All Topics / Help Needed! / QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions

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  • Profile photo of hgwellshgwells
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127

    and could you add Dysart to that list, I have two properties bought there 4 years ago, and am thinking of buying in Emerald/Gladstone/Dysart again.  Cheers and happy new year!

    Profile photo of Von KrummVon Krumm
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 23

    Would love some info as well.

    Thinking about making a trip up to the bowen basin soon as it seems the place to invest.

    Can see most areas have seen substantial growth (+20% p.a) in the last ten years at one point or another. Mackay early 2000's, Chinchilla a few years after, Dysart around 2008 then Morranbah last year.

    I guess it's picking the right time. I have stumbled upon this site that shows current mines and potential infrastructure projects.

    Still looking for potential mining projects maps but if deposits are anything to go buy the Morranbah region looks pretty good.

    Profile photo of Shiny_Suit_ManShiny_Suit_Man
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 54

    Coal bed Methane work is starting to really take off again.  New drilling rigs are coming in, there are supposed to be quite a few coming into the Surat/Bowen basin area.  These rigs are normally crewed from places like Roma/Chinchilla, Toowoomba and surrounding areas.  Not sure if anyone on here is really interested in that side of the work because most of the posts in here seem to be talking about the mines.  There will be a sudden increase of workers and service companies for the rigs around these towns, so these towns going to need more company housing which means $$ for rent and housing shortages.  Especially with the Airport upgrade in Roma almost complete, there will be more planes flying in and out.  I think the only thing holding these places back is the councils, I've heard from locals that the council isn't taking too kindly to the expansion of some of these towns.  Hope this helps, feedback is always welcome.

    Profile photo of schmoo

    Hi and thank you for an interesting and informative thread!

    I'm a Sydney investor with a couple of blue chip negatively geared properties with steady long term capital growth projections. I've also a house in Melbourne and a house in the Gold Coast.  All are long term investment strategies.

    I'm in need of some CF+ additions to the portfolio so I'm starting to look at the regional Qld mining areas.  The idea is more of a short term (5 yrs) strategy to generate some cashflow until the other properties start to come into their own. Short term capital growth is always a bonus.

    Is it too late to enter into Moranbah, and will the huge proposed MAC Camp affect the rental demands and yields? Would Dysart be a better option?  The houses are already overpriced there and I was quoted $850k approx for a regular 4X2X2 house.  Also, which areas in the town are better to invest in? Does anyone have any reservations in entering into this at this time?

    Thanks and looking forward to your feedback. :-)

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    schmoo wrote:
    Hi and thank you for an interesting and informative thread!

    I'm a Sydney investor with a couple of blue chip negatively geared properties with steady long term capital growth projections. I've also a house in Melbourne and a house in the Gold Coast.  All are long term investment strategies.

    I'm in need of some CF+ additions to the portfolio so I'm starting to look at the regional Qld mining areas.  The idea is more of a short term (5 yrs) strategy to generate some cashflow until the other properties start to come into their own. Short term capital growth is always a bonus.

    Is it too late to enter into Moranbah, and will the huge proposed MAC Camp affect the rental demands and yields? Would Dysart be a better option?  The houses are already overpriced there and I was quoted $850k approx for a regular 4X2X2 house.  Also, which areas in the town are better to invest in? Does anyone have any reservations in entering into this at this time?

    Thanks and looking forward to your feedback. :-)

    Hi Schmoo,

    If your investing in these areas capital growth is a large factor to your investment. You can have cash flow and CG so why not take both if they’re on offer. I will post a blog on Moranbah shortly (see link below). The growth drivers there are huge, not the most diversified town or economy however still poised for more capital growth given what rental yields are doing.

    how much cash flow you are after will depend on the town you look at. There are towns that will see good rental increases over the next few years also

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Shiny_Suit_Man wrote:
    Coal bed Methane work is starting to really take off again.  New drilling rigs are coming in, there are supposed to be quite a few coming into the Surat/Bowen basin area.  These rigs are normally crewed from places like Roma/Chinchilla, Toowoomba and surrounding areas.  Not sure if anyone on here is really interested in that side of the work because most of the posts in here seem to be talking about the mines.  There will be a sudden increase of workers and service companies for the rigs around these towns, so these towns going to need more company housing which means $$ for rent and housing shortages.  Especially with the Airport upgrade in Roma almost complete, there will be more planes flying in and out.  I think the only thing holding these places back is the councils, I've heard from locals that the council isn't taking too kindly to the expansion of some of these towns.  Hope this helps, feedback is always welcome.

    The activity is good news however what needs to be assessed is how long the people will be at the places for to work out the longevity of the project and if its secure enough to invest $500k based on it for the long term

    Profile photo of sporty1

    Hi all,

    Has anybody had any dealing with Trebe Constructions in Emerald?
    If so how did you find the experience?

    Profile photo of EmsEms
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 23

    Thanks all for a great read!

    We purchased a house in South Gladstone last March and looking to put 4 3 bed townhouses on the block. Given the construction is likely to ramp up this year what kind of rents do you think I could achieve either furnished or unfurnished if they were finished the end of this year. Still undecided on whether to sell them all or keep some for the high yield.


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi all,

    Has anybody had any dealing with Trebe Constructions in Emerald?
    If so how did you find the experience?

    Hi Sporty, Im not going to comment on individual builders here however I do know some of there packages arent as turn key as other builders, which is factored into the price obviously. So just make sure that you are happy with the level of inclusions and that it is what you are looking for or if not, be sure to ask prior to going to contract.

    Profile photo of sporty1

    Hi Josh,
    Thanks for that. Yes looking at going to Emerald very shortly to have a good look around.

    Profile photo of JT7JT7
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 286
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi Josh,
    Thanks for that. Yes looking at going to Emerald very shortly to have a good look around.

    I think Emerald is on the move. I've experianced some good results recently on some property in Emerald and rents are starting to rise considerably.

    Be very interesting once the Galilee Basin begins major operations and expansion. I think we'll see some spin-offs such as increased business activity in Emerald for mining industry based services to support what's going to happen out there in the Galilee Basin but also the expansion and development of the Kestral mine which when I last looked at the figures was in the vacinity of 1.3 billion.

    There is also major mining activity planned for Springsure just south of Emerald. The rental market is extremely tight at the moment and pushing rents up after which values will surely increase.

    I think that at the moment Emerald has flown under the radar, so to speak, but it's going to be interesting next 3-5 years.


    Profile photo of schmoo

    Why would there be 67 properties for rent in Moranbah when there is supposed to be high demand for rental properties? The rental prices are still high.

    Profile photo of moxi10moxi10
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 194

     construction of CSG pipeline about to commence near Miles.

    Profile photo of rogerjrogerj
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 2

    Anyone have any advice on investing in mining boom areas such as Queensland compared to investment properties in America? From what I’ve read, the yields seem fairly attractive in both, yet the long term prospects of mining areas may be limited??

    Appreciate any advice

    Profile photo of adzleaadzlea
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 15

    schmoo [4 Posts]

    schmoo's picture

    January 23, 2012 – 11:22am

    Joined: 09/01/2012

    Why would there be 67 properties for rent in Moranbah when there is supposed to be high demand for rental properties? The rental prices are still high.

    Hi Schmoo

    There are 67 houses for rent because the R/E doesn't take them off the website once taken, there are always multiple applications and there is a shortage here. Ring and speak to one of the R/E agents to get a better indication. Ask them how many are vacant? I bet its more like 7 if that 

    You would think if they get so much being on commission basis they could do their job!

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    adzlea wrote:

    schmoo [4 Posts]

    schmoo's picture

    January 23, 2012 – 11:22am

    Joined: 09/01/2012

    Why would there be 67 properties for rent in Moranbah when there is supposed to be high demand for rental properties? The rental prices are still high.

    Hi Schmoo

    There are 67 houses for rent because the R/E doesn't take them off the website once taken, there are always multiple applications and there is a shortage here. Ring and speak to one of the R/E agents to get a better indication. Ask them how many are vacant? I bet its more like 7 if that 

    You would think if they get so much being on commission basis they could do their job!

    All good points, you should also untick the “include surrounding suburbs” box which will drop it down to only 45 in Moranbah on

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    rogerj wrote:
    Anyone have any advice on investing in mining boom areas such as Queensland compared to investment properties in America? From what I’ve read, the yields seem fairly attractive in both, yet the long term prospects of mining areas may be limited??

    Appreciate any advice

    Hi Roger, the markets of the USA and the mining areas of QLD are completely different. One has growth drivers the other doesn’t. One has low unemployment, the other doesn’t. One has high disposable income, the other does not.

    Can you elaborate on why you feel the prospects of mining areas in the long term may be limited?

    Profile photo of G.JG.J
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 13

    Hi there,

    I’m completely new to this forum and property investment generally. I am interested in buying into a property max @$430 inc stamp duty in the Gladstone through Mackay, emerald area. Living in Sydney this money would be lucky to be a typically serious overpriced very old one bedder unit on the northern beaches with high annual strata rates.

    I am looking for long term capital growth up to 20 years with good yields second to that and have found myself looking toward the above areas where most of the investment is happening on the east coast. Can someone give me some advice or reassurance of why I should buy a place say in Gladstone or emerald to hold for 20 years as a good investment. At this price should I be looking at a newer place on a small block or older house on large block or apartment?. I also have to remember if investing in a self managed super fund SMSF I can’t negative gear the property so a newer place may give better yields but no depreciation to use for tax.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Profile photo of gfreergfreer
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 19

    Bowen looks like it will  finally have the long awaited boom with big influx of workers expected later in the year.  Abbot Point $10b redevelopment going ahead (20mins north) and expanded rail link to Bowen and new rail link to Galilee basin coal mines being built by Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer.

    Profile photo of ScratchScratch
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 81

    Hi Josh,
    brilliant thread mate.

    Here’s a link to some info regarding development of the Galilee basin and what infrastructure plans are on the horizon, hope some may find it useful in their decision making.

    Looks like good signs for Mackay, Emerald, Alpha, Bowen and some surrounding areas.

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