All Topics / Overseas Deals / Active investor from US

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  • Profile photo of Chicago MaxChicago Max
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3

    Hello all,

    Hope you guys are all doing well. I am new to this forum. I am an active investor in US rental properties. I own total 17 rental units in Chicagoland area.

    I am currently assisting some Australian clients with purchasing US investment properties and my main goal is to educate the overseas investors about the true cost of owning an investment property in US.

    I just wanted to introduce myself to the community and if you guys have any questions about the US investment properties, please feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you with anything I can.

    Look forward to adding some value to the forum.

    Happy investing!

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    True cost of owning rentals in the US  would be much appreciated.

    Since we are on the subject would you be so kind  to delinate what you think true cost are. I will start. And for this exercise figure buyer paid cash so no mortgage debt service. bought a house that will rent for 700 gross which is average.

    These are monthly and yearly  I will start with fixed cost then go to variable.

    Tax's insurance                         200 .00  if your in Texas tax's will be higher if your in florida insurance will be more. Mid west  

                                                         combo could be 125 to 150 so for this example lets say 150 for both.

    Management                             60 to 100 depending on rent but 10% of gross rent is good number. let say 70 for average

    on going maintenance             100 per month minimum if you have turn over each year 200 is better number. lets say 150 to be
                                                           super safe. if you do better hey thats great but who wants surpises.

    Letting fee                                  one months rent so average 70 per month. if you get a tenant that stays more than a year
                                                         thats great however 95% of leases in the US are written for one year so again factor this in
                                                          and if you do better great.

    vancancy factor                        70  you lose one months rent per year does not happen every year but certainly can. Anyone who
                                                       has owned rentals acknowledges a vacancy factor.

    So for the average rental at 700 a month gross rent here is what you come up with on averages as described above.

    T and I                                      150
    letting fee                                   70
    maintenance                           100
    vacancy                                      70
    management                            70

    total                                           460 a month for a net cash flow of 240 a month on say a 50k investment and some homes will be 
                                                       a little less some more.       12X 240 = 2880.  or a 5.76% net return…  and a 16.8 % gross return
                                                      which is what most companies hone in on .  Now if you do a little better get a good tenant etc. your
                                                     Net will go up however 6 to 9% net is a reasonable estimation if your not cheating at solitare. Now
                                                      add in your travel your LLC formation and any other fees  and your returns are negatively impacted.

    So mr. Chicago and I mean that nicely:)  can you give real numbers to compare to these in your market since your offering .


    Profile photo of baruchmax


    I agree with your approach for the most part. Generally, people selling to overseas investors calculate cash flow using the following formula:

    Cash Flow = Rent – PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance)

    There a lot of other expenses that go into owning a rental property. Though this is a GREAT rental market, but there has to be at least a month of vacancy factor included in the cash flow. In my market, the letting fee is 1/2 month of rent. Honestly, one full month rent for letting fee is kind of high, but not unheard of. I agree with your 10% for property management fee. Depending on the size of your rental portfolio, you can negotiate that price down to 8-9%, but I think it’s good conservative approach to go with 10%.

    One thing I have noticed in my experience, I don’t do any one year leases with my tenants. I only do month to month lease. The reason for doing that is if a tenant wants to break the one year lease, they will do that no matter what. With month to month lease, I have noticed that tenants tend to stay much longer than a year in my apartments. The reason for that being, the tenants don’t have a decision hanging over their head after a year whether they should sign another one year lease or not. Another great benefit of month to month lease is that if a tenant isn’t working out for me, all I have to do is give them a 30 day notice and they are out of my place and I can get another tenant moved in.

    As for maintenance, I agree with your number of $150/month.

    Taxes and insurance are on the high end for a property that’s renting for only $700/month.

    However, in the example you gave above for a property renting for $700/month at purchase price of $50,000. That’s an AVERAGE deal at best. I would personally never invest my money in that kind of deal UNLESS the market value of that property is $75k and I have $25k equity in it. I personally would not buy anything in this market where my NET rate of return is less than 15%.

    For example, I am helping an Australian client with purchasing a property tomorrow (Thursday, US time) for $25,000 and it needs $6,000 worth of work. It’s a duplex (2 units) and each unit will rent at least $650/month. It has basement, attic, and two car garage detached. So the total investment of the Australian investor will be $31,000, let’s add another $4,000 to this deal for other expenses and misc charges, so total purchase price comes to a nice round figure of $35,000.

    Gross return = 44.57% (1,300 x 12 = $15,600/$35,000)

    Taxes for this property are $2,000. Insurance is $600/year. Utilities – $600. Vacancy – $1,300. Letting fee = $650. Repairs and maintenance = $2,500. Property Management = $1,560. Total expenses = $9,210

    In case you are wondering why the taxes are high for a property worth $35k, that’s because the property is actually worth $60,000 in today’s market and that’s what the tax amounts are based off on. So this Australian client will have an equity of $25k once the repair work is completed. A few years ago, the same property sold for over $100k!

    Net return = 18.25% ($15,600 – $9,210 = $6,390/$35,000)

    These are the kind of deals that I would invest my money in. These deals are rare, but NET return of 12% in this market is easy money and no one should settle for less than that. If someone is making 5-6% in this market, it’s a waste of time and money, to be honest. There are TONS of better deals in this market.

    Buyer beware, when someone pitches you a deal with CAP rate of 10+%, please make sure that they are including ALL the expenses that come with owning a rental property. Don’t go based on the best case scenario, all calculate your numbers based on the worst case scenario and purchase property based on that.

    Good luck and happy investing!

    Profile photo of baruchmax

    Sorry, one thing I forgot to add was that the property I am helping my Australian client purchase tomorrow is NOT in a bad neighborhood.It’s in a diverse neighborhood made of blue collar working class people. I own multiple properties in this neighborhood myself and I have visited my properties after dark without any fears :-)

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Perfect, thank you.

    At that price what is in it for you, given that cash flow and such most of the Nice US turn key guys would be selling that for double what your talking about and pocketing 20 to 30k profit. not to mention the layer of marketers that go along with it.

    Now do you own this as in did you close on it already with your own funds and are flipping it. Or is your Aussie;s funds closing the deal.

    From those numbers I would think  you making a modest fee maybe 5k on this deal…

    Most properties that sell this low in the big US cities frankly are not in good neighborhoods as you suggest.

    I loaned on a half dozen Chicago properties a few years back and lost my ass. So not sure where these are.

    I did do some loans with a very good company that sold to US citizens they were buying these doubles at 40k putting 50k into them and they would rent 800 a side.

    So on the surface your numbers seem very low in purchase an rehab I mean 6k rehab on a double is really just barely carpet and paint.

    once you close maybe you can share address so we can all do a little quick check up.

    thanks for your reply.

    At least we are starting to bring reality to the AU investor on what the true running cost are for properties. unfortuantly there are so many spruikers out there that claim little to no running cost and these nice folks buy because of that and then have bad experinces.

    I basically get 1 to 5 e mails a week asking for help the investors nice turn key guy just screwed them and they need management or whatever. Since I have loaned over the years in Chicago, St. Luis, memphis, Jackson, Atlanta, Birmingham, Indianapolis, Columbus, Kokomo, Ft. Myers, Vicksburg,  cleveland, Pittsburg,  and last if not least Detroit, Eastpointe etc. I have probably a better working knowledge than most folks when it comes to the US rental market in the low end.

    Then of course I live in Oregon have investments in CA. NV and AZ personally, Not to mention my new venture of buying Cash flow rentals in Bham, Jackson, Memphis, Indy and Kokomo, and suburbs of Atlanta.

    end of the day I KNOW what the real returns are over time, we have a 5 to 10% net market. and few will do a little better. A lot of these investors will get wiped out completly because they go for the highest posted returns and buy in the HOOD and god help them. And the folks selling them to them are really only out for themselves, its america and real estate is cavet emptar to the maximum.


    Profile photo of baruchmax

    The Australian client is paying me for my time for this property, around $2k. I helped my Australian client with some properties in Phoenix, but I wanted to help them purchase something that actually makes money and I told them, just pay me for my time and if you like this property, we can set up some compensation structure for any future deals.

    I do not own this property myself, the Australian client will be closing on this property with their funds. I am handling everything for them from negotiating a better price to finding tenants. The property was listed for $40,000 and I negotiated a price of $25k for the Australian client.

    The property is actually not in Chicago, it’s 30 minutes drive from Chicago and in a very small city of about 30,000 people.

    The $6k rehab is for a new furnace, upgrading electric breakers to 100 amps and 2 new garage doors. The inside of the units don’t need any work other than cleaning.

    I don’t know if I feel comfortable with sharing address for my client’s property, but I can send you some pictures of inside of the property, so you get an idea on the condition. I don’t know how to post pictures on this website.

    “A lot of these investors will get wiped out completly because they go for the highest posted returns and buy in the HOOD and god help them. And the folks selling them to them are really only out for themselves, its america and real estate is cavet emptar to the maximum.”

    Excellent point. I couldn’t agree more with your statement above. My Australian client was looking to purchase some properties and sent me information to help him with due diligence and I couldn’t believe how bad the deal was. Just doing a little research, I found out that the asking price was 50% over the true market value of the properties. So, for instance, the asking price was $30k when the actual market value was $20k. JUST PLAIN WRONG! I talked him out of the deal and found him similar deals for half the price he was willing to pay.

    One other thing I want to add is that a lot of Australian investors like to purchase condos. I don’t like buying condos, because you are at the mercy of HOA. Also, because you have monthly HOA, you will never own the condo free and clear compared to a single family house or multi unit building. So I tell my Australian clients to be very careful when it comes to purchasing condos. They are rarely a good deal for investment.

    Good luck and happy investing!

    Profile photo of baruchmax

    My Australian client actually flew down and walked through this property before purchasing it. He couldn’t believe the returns that he could get in this market. I gave him a tour of all my properties and showed him the REAL numbers.

    He felt comfortable and made an offer the same day.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Are you a licensed real estate agent out of curiosity? Or just holding yourself out as a consultant.

    Not sure why investors that take the time and money to fly to the states just do not hook up with good RE brokers,

    At least for the ones that want to be hands on.

    Is it not done that way in AU….

    Profile photo of baruchmax

    No, I am not a licensed real estate agent. My main source of income is from the rental properties that I own and my long term goal is to keep buying as many properties as I can.

    I help some overseas buyers purchase properties that I would purchase myself, if I didn’t have my cash tied up right now. I would never sell someone anything that I wouldn’t feel comfortable buying for myself, it’s as simple as that.

    Like the one I closed on today, I would have purchased it myself if I didn’t have my money tied up elsewhere.

    Are you a real estate agent?

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Yes I am licensed in CA. OR. MS and have been for 30 plus years.

    You are clearly acting in the capacity of an agent based on the descriptions of your activity, I mean if anyone could help find negotiate properties between parties why even have a Real Estate industry and the associated Licenses.

    In fact the FBI and State AG’s are aggressively going after those who hold themsevles out as marketing agents making middle man fee’s and calling it consulting fee’s.

    No real risk to the buyer other than if something goes wrong there is no Brokerage to go after and no E & O insurance

    Profile photo of baruchmax


    Thanks for that information. I am considering getting a real estate license. From your note, it definitely sounds like it will be beneficial. Thanks again for the information :)

    Profile photo of Alex SC

    Well Max if you buy and own the properties out right you wont have that problem. 

    Jay you asked about a deal of his to follow up with ..

    Here is one for all the Folks on here

    Oh in other page you asked the other guy to through the address out for the duplex he spoke about..

    Here is one every one can check out,

    1040 -1042 BOSE AVE Rock Hill SC just 20 minutes below Charlotte NC…

    • I own 11 units with in 3 block radius 2 other duplex"s in same area…
    • The purchase price if you go to zillow was $22k took me 3 months to close ( title issue)
    • The rehab per unit will be about 15k  that is complete rehab gutting and redoing the whole unit..
    • that includes new kitchen, bathroom , new electric , plumbing , and new windows roof.
    • Ac units also replace.
    • My other units rents over there at $500 a side. Already have one unit tenant has been approved to move in. ( $450 payment
    • rehab will be complete by months end.
    • Now on the flip side . Rehab should come out cheaper just basic numbers ..
    • Our sales price will be $60k and negotiable.
    • Our profit margin on most deals is $4k to $10k 
    • If we have a middle man sell our deals then the profit goes down but we dont mind if we are selling volume .

    Alex Franks

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Alex your right keeps us hard money lenders in business:)

    As you know there are many folks with marketing companies for these properties that do not own them and are not licensed. What has happened is that so many US investors got wiped out from their 05 to 08 purchases, these same folks are going back on the Turn key guys that sold them the properties claiming fraud etc etc.

    So if they go to an attorney the attorney goes through the normal process of dissecting the deal and making sure there are no holes in the transaction: and one of the gaping holes have been these marketing companies that do not own the property, and are not licensed.

    It has gotten the attention of the AG’s in various states and the Feds as you have business taking place over state lines.

    Same thing with folks flipping properties the closing companies no longer allow one buyer to buy\\\\\\\\\ unless they show up with cash to close then process the second transaction when in the good ole days you had pass through escrows with middle man taking their fee out at closing. This has created the transactional lender who charges fee’s for one day loans. Now not saying this practice is all but eliminated as smaller private closing attorneys may participate however any national title and escrow company with not.

    I presume the Aussie marketing companies are going to start to get on some regulatory radar if they are not licensed as well in the states they are working in.

    A huge benefit for the buyer when using a licensed agent is they have a fiduciary to divulge to their client what properties are listed for. And of course everyone knows what the commission are to the agents no secret….

    Time will tell on all this.

    Profile photo of Alex SC

     Was not knocking  being an Agent . Maybe  I forgot to mention my 3 agents we use in Atlanta are great for us..My Local agent works part time in our office ( free space )she is the most valuable tool for us. Our lawyers are on top of the game. I just see these fees are going to be the next hurdle with buying and selling…

    And hard money yes bit expensive for us. Raising private Capital and partnering is working well for us. Hard money could be a option.

    Look forward to speaking on weds…


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