All Topics / General Property / Orange NSW Heritage Area

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  • Profile photo of sam2011

    Hi Guys,

    I have an IP in orange nsw and recently received mail from the council advising that they are looking at making the area i purchased in a heritage listed area as it is the first part of orange that was settled.

    I just want to know if anyone knows how this can affect any future development or subdivisions i may want to do. The house is not old and is just a fibro


    Profile photo of Mick C

    Depends on what type of heritage protection it’s going to be given, some are for “design” layout, and anothers are full protection…either way i would think any heritage listing or restriction would scare off any property developer.


    Mick C | Shape Home Loans
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    Profile photo of sam2011

    thanks Michael, more concerned if ill be able to develop rather than a deverloper. land is 980sq so even if i build a single story unit at the back to rent out id be happy

    Profile photo of Mick C

    My first IP that i bought 7 years ago that i still have is heritage listed ( didnt know at that time…was young and still at uni );
    It’s on a 1,100 sq meters and also a corner block, one of the condition of the heritage order was i could not fully demolish the home- i could extend or build another at the back BUT the design must be similar including the colour and looks :(

    It was a street heritage order…so all the houses on my street are all pre-federation.

    So yes i could build, but it has a lot of limitation.


    Mick C | Shape Home Loans
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    Same Banks. Better Rates. Served With a Passion.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    If the scheme is only going on display, get in with plan to build a second dwelling now, so that you will have your plans approved before any restriction is placed on your land.

    Go & view the planned instrument, talk to the town planner who is supporting the plan. Find out what it means to you as a landowner & potential developer.

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