All Topics / Help Needed! / QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions

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  • Profile photo of moxi10

    Hi Amnesia
    I had a look at the article you provided a link to, which is similar to one I read in the Gladstone Chronicle. As with so many other articles, the accuracy and reliability of their information is questionable. They both state that  the median (actually your article refers to it as the "average") house price in Gladstone had risen by 10.5% at the end of the September quarter from $380,000 to $440,000. A $60,000 increase on $380,000 is not 10.5%. So which of these numbers, if any, are reliable? 
       Something I can rely on is the increase in rent on my 4×2 house in Kin Kora to $600 p/wk ( a 33.33….%increase).

    Profile photo of sporty1

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    Profile photo of waydo77

    good blog and good forum, liking it.

    some of those yields are quite decent, has anyone on here gone in halfs with anyone to buy in gladstone/moranbah/emerald/mackay?

    looking at doing this to get my foot in the door over there as I only have the capacity to borrow up to 250 k at the moment. judging from what ive read on here and a bit of research, gladstone and dysart seem to have the best potential for +CF/high yields whereas emerald and mackay are lower yields/neutral geared and a little on the safer side, am i right?


    Profile photo of waydo77
    KeyStrategies wrote:
    Hi everyone

    The media has finally caught up with the new of the mining town boom  check out the link to read the news


    check out mars of bne’s comment, haha, he says that a shack should be rented at a shack price, but the reason for the higher rents in mining areas is because the higher incomes of the workers there, duh.

    mars of bne Posted at 2:30 PM September 22, 2011
    supply & demand is rubbish…it purely profiteering, no matter what the goods or service. housing should be protected against this type of pricing nonsense. housing is an essential not frivolous spending. a 150/wk shack is still a 150/wk shack no matter how people would like to rent it…prices should be based on equitable & sustainable prices people can afford to pay & follow a steady yearly increase based on cpi numbers, not what the greed of the real estate lobbyist tells the public theyre going to get ripped by. im tired of the investors bleeding heartâ?¦the govts dept of housing needs greater powers at its disposal to slap the real estate industry around the back of the head to protect the renting & buying publicâ?¦a free market shouldnt enable investor greed to crucify a local economy to make their own outrageous gains. food, water & shelter should be completely off limits to these tyrants that simply cant be trusted to do the right thing.

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I have given up on trying to follow the progress of the ULDA! sorry I am of no help!

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    Amnesia wrote:
    Just seen this story which might help.   Also, having just purchased a 5x2x2 house in Clinton, the letting agents are saying the letting market has slowed and letting values have slightly come back, saying ours has a value of about $650pw. In October they were suggesting $700-730pw.  This maybe because we are nearing the end of the year with more pressure coming next year.

    Hi Amnesia,

    I am assuming Clinton in the Gladstone Region? As I have mentioned in my earlier posts and blog, Gladstone will indefinitely have some fluctuations in its rental market. its just part of wanting to invest there. Christmas could attribute to it a little bit, however in other towns we are finding a rush on property before Christmas so families have secured accommodation early on in the year and they can move in and settle before the kids start school. This is a general trend across most mining regions I have found.

    I hope your investment goes well for you :)

    Profile photo of JT7
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I have given up on trying to follow the progress of the ULDA! sorry I am of no help!

    You've been a bit quiet as of late Josh, how goes it up in the Bowen Basin?


    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    coalstar wrote:

    thanks for the info, very interesting.
    What are your thoughts on Moura, Blackwater and Wandoan??

    Can Blackwater be the next Moranbah and Wandoan the next Blackwater??[/quote]

    Hi Coalstar,

    Sorry as mentioned time is quite restrictive to go through every centre at the moment.

    Blackwater will experience some good growth proportionately with other centres, however the nearest regional centre to Moranbah is Mackay, 200kms away, for Blackwater it is Emerald, only 75km away. Many people live in Emerald and drive to Blackwater for the shift. I dont foresee prices to hit Moranbah levels however all of these areas are exceeding everyones expectation so who knows!

    Wondoan is still up in the air for me. Why gamble it in an area like that when you can invest in a sure thing not to far away?

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    waydo77 wrote:
    good blog and good forum, liking it.

    some of those yields are quite decent, has anyone on here gone in halfs with anyone to buy in gladstone/moranbah/emerald/mackay?

    looking at doing this to get my foot in the door over there as I only have the capacity to borrow up to 250 k at the moment. judging from what ive read on here and a bit of research, gladstone and dysart seem to have the best potential for +CF/high yields whereas emerald and mackay are lower yields/neutral geared and a little on the safer side, am i right?


    Hi Waydo77,

    ive had some clients go half with family or a friend so it does work, you obviously just apportion the costs, profit/loss between the two. It is a great way to get started as the capital growth is still half yours. However you need to trust the person entirely and have a legal agreement, no matter who they are! Gladstones yields arent that great though, in reality, to the other centres. Dysart is concerning, Moranbah has the highest yields at CV at the moment of 15-17%. Emerald is hitting 10% furnished and 8% non furnished, far better than Gladstone with a lot less land to push prices up too!

    Profile photo of Josh Atherton
    JT7 wrote:
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I have given up on trying to follow the progress of the ULDA! sorry I am of no help!

    You've been a bit quiet as of late Josh, how goes it up in the Bowen Basin?


    Hi Jack,

    Needless to say it has been very busy hence my lack of time to be on the forum. The Bowen Basin is continuing to go from strength to strength at the moment and no relief looks like it is in sight with numerous new projects coming online in the near future.

    How did your DD go?


    Profile photo of JT7

    All good Josh I'm just lining all my ducks up now with my finance etc.

    I still really like those strong regional hubs so I'll stick to my formula.

    As you mentioned I think we've seen a bit of a kick in Emerald over the past 12 months. Perhaps we'll see some movement in Mackay over the following 12-18 months once things start really ticking along. I've heard some engineering businesses in Mackay are starting to ramp it up lately with all the impending activity.

    Profile photo of moxi10
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I've been told the ULDA land will be auctioned December 9th in Brisbane. Three? large blocks…I don't know how big.

    Profile photo of sporty1
    Portfolio PI wrote:
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I have given up on trying to follow the progress of the ULDA! sorry I am of no help!

    Thanks Josh they don't like returning phone calls as well…

    Profile photo of sporty1
    moxi10 wrote:
    sporty1 wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have an update on the ULDA land release in Blackwater?
    I have tried calling them several times re the time frame and size of the land release announced earlier this year. 

    I've been told the ULDA land will be auctioned December 9th in Brisbane. Three? large blocks…I don't know how big.

    Thanks I will try and keep an eye out….

    Profile photo of lulu1lulu1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 32

    Have just seen this topic very interesting reading it is very hard to know an area when you live so far away . I would appreciate any thougts on a area called Collinsville top part of the Bowen Basin. Just not sure any responses would be great



    Profile photo of moxi10

    Article in Mackay Daily Mercury today;

    Plans to expand Abbot Point have been "supersized". Total number of proposed terminals increases to 9 due to demand from mining companies. The mining companies don't seem to be fazed by carbon tax, resource rent tax or GFC2. As long as they' aren't, I'm not either. The only impediment I have is raising deposit capital quickly enough to buy as many properties as I want.

    Profile photo of swiftos

    Check real and reference 2000006466. There are three lots all around 3 hectares. Auction date on fri dec 9th at 10.30am.

    Profile photo of swiftos

    The post was in relation to the Blackwater ULDA land moxi10 and sporty1 were asking about.

    Profile photo of keiko

    I think I'm ready for the pub, just spent alday reading all 10 pages and the links supplied as well as several hours last night. I'm a slow reader.
    Thanks Josh and everyone else I'le continue to read on as posts are pasted up.

    What are peoples thoughts on Alpha?

    Profile photo of keiko

    I have a few questions regarding Mackay, Emerald, Moranbah, Blackwater and Alpha

    I will start with Mackay
    1. Can you see Mackay continuing for a further 10 years with solid growth?
    2. Could it collapse and why?

    1. can you see Emerald continuing for a further 10 years with solid growth?
    2. could it collapse and why?

    1. Can you see Moranbah continuing for a further 10 years with solid growth?
    2. could it collapse and why?
    3. How many mines are in Moranbah?
    4. Could it turn into a ghost town?
    5. do you think the current prices will stay stable or collapse?
    6. How many years have the mines got left?

    1. can you see Blackwater continuing for a further 10 years with solid growth?
    2. could it collapse and why?
    3. how many mines are in blackwater?
    4. how many years do the mines have left?

    1. Has any mines started operating yet?
    2. when do they expect 1,2,3,4th mines to open?
    3. Is there currently workers in the area preparing and what are they currently doing?
    4. what do you think the expected rental and sale prices will be on property when the mines open in alpha?

    I look forward to your replies

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