen

    JLH, thanks for your info. I was wanting to buy in Texas due to my father's US office being situated in Fort Worth. We would have access to his legal and accounting team and also free accom whilst we are there which would be good. However after reading these comments and a few more websites I do believe the Texas-market is flat and there is no hope for Capital Gains. Atlanta has been in the back of our minds for a while and we see it as a good investment opportunity. Do you have houses in Atlanta? If so can you recommend any good school areas and safe areas for family's?

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Legal and accounting are not big factors when owning a single family rental, they should be minor expenses. Legal for a one time look at your contract to purchase, and accounting once a year to file your tax return.

    Atlanta is a huge place, we like the suburbs south, south west, and north west…

    If you want to buy outright and own it yourself check with Alex I am sure he can set you up in a good property,

    If you want to explore the fully managed TWH model we can put you on our waiting list, next available houses will be Dec. we do not charge for this however since its different model 99% of our investors do a completely different form of due diligence they do it on us more so than the property, since I started this model in May this year and have 50 houses closed only 1 person has physically looked at the property. Since my investor will never own it its not the main concern the main concern is our finical standing and the rental market and neighborhood, since we are deferring our profit until we sell and ergo you get your profit ( capital gain) its logical we are only going to buy houses we think we can make money on.


    Profile photo of jayhinrichs
    Alex SC wrote:
    I give you that one.  Turn Key ….LOL

    Sorry but thanks for catching that( did just leave the gym ) .

    I appreciate your opinion ,being you have many more years in this business them me. I prefer people that give it to me straight then basically give me a line of bull…So thank you for that . That being said, that makes me alot younger then you…Just kidding

    Well next question .

    How do you feel about Florida , we are close to setting up shop there. I already purchased and sold a few house through the house calls show( Jay Mcbee ). That was few years back. Focusing on the North Port , Sarasota areas.

    Entry point  for our  purchases their , and back end sales of  Turn Key Deals .The numbers are about the same as the Atlanta , and Charlotte Market. The rent I feel will be lower then the other two markets.

    I am working on setting up a property management company first there. My oldest brother is  a 15 year vet on the Police force.The rehab crew I am running there are all cops so that helps ( very little theft)

    Look forward to your opinion


    Alex I have looked at florida with interest, from Ft Meyers and the literally 1 million lots of record there, ( do not get me started on the history of this area its already well documented here suffice it to say I was on a state of CA Steering committee in 1984 and the poster child for rampant lot development with in adequate infrastructure was Lehigh Acres and Coral gables I spent a week their with the local planning directors CA. has millions of these types of lots as well the guy posting the land Site Stu thats what he does buys these vacant lots at tax sales for next to nothing then sells them on contract its what I was raised in my dad did this for 25 years from 1960 to 1985 I digress) to Orlando and lastly Miami Dade,

    Insurance is an issue, however I really at this time do not have a good enough handle on rental absorption to comment. I know Jay McBee of course I did a bunch of loans to their clients maybe even a few of yours. They have a radio show in San Diego and are Remax agents. Can’t remember his partners name however I know they work as a team selling turn key properties to SoCal investors.

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