All Topics / Help Needed! / QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions

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  • Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    shoooshoo wrote:
    hey guys, what are your thoughts on this:

    its about the Issac Shire council giving green light the for Dysart to expand with 50-60hectares of residential lots. how many houses can you put on that amount? and what do you think is the impact to the property market there as i’m researching to buy there, although its very hard to find anything to buy there.

    Hey Shooshoo,

    This could create 400-500 residential lots at 800sqm. I am still trying to find out the demand on Dysart, I am sure any estate of this size wouldn’t release to many at once so it doesn’t flood the market. This will no doubt attract builders there, I wonder what impact the new houses will have on the old. ie if the companies had a choice would they favor the new? You would think this would be the case, but I don’t see them having a choice so it is an unlikely scenario

    Profile photo of coalstarcoalstar
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 122

    500 lots would cost over 25mil just to get the infrastructure put in place!! these will come on over a period of a few years for sure
    developer would have to pay for the roads, power, water, sewage, phone, drainage…

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    shoooshoo wrote:
    Hi guys just read this article about the massive mining investment from the Indian company in galilee basin. Is this the mega mine happening in alpha?

    Hi Shooshoo, there are 4 mines currently all at different stages of planning for the Galillee Basin / Alpha and yes this is one of them. they will all have current initial output of 30mtpa which is quite significant in comparison.

    Also in relation to the surat Basin, there was a small report yesterday that a building company in Brisbane has just secured a $57m contract with Qld Gas Company to build 1300 transportable accommodation facilities. Something you may want to include in your due-diligence if you are still looking at the Surat Basin area.

    Profile photo of shoooshoo
    shoooshoo wrote:
    Hi guys just read this article about the massive mining investment from the Indian company in galilee basin. Is this the mega mine happening in alpha?

    Also in relation to the surat Basin, there was a small report yesterday that a building company in Brisbane has just secured a $57m contract with Qld Gas Company to build 1300 transportable accommodation facilities. Something you may want to include in your due-diligence if you are still looking at the Surat Basin area.

    ….thanks Josh, your da man.. also i’m starting to hate my due diligence!!!! hahaha. where did you get this info from? also i was searching for your phone number, thought i would give you a ring and have a chat.

    Profile photo of Jaidee

    Hi Josh

    Can you please offer advice on –  Gladstone vs Bundaberg vs Mackay.
     I'm NSW based and not overlly familiar with Qld market, but have been looking at few NRAS properties…there's one being offered for $270k (2bed villa) in Bundaberg. But thinking if its worth investing in Gladstone or Mackay…I can go upto $400k.

    Im a newbie..thanks

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Jaidee wrote:

    Hi Josh

    Can you please offer advice on –  Gladstone vs Bundaberg vs Mackay.
     I'm NSW based and not overlly familiar with Qld market, but have been looking at few NRAS properties…there's one being offered for $270k (2bed villa) in Bundaberg. But thinking if its worth investing in Gladstone or Mackay…I can go upto $400k.

    Im a newbie..thanks

    Hi JD,

    Can I ask what drew you to look at these three areas initially? This might help with identifying which area has the strongest characteristics that suit your needs. I am not 100% over the NRAS properties so maybe someone else can give there opinion here also. From my understanding, you are bound to let them out below market value in order to recieve a lump sum payment from the government. To me, this sounds to restrictive, especially if its your first property. Am I correct in saying that if you want to sell, then the scheme applies to the new purchaser? If this is the case, I could see issues with finding a buyer in an efficient manner should you have to implement your exit strategy for whatever reason. I could be wrong in my understanding of it so do correct me if I am wrong. If I am correct, this is just my personal feelings on it, I am not saying it is not a good thing, It just wouldn’t be for me anyway. Without knowing your circumstances Its hard to know if it would be right for you or not.

    In regards to the areas, I would favour Gladstone and Mackay over Bundaberg purely for the amount of growth drivers they have. However, property prices in Bundaberg however, are less than Mackay or Gladstone. Of these two, I believe Mackay will be the long term steady performer over the often turbulent Gladstone. In saying this, Gladstone is in for some great growth over the coming years, however as a newbie, i would not go this option alone. Also to take advantage of the LNG industries, new properties are going to be better for rentals, obviously an indirect impact will occur on the older stock too. Mackay rents are around the 5.5-6% where furnished in Gladstone is achieving well above the 8%. Two completely different markets even though they are relatively close to each other.

    Do you have tax to minimise? or are you looking for cash flow positive before any depreciation?

    I am bullish on Emerald, have a look into that if you want to explore elsewhere. once again a steady, secure performer with good returns and great capital growth. Either way I believe you have done a good thing by exploring regional QLD, it is where a lot of the growth will be over the next few years especially.

    Assess your goals, financial position, comfort levels, how much you want to be involved with something (how much time you have) and keep looking at all of your options.

    I hope this helps, JD


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    shoooshoo wrote:
    ….thanks Josh, your da man.. also i’m starting to hate my due diligence!!!! hahaha. where did you get this info from? also i was searching for your phone number, thought i would give you a ring and have a chat.

    Hi Shooshoo,

    Don’t worry I think everyone wishes investing in the right area was easy but it’s just not! We all hear the good stories but there are a lot of bad stories out there which aren’t heard as much which just proves the need for in depth due-diligence for everything!

    The article was in the Courier Mail on Friday (i cant find it online but here’s a Toowoomba paper exert)

    my direct mobile is 0438 593 603


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    katmat wrote:
    Hi Josh,

    I’ve been keenly reading through all of the threads and your updates, as well as doing some of my own research and I must say that the most interesting area for me constantly comes back to Gladstone. Although prices seem to have already spiked I am keen to get in still (and sooner rather than later). What can you offer to potential investors like me as I dont see any house and land packages under at least $520K for around 600 sqrs and although the rental returns are huge for that outlay I still want to make sure I am protected in terms rental securing and medium to long term capital growth potential. What do you have available to offer for an investor and how long before your stock is ready to buy…… if indeed you have any?

    Hi Katmat,

    Thanks for your interest! If you’re a savvy investor who is willing to watch and try and time markets than Gladstone can be a great option for you. Unfortunately the land developers in Gladstone know they are in the box seat and are demanding high prices for reasonable blocks of land. I have looked at a few cheaper blocks for private sale around the low $200’s, however they are generally very steep blocks which will require retaining etc. Once this is done they are the same price as normal developers stock. We are working in some stages of some estates which will be released by the end of the year we are told. Depending on the size of the house you build, you will be able to secure a house and land package in the very low $500’s. This is of course depending on the blocks that you choose as well as house size. As we are a boutique sized firm, we are lucky to be able to deal with some of the better developers who wont let builders secure 20-30 blocks at a time. This protects our clients investment from having tiny “shoe boxes” which all look the same, being built all around them and also increasing the owner occupier rates for the neighbourhood.

    In regards to rental returns, the managing agents in Gladstone are expecting 20% increases by the end of the year alone. Bechtel, who are the company awarded with the contracts to build the LNG plants) have shown interest to secure rents for 10 years with CPI increases annually. This isn’t the most effective way however it does provide security for some landlords. All the advice given by the local agents is to sign a 6 month lease at a time. You don’t have to rent out furnished, however it is well worth the investment!

    Does this answer your question for you?

    Profile photo of Jaidee

    Thanks for your thoughts Josh. 

    My current portfolio has  investment property in Syd, and i do the occasional small development (dual occ etc. ). now that i have built some equity in my portfolio i wish to invest with the objectove of cap growth & tax minimisation.

    With regards to NRAS, the benefits of renting it out to a 'approved pool' (income tested) tenants (20% below market rent) is offset by Govt tax free payment of approx $9500. So bascally a negative geared property with positive/nuetral CF.
    as far as selling – "You can either sell it as a highly desirable, income earning investment property, without any penalty, by leaving it in the NRAS program.
    Or… You can opt out of the NRAS program to either sell the property on the open market or to move into it yourself. If you do that, you will lose a proportion of your Tax Credit for the tax year in which the property is sold'

    I've been quite impressed n enlightened by your posts….and do want to build n diversify my postfolio with Qld properties.
    Agree with you, for a relative newbie, I prefer the more long term growth areas….
    I actyulaly plan to make a trip to Gladstone n Bundaberg in the next week or so. still some research reqd, to determine sort of properties in Gladstone…unit vs house/land, location etc. Are you able to assist with properties in Gladstone !


    Profile photo of Jaidee

    Josh, do you have any info on the dwelling approvals – unit approvals in Gladstone, could there be an oversupply issue, specially wiith the CBD units !!


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Jaidee wrote:

    Are you able to assist with properties in Gladstone !


    Hi JD,

    Thanks for explaining the NRAS a bit more, I try to have my head around as much as I can but there is just so much to know about! It relieves my nerves knowing that you can sell outside of NRAS. My other question is, being an NRAS development, would this mean that an entire complex is occupied by tenants on low income?

    Thats is the best way to get your head around an area by going and spending some time there. I can help in Gladstone to an extent, I only deal with next properties and am doing my best to get these at great prices with builders rates etc, however this limits what I have available to new stock only. one opportunity that may be of interest is a land development that wont be available until next march, however in the first stage the developer has 2 300sqm lots left for $165,000-$170,000. it is small but you will still get a good house around the 170sqm on it which will get you great rent on it. You will definitely get a good house and land package for under $400,000 here. You just need to accept the fact that it is a small block. However, your rent will still be the same if it was on a bigger block that you would pay an extra $100,000 for.

    This might help?

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Jaidee wrote:

    Josh, do you have any info on the dwelling approvals – unit approvals in Gladstone, could there be an oversupply issue, specially wiith the CBD units !!


    Hi JD,

    Heres a link to whats in council planning at the moment, .

    when i made the post about being more this was over a month ago, and they only need to be advertised for a month generally so they seel to have been gone (i should have done a print screen!).

    I am confident that there will not be an oversupply of accommodation, it will be the opposite in fact. However, in regards to capital growth, it is the land that is the real strength so if you can get as much land aspect in your budget then the better off you will be in the long run. The larger developments that will come online will take quite a while to get built.

    Its unfortunate that the council look unfavourably on dual occs. Developers need to include duplex blocks in there master plan for them to be approved so far out of the CBD. Its not ane asy process to get a duplex done in Gladstone unlike other areas of Australia can be.

    Profile photo of Jaidee

    Much apprciated Josh.
    Not all propeties in the development are neccesarlity NRAS approved – it can only be part of the development, in this case the development has 2 bed & 3 bed villas, with only the 2 bedders NRAS approved.

    Thanks for the info on land n house, are there any specific suburbs you reccomend. My preference is to buy something built or near completion. I would like to settle within this calender year.

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    Anywhere on the western side is where the newer developments are however many established properties are around the $500-$600k mark. Even townhouses are selling off the plan in this part of town for $500k!

    The north/west side is the better option i believe as it is the furtherest away (whilst within close proximity) to a lot of the industries. Inner city area might let you find something within your budget of $400k which you could potentially value add, however these are hard to find as every man and his dog has tried this too!

    I’ll have a look out for something that might suit you

    Profile photo of InvestingnoviceInvestingnovice
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 12
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    Investingnovice wrote:

    I am planning on buying a 3×2 Brand New Townhouse on Fowler St (West Gladstone) being managed by Elders real estate. Did you have a look at these town houses what would be your recommendations for buying one of these properties . i.e. location, construction of homes, rentability etc etc

    Hi Wendy,

    any chance of a link to them on the net? I think I know the ones you are talking about, the white looking ones?

    What is the rental appraisal?


    Please see the link attached

    they looking at $700-$750 furnished

    Profile photo of shoooshoo

    Thanks Josh for the link, the article states that these units will be positioned in Robee and Wolebee.

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    that’s correct, out near the worksites, not in any towns

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Investingnovice wrote:
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    Investingnovice wrote:
    Hi Wendy,

    any chance of a link to them on the net? I think I know the ones you are talking about, the white looking ones?

    What is the rental appraisal?


    Please see the link attached

    they looking at $700-$750 furnished

    Hi Wendy

    They look good, I am going to build some duplexes next year and was going to list them at $500,000 each, however when looking at these I might be asking more! They arent the most private units just by loooking at the photos provided, although I am sure that tenants wont be choosy. It just a matter of getting the purchase right so when you sell it is attractive to an owner occupier.

    I would be asking how many in this new complex are investors so far compared to owner occupiers. It is good rental though, do they furnish them for you or do you have to arrange that?

    Profile photo of shoooshoo
    shoooshoo wrote:
    shoooshoo wrote:
    Hi guys just read this article about the massive mining investment from the Indian company in galilee basin. Is this the mega mine happening in alpha? Also in relation to the surat Basin, there was a small report yesterday that a building company in Brisbane has just secured a $57m contract with Qld Gas Company to build 1300 transportable accommodation facilities. Something you may want to include in your due-diligence if you are still looking at the Surat Basin area.

    ….thanks Josh, your da man.. also i'm starting to hate my due diligence!!!! hahaha. where did you get this info from? also i was searching for your phone number, thought i would give you a ring and have a chat.

    i asked one of the developers in the area about this, and this was his response, what are your thoughts:

    Hi…..Thank you your reply message and its great to see you are looking at what is happening out here. The article you saw is genuine and QGC are investing a lot of money into worker accommodation as you can see, they are also investing a simular amount into a housing programme for their management and more permanent staff. QGC have set up their head office here in Chinchilla and now operate 3 flights a day through the Chinchilla airport. Although QGC are a big player in the Surat Basin they are only one of the many companies out here. The workers camps are great for people coming to the area and can not find accommodation, the camps are $135 per night which does include there meals, however these are mainly used by single workers whereas the more permanent workers bring their families out find suitable properties for their families, the need for these camps will only increase as rental properties are getting harder to find. Ask yourself the question, would you live in a camp or rent a home if you could? Most shift workers will vary there shifts and some will fly home on there time off. Each mine or project operate differently but they do contribute to their workers accommodation either by providing a room in a camp or contributing to their rent as well as relocation packages if they choose to bring the family out here.

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    what happens once everything is built?

    thats my only concern

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