All Topics / Help Needed! / QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions

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  • Profile photo of shoooshoo
    coalstar wrote:
    if you buy house and land, furnish it, get a company lease for two years and you’ll get approx $800 a week in rent

    hi Coalstar,

    which area are you referring to?

    Profile photo of coalstar
    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    jamesw82 wrote:
    . rent for a 550k house is approx $630-$650 per week

    Nothing stunning in that.

    So you'd be buying for Capital Gain then?

    Profile photo of shoooshoo
    reggie5005 wrote:
    G'day Josh

    I am currently looking at properties in Chinchilla, would look forward to your thoughts and comments on this area.


    hi Rod,

    i’m also looking at properties in chinchilla, going towards a house and land package so far,but i heard there are dodgy builders in the area. Do you know a reputable builder in the area, i have heard of Matrix, but dont know if they are good or not.

    Profile photo of onelifeonelife
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Josh

    Wondering if Wandoan will be included on your Surat Basin tour?  Keen to hear your thoughts on the area.  

    Profile photo of shoooshoo

    hi Portfolio PI,

    did you visit Chinchilla yet? what are your thoughts about it?

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    Hi Everyone,

    I have been working on my final analysis of the CSG industries including Gladstone, Chinchilla etc. Some very interesting findings. Whenever I research an area I go through every companies EIS (Environmental Impact Statement). They are between 1000 – 10,000 pages each so it takes time to search them all for the information I need. I would say I am about 2 hours away from posting my lengthy findings and research. It will be worth the wait!

    Thanks for following everyone. Once I have posted on Gladstone and Chinchilla I will respond to everyone’s questions so far. Then off to Mackay, Moranbah and Dysart this week.

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    Gladstone blog finally posted ( ), its a long read but well worth it I believe. It is too long to post here unfortunately and has a couple of graphs that are important to the summary.

    In short I have touched on:
    – Projects and their current status
    – Construction workforce population graphs
    – Current property market
    – Potential property prices
    – Potential Rents
    – Risks
    – Pro’s & Con’s

    I hope this information is helpful, I will be posting on a lot more regions/towns so do follow. This type of information has not been analysed in this way before, well not that is readily available or unbiased anyway.

    Feel free to leave comments on the blog, on here or for questions you are welcome to email and I will respond at my earliest convenience.

    Many thanks

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    Rod & Shooshoo,

    I have a lot of information to go through and decipher about Chinchilla. I would not go and rush to buy anything there yet, I don’t have good news for you about Chinchilla I am sorry. Again, my opinion however it is a lot more factual than other people out there and facts are the only way to.

    Unfortunately people are relating the Coal Seam Gas industries with the Coal Industries. It is important to note that these industries are VERY different. Coal mining is a lot more labour intensive in both the short and long term. I will do an entire study on this also. My objective is to bring clarity into what is happening in the mining industry and how it will affect regional QLD and its property markets.

    will update soon for you both


    Profile photo of shoooshoo

    Thanks Josh, awaiting your response.

    Profile photo of dcwwooddcwwood
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 27

    Unreal posts Josh – thanks heaps. I've posted a questions about Mackay, are you going to go there?  

    Profile photo of GiumelliGroupGiumelliGroup
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 73


    The talk of dodgy builders in Chinchilla has been raised by one group in particular (i will not name names) only to make them look better in certain estates throughout the town. We are in contact and deal with 90% of the builders locally and they are all good people, this rubbish about them being dodgy is utter nonsense as they all have the same building standards and council requirements to adhere too.

    If you want to find out more or have any questions around this please don't hesitate to comment.

    Josh, sorry to hijack your thread but this needs to be cleared up. Great thread!

    Profile photo of coalstar

    good read for sure!

    Profile photo of JT7JT7
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 286

    Excellent read Josh. Well done!

    Profile photo of shoooshoo

    interesting just read Terry Ryder’s article in the Australian about the regional towns to benefit from the resource boom, compared to QLD’s capital cities:

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    shoooshoo wrote:
    interesting just read Terry Ryder’s article in the Australian about the regional towns to benefit from the resource boom, compared to QLD’s capital cities:


    Thanks for sharing that, re confirms what I have been saying and in fact doing which is great to know I am not alone as I get a lot of flack from people telling me I am crazy to sell and recommend outside of a capital city.

    The best thing investors can do from this is to now educate themselves properly on what will provide long term stable growth amidst this boom. before everyone goes in awe of Roma’s CG, please realise that he is talking median sales price. A lot of new homes have been built in Roma over the last 6 years in Roma so the example of CG being 100% i think is a bit flawed, I do agree with the example of median sales prices being 100% however. In saying that, significant capital gains have still been made and no doubt better than most of QLD.

    Emerald has always been great for me, ive been investing there for years! To me, Mackay and Emerald will do great out of this in the short, medium and long term for reasons that you will see explained in my coming blogs. Gladstone will experience growth in the short term however there are so many variables to consider, returns could be great buy buyer beware is all I say.

    There seems to be some smaller towns along the way to watch also… I am still more comfortable with Emerald & Mackay currently hence why that is the only place I have invested and recommend to my clients. This may change as factors either change or are confirmed to me.

    Thanks for sharing, that’s the stuff that should be on this thread!

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    katmat wrote:
    I’m loving the info you are providing! Seems you are getting a heap of interested followers!
    Am also close to buying and after reading a lot about the pitfalls of investing in areas that you are not 100 percent familiar with, can really get you burnt! I have only briefly had a look at your website but what exactly does your company provide that can reduce these concerns?
    P.S keep going as I am keen to know what other areas you will be visiting.

    Hi Kat,

    Thanks for following, its been great the amount of people that are contacting me for advice just from this! I didn’t expect such a following.

    Investing anywhere you dont live can seem like a daunting task I agree, however if you have the right people around you to alleviate the pressures off you as the investor it can be a lot easier and fruitful. After years of successfully investing in mining regions as well as being in real estate sales, I found that most investors where going direct tot he agent and having the wool pulled over their eyes as they didn’t know the areas and trusted the agents advice even though the agent worked for the vendor! Through my years of developing relationships in the investing and construction industry I formed my own company where I source quality, new investment properties where I then assess them against my due-diligence on the region and make sure that they are a good investment. From there if I think they are good I have a large base of clients that come to me for quality investments and I put them forward to them with full cost analysis’ etc.

    When a client buys through us we provide project management, it was a part of the business that I really wanted to implement to differentiate us from our competitors as many of them sell you a package and then leave you to deal with the builder. We inspect all of our properties for our clients regularly.

    We don’t sell properties where we don’t invest personally, so we know they area and the market and we research its potentials and its pitfalls. Whereas many of our competitors have only been to the place they are selling once or twice, just proving that they don’t look after the daunting build process for their clients.

    I hope this answers your question, feel free to ask away Kat


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton

    Hi everyone,

    New blog posted on Chinchilla & Wandoan.

    Off to Mackay tomorow and to see Bowen, Mooranbah & Dysart

    Thanks for following everyone!

    Profile photo of katmatkatmat
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 6

    Thanks for the response and spending time providing me with some clarity on what your company can offer. In essence you are a 1 stop shop for investors from start to finish which I like being a first time potential investor. I’ve done some of my own research and although I like what Emerald and Mackay has to offer, I still feel like there may be some short to medium term investment opportunities there in Gladstone considering it seems to be on the top of most investor searches. Let me know what you might be able to offer there if indeed you have anything available (ie house and land packages under 470K that can deliver high growth and yield?

    Profile photo of shoooshoo

    hi guys i heard that dalby has 200 vacant house & land packages that they cant rent because they flooded the maket, is this true?

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