All Topics / Help Needed! / My steal of the week. $20,000 cairns unit which vendor paid $113,000 for rent $160pw.

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  • Profile photo of Nathan Birch


    Here is one for everyone to chew on the numbers of.

    It is a studio in Cairns, purchase price $20,000 rent potential $160ish pw.

    Its out of usual buying criteria but the vendor paid $113,000 12-24 months ago.

    Comparable sales are around $45,000 – $90,000.


    Profile photo of Johnny1974Johnny1974
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 20

    Mate, not to be negative.

    Body corp is $90 week (includes electricity), council rates $38 week, insurance $10week, real estate @8%=$12 week……total costs per week $150.

    Not so sweet.

    Profile photo of PaulliePaullie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 217

    113k to 20k, im sorry, whats wrong with it?

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    It leaves around $2200pa cf+ @ $160pw and no mortgage. Still 10% CoCR and $93000 less then previous purchase and below market value.

    I don’t suggest other to buy it by any stretch of imagination but this works for me hence the purchase.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
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    Obviously the vendor needed a good loss to offset against another cg. Must have been some serious motivation there for the vendor.

    What does that indicate for the wider Cairns market.

    Profile photo of Jacqui MiddletonJacqui Middleton
    Join Date: 2009
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    Good one Nathan!  As you say, still 10% CoCR so why not?  And if the market ever bounces and the property goes up in value, bonus.

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    Profile photo of JackFlash

    Personally I think you have to be a mug to buy into these types of properties. The area was saturated with these units back in 07/08. They sold for around the $115k mark with a guaranteed return up to a certain date. They were dressed up to suck in investors. The scheme or rather scam is property developers build resort type complexes and sell the units off with a guaranteed income for a certain period. The investors actually pay for the whole resort but end up owning only the rooms with fairly strict contracts.

    They call them studios but that’s marketing BS. They’re just hotel/motel rooms (bed, bog & bath). It’s not practical to manage them yourself. Why would you bother for a few dollars a week anyway that’s if they’re actually turning a profit which I doubt.

    I think young Nathan will soon learn why this property is so cheap. It looses money. There’s 20+ of these within spitting distance of each other and 13 alone in the same street. RE in this suburb turns over at a fairly hectic rate by the looks of things.

    Nathan I can’t understand why a multimillion dollar guru like yourself bothers with penny ante stuff like this

    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Hi Jackflash,

    I dont wanna blow wind up Nathans bum but I personally think its a good buy. Whatever it is: studio, motel room, 1 bedder, same products on the market are currently selling for around $50-$60k and there are people out there buying them. I dont know what Nathan is going to do with it but if he was to flip it he should be able to walk it out the door for atleast $40k. I personally would keep it vacant and holiday in Cairns 2-3 tims a year for something that cheap hahaha. Also, went to the National Achievers Congress seminar where Kiyosaki, Robbins and Trump spoke and u might be on to something with the whole world crisis thingy about to happen again. All of the speakers were not too confident with the future outlook on things. They said the share market will tank in the next few weeks. It already has in the last couple of days. I know you will disagree but I see it as a good buying opportunity in shares or property.

    Anyways thats my 2 dollars worth hahaha jkss


    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of JackFlash

    Sorry Engelo. The original owners got suckered into a deal that just didn’t pan out. If the global balls up coming down the pike was different and you had a rising property market things may have been different (still more suckers in the pipeline).

    It’s irrelevant what Nathan has paid for it. Cairns is highly dependent on tourism and that’s taking a hiding over the last 2 years. The original owners where promised something like $220/wk as a return on $115k. They were over priced from the start and now the market has turned. Purely commercial properties with hefty holding costs are worth squat in this market. This property listed for $29k. That has to tell you something when the seller dumps it for $20k and others are prepared to take a capital hit to unload into a falling market.

    $20k may seem cheap for a little holiday hut on the side but when you add holding costs into the equation it’s gotta be the most expensive getaway out there. I can park up in Malta (2 bed fully furnished) for AU$130-180/wk, SE Asia for AU$130/mth. Your little gettaway in Cairns is a rip-off in comparison.

    The PI market is completely different to just a few years ago. The old buy anything it’ll go up days are over. PI now requires actual investing skill. Something very few here understand.


    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
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    JackFlash wrote:
    The PI market is completely different to just a few years ago. The old buy anything it'll go up days are over. PI now requires actual investing skill.

    Don't disagree with this comment at all.

    Profile photo of ASBASB
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Holiday Accom is a very difficult market, there are some great opportunities, I owned three of them however you need to look at booking fee of about 20%, change over and cleaning fee and you Body Corp fee and in many cases a management charge.

    In a recent no reserve Auction for a developer at a well known ski resort, there were many so called bargains however the cost of owning in many was higher than the returns so even if you bought for $1 you would lose money.

    I looked at some in Japan and the same deal, no matter what you did, costs outwayed income.

    Be very careful in that market, it can be a great investment or it can look a lot more like time share in the end where you carry the costs but own very little. 

    Profile photo of lila77lila77
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 65

    18 months later it would be interesting to see what became of this investment. Can you update us Nathan?

    Profile photo of daniel vicdaniel vic
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 120

    have you stil got this property in the portfolio nath?

    Profile photo of Terryw

    Pity the link in the first post doesn’t work anymore as if we had the address we could have done an RP data search.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of TheNewGuyTheNewGuy
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    Profile photo of Terryw

    Thanks TheNewGuy

    I cannot find any records of that unit.

    Most recent sale in the building, from what I can find, is unit 41 for $55k in Oct 15.
    Unit 114 for $44,240 in Sept 15
    Unit 111 for $34,000 in Sept 15.
    Unit 103 for $23,000 in Apr 15.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of BuyersAgent

    107/1-21 ANDERSON RD
    (1 to 21 ANDERSON RD RD) *
    $20,000 26/08/2011

    30sqm not something I would normally consider, basically a hotel room, a small one. But to be fair @terry the story was true. I get offered this kind of thing on 10% yields all the time usually just ignore, due to no banks will touch it for a loan. If you want to buy cash property for cash flow then fair enough.

    have you stil got this property in the portfolio nath?

    @daniel-vic Nath hasn’t posted here regularly for quite some time but yes it appears he does on the records.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    Profile photo of Terryw

    I didn’t doubt the story was true. I just doubt the benefit. Not my cup of tea

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of BuyersAgent

    Agreed @terryw I prefer coffee.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    Profile photo of SWSSWS
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    actually its losing money cause costs are higher than rent

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