All Topics / Overseas Deals / US Buyers Agents

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  • Profile photo of DinDin
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Has anyone used '888 US Real Estate' to purchase US properties?  Care to share your experiences?  I'd like to find out if they're a responsible and good agent to deal with.  thank you

    Profile photo of Leonard11

    Hi Din

    The Same as Aussie fly,

    Do your research check out everything you are told and keep your wallet in your pocket until ..It all makes sense . Buy where Americans want to live if you want decent capital gain in 7 – 10 years, with double digit net rental return and don't deal with flippers ,renovation burglars or short sales ,buy property that has proof off a 300% price difference or there abouts from the highs of 2006 ( Public records will do it ) <moderator: delete advertising>

     Reagrds Leonard Wilton American Properties (02 ) 94390037

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Just FYI  Zillow is not an accurate when it comes to values. Zillow can be way high on values and way low. In non disclosures states like Texas its worthless.

    When you say double diget returns please quantify :)

    Profile photo of Leonard11


    Zillow is used as a useful cross reference to obtain a market feel it also has public records of previous sales in the states that allow disclosure .In the states that do allow public disclosure you can access public records.

    Yes the Zillow Zestimate can be way off base .The site is to be used for research only after a while you will know if something is way off base or you are in the ball park .There are many other sites available and I will list them asap.
    Double digit net rental return means 10% or above in your hand after all costs .

    I hope this answers your question

    Leonard Wilton

    American Properties

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Perfect 10% in my experince will be on the high end if the investor is not cheating at solitare.

    Its just going to take a generation of Au investor buying these and experincing the day to day for a few years and then if any of them will be forth  coming and honest to see where returns come out.

    YOu can certainly get the perfect property that could return you 15% but after 30 years and 1k or more rentals I can assure you this is not the norm.

    Profile photo of lawsjslawsjs
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 252

    It is my sister, but she is 100% ethical and works her a$$ of for people. She started helping AU buyers in the states – so many contacted her she had to charge. I don't know what she does charge but it is something under $5k – she is a buyers agent ONLY, NOT a wholesaler but will guarantee you a 'proper' tenant and 'proper' reno's. As in genuine, and real reno costs – like less than $4-5k on a 40-60k property. – and FYI (with a spare week) read the somersoft 'boholt – no' post which after 1000 posts became the 'emma171' thread. If you never speak to her you will learn more about US property than anywhere else on the web. And you WONT be ripped off if you follow the advice.

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