All Topics / Value Adding / Anyone recommend a rendering company in Perth?

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  • Profile photo of Razzaberri

    Since we have never done any renos before we would appreciate any word of mouth companies. After looking online there are so many places and people that do it, it makes my head spin!
    Also does anyone recommend painting after or tinting the render?

    Profile photo of Ren10Ren10
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 6

     Are you north or south of the river?

    Profile photo of Razzaberri

    We are North, in Kingsley.

    Profile photo of Kent CliffeKent Cliffe
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 110

    It depends on if you're looking to hold or sell. Paint will have to be redone every 5 or so years. However, I think at the start it is aesthetically nicer.

    Profile photo of colinnewlandcolinnewland
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 128

    If you MUST render, ALWAYS tint the render first…it will save heaps later.
    I do howver recommend spray painting (especially if you intend to sell or rent). It fast, cheap (about 10-20% of rendering) and looks great and when you get tired of it, you can change the colours.

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