All Topics / Overseas Deals / USA – Where to buy?

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  • Profile photo of Alex SC
    USpropertydirect wrote:
    Where to buy in the US is dependent on so many factors. The first thing we ask is "what do you want to achieve?" and work from there. There are so many market which is why we diversified our service locations to cater for different types of investors.

    True there are so many markets and different strategies to use when investing in the USA.Building a real estate portfolio can be done several ways..

    I will say this one more time.Notice I am not selling the markets I work in either.Sorry but every one here is saying what a great place is some market is .Which is then  followed up by oh I work their or I have a team there…

    These was a simple plan I put together for a radio show out of Sanfrancisco   California for any and all investors 6  things they need to do….yes I updated this and added in reserves…

    Six  Factors for investing Internationally  or Out of state … (simple version but always a good road map to come back to )

    1: Meeting the team I would find out what every ones role are with in the team.Make sure they are set up to handle what they say
         they can do.

    2: Get Referrals – simple there …not rocket science

    3: Real estate goals -Having a real estate goal you want to achieve and exact plan you want to accomplish.
         For example I am 38 years old I plan on owning 100 homes free and clear by the time I am 45 between two markets.

    4:Personally viewing the properties and the Team in action( yes I mean fly in) if you don't have time to fly in then in my eyes  you
        don't have time to invest (plain and simple)

    5: Property management ( this will make or break you investment) so choose wisely and understand 20 % returns not
         really feasible. I can make things look great on paper also…

    6 : Reserve funds ( yes things will break and this does happen , tenants will actually do more damage then the deposit they
         put down..

    Okay not the advanced macro economics of why or what area is the best to invest in .Just a simple Plan I make sure all our clients follow.Usually when some one has a problem.I go back to this simple list and can find out exactly what they did not have..and why and where the mistakes were made..


    Profile photo of Pilot53Pilot53
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi all…..
          I was in the U.S in '09,10 & again in '11. I wanted to buy a home & have it rented out. I've been wanting to buy a home in Az & I saw some nice (& near new) homes for a fraction of what they are here. I was in Casa Grande ('bout am 1hrs drive sth of Phoenix) & I tell you the homes I saw were great. I was with an agent who treat me rite & she's now whom I'm dealing with.
     I'm still very interested in buying there & where I was staying was a town called Casa Grande a quite town,further south of Phoenix.
     Not far is another township called Maicopa & that's where I saw the homes,all were 3 & 4 bedrooms with spacious interior with ceiling fans,& some or most came with the appliances,large back yards & priced very well. Some were as low as mid to hi 50k's while others varied in the 60k's+. Once I find that rite home I will get onto my agent there & arrange a full building inspection which is a MUST & have the home's background fully checked out for possible multiple ownerships,Tax owing etc.

     The homes I saw had that Spanish colonial style design & all were built bout the 90's or there abouts, all well maintained & all close to schools,shopping malls,Medical facilities,banks & P.O.'s.  I saw the program that featured Mr.mcknight & it was well presented but he was sorting out states where I believe they were prone to bad weather conditions etc. This is purely my opinion however he seemed to know what he was on about.I also took the liberty of opening a U.S bank account so that when the time comes the Tenants can directly deposit the funds into the account. I also can have the agent acting on my behalf to collect the rent & deduct her fees & what'e left over is mine.about $700 …..I've allowed for any incidentals like fees,repairs etc.
     I am still seeking to buy there in the forseen future & also looking to buy in the Milwaukee area as my fiance lives there.
      Take one & all.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Be cautious with towns closer to the mexican boarder a lot of tenants fled.

    Vacancy factors are something to be look at.

    I own a Security alarm company in those markets and its a booming business

    Profile photo of WA2012
    krefter wrote:
    Some really good points in these  last two comments. I have seen a lot of past comments from people who just can't make it there. We did  go and visit some cities recently and were reassured that a) the houses do exist and this is not a scam :) b) The most important item on the list is someone who you know and can trust to manage the house(s).

    We spent too much time on zillow and google, not really getting the right info (but google does show if there are other houses around it and any other features.)  when we visited, we focussed too much on whether the houses were what we wanted to live in – that is not the issue. If it is what tenants are happy to live in and in a neighborhood where they look after houses – all is good.

    We would like to buy more houses, but in a SMSF. Very difficult getting correct info on ATO compliance on whether a SMSF can borrow money overseas. We have formed a company and an LLC with the SMSF, but info is hazy. Non compliance will cut right across ALL SMSF investments not just the US ones. Anyone done this and feel comfortable?

    Not sure what the latest economic bump will do, but they will still need houses to live in and rent – more so if more owners lose them.  We will try for section 8 tenants where possible.

    good luck to all while we can do this.

    Profile photo of WA2012

    Hi Kefter
    We are new to this and are really interseted in the US market using our SMSF. I have spent hours reading the posts here and am on an amazing learning curve but would love to find someone who is using their SMSF to buy proerty in the US. Or someone with the correct info(esp if the ATO is a bit vague ) We live in Perth.

    Profile photo of krefterkrefter
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    We could not get definite information. But rather than do nothing, we have gone ahead with the purchase of two houses in our SMSF LLC, but chose to own outright rather than the worry of loans in the SMSF. It means we own fewer houses, but less hassle. One in Florida, one in Memphis. Management is really good and we are watching rental money flow into US account. Now to start working with a US accountant to get the tax right. A lot of set up expenses tho, so to justify it – the figures have to be good and tax deductible and hope we can build up more houses. Will wait till we get the first tax return done first.

    You need to find people you can trust to manage and not worry too much about the really bad stories. Do enough research, and if possible, a trip overseas is essential to be sure about what you are doing.
    Good luck and enjoy the ride. It's better than looking at  interest in SMSF bank statements and doing nothing.

    Profile photo of worldinvestorworldinvestor
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 297
    WA2012 wrote:
    Hi Kefter
    We are new to this and are really interseted in the US market using our SMSF. I have spent hours reading the posts here and am on an amazing learning curve but would love to find someone who is using their SMSF to buy proerty in the US. Or someone with the correct info(esp if the ATO is a bit vague ) We live in Perth.

    Hi Alex
    I am from Perth happy to help,  have been purchasing in US, pm me and I can fill you in on what I have been purchasing.

    Cheers, WI

    Profile photo of Alex SC
    krefter wrote:
    We could not get definite information. But rather than do nothing, we have gone ahead with the purchase of two houses in our SMSF LLC, but chose to own outright rather than the worry of loans in the SMSF. It means we own fewer houses, but less hassle. One in Florida, one in Memphis. Management is really good and we are watching rental money flow into US account. Now to start working with a US accountant to get the tax right. A lot of set up expenses tho, so to justify it – the figures have to be good and tax deductible and hope we can build up more houses. Will wait till we get the first tax return done first.

    You need to find people you can trust to manage and not worry too much about the really bad stories. Do enough research, and if possible, a trip overseas is essential to be sure about what you are doing.
    Good luck and enjoy the ride. It's better than looking at  interest in SMSF bank statements and doing nothing.

    Some great advice .I would put at the top of my list a trip over to meet the team and see the homes.

    just my two cents….


    Profile photo of SydneyBizSydneyBiz
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 11
    krefter wrote:
    Very difficult getting correct info on ATO compliance on whether a SMSF can borrow money overseas. We have formed a company and an LLC with the SMSF, but info is hazy. Non compliance will cut right across ALL SMSF investments not just the US ones. Anyone done this and feel comfortable?

    I received advice from a SMSF specialist that a fund cannot currently borrow overseas and remain compliant. Borrowing for the purchase of Australian property is OK, paying cash for an overseas property is OK, but borrowing overseas is not.

    There is a change to superannuation law currently being mooted that would make borrowing OK in this situation, but no guarantee of when or even if it will be passed.

    Get your own advice, I am not a licensed financial planner or legal expert, etc etc.

    Profile photo of WA2012

    Hi WI
    Will get in touch. Still learnig jargon. ?pm me. Also What are LLC? my email


    Profile photo of vselleckvselleck
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 28

    Where to Invest in the USA?

    What I look for is a great balance of cash flow, potential growth and secure tenancy/management.

    The main reason we see buyers investing in the USA is Cash Flow because. let's face it, rental returns in Australia suck. Some investors are wanting pure high net yields and are unconcerned about growth and this can lead them into dangerous territory if they do not pay attention to security of tenancy and management. We have seen these hazards where tenant turnover causes constant maintenance and eviction and tenanting costs, destroying the cash flow and causing investors to want to sell to cut their losses. Quiet often these same properties are shown to net 20% plus in the original offer.

    Midwest cities like Kansas City, St Loius and Indianapolis have an abundance of high net yield properties available and the relative success of these properties relies entirely on good selection of neighborhood and manager. There is a big difference between the foreclosed price and the fully renovated value of homes, with often $20k plus needing to be spent to to bring these homes up to rent ready status. In some cases the risk of damage and theft of HVAC, furnaces and appliances can lead to extensive repair costs and a real loss of value if these homes are not effectively managed and remain occupied. With the real incentive for high cash flow being the main motive here, the investor will need to ensure they are outside of real trouble areas, yet not buying further upmarket where returns diminish. Capital growth is going to be negligible in these markets because these cities neither boomed significantly during the boom years or fell dramatically after the GFC.

    Memphis comes into the radar, though higher cost and lower rents has this city falling below the above in net yields with even lower growth expectations. Wholesalers in Memphis work on much higher margins, often padding the home by $15-20k for commissions paid secretly to marketers. They can also offer vendor finance at low interest rates, but this is manufactured by the wholesaler buying the mortgage note for $5k and then increasing the price.

    Atlanta is our number 1 hotspot at the moment. It has an abundance of newer constructed homes that are priced at 1/3 of their building replacement cost, giving excellent value for capital invested. With a sustainable investment priced from $40-60k and having attainable net yields of 12-16%, Atlanta has a great balance of all the investor needs.

    Big money is moving into this market now with one of our major wholesalers discontinuing their reselling operation due to a new contract to acquire and manage homes for a multi-billion dollar fund. With a target that values homes based on a net-yield model, these wall street tycoons are making a play on a whole investment class which will cause increases in the prices of investment grade properties over the next year as massive amounts of capital flood into this market. We expect the market to increase by 25% in price and lower sustainable yields to 10-12% within a year.

    Fortunately we have been able to enlist the same management as the large fund, ensuring quality of performance. This is the critical component. When Warren Buffet said recently he would "buy 200,000 single family homes now", he added "if he could find a way to effectively manage them".

    There are areas of Atlanta you would do well to avoid. South of the city to the airport and west to the 285 ring rd are no go areas, so watch out for homes offered in these areas. Apart from the north east, inside of the 285 can be costly. We feature a steady stream of comparable properrties on our website that are screened fro these risks, so you can use these to profile your sweet spots.

    Phoenix has shown us what can happen when the big money starts to move with a 22% increase in median prices over the last twelve months. The market for high grade, newer constructed investment homes is tight, with professional wholesale companies mostly working for large funds now. As a result there are very few turn key, renovated and tenanted investments available at reasonable cost. Most contracts will be cash unconditional with quick close, as the competition from institutional investors has made this buying method the norm, with wholesalers not needing to extend themselves in the buyer's direction. Net yields are now around 7-9% and growth will be capped at around the 5-7% net yield rate, above which the institutional money goes to sleep.

    Tenancy takes longer with 2-3 month vacancies the norm between tenants. There also seems to be a consumer attitude to the renting public, with lower regard for the upkeep of properties and demands for maintenance higher. Air conditioning is a much higher expense here with the temperatures over 100f for six months of the year. Tenants do not clean filters on AC units causing a lot of breakdowns so you need to budget $7-800 per year on AC alone.

    We do a lot of research on markets across the USA and I am happy to share further info. Please post your questions here and I will offer what I know. I will be updating some info on Florida soon.

    Many thanks
    Vincent Selleck – US Buyers Agent 888 US Real Estate

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    This is what I have been communicating to the group here for 3 months… Things they be a CHANGING. The company your talking about is KEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT in Atlanta and yes they cut all you resellers off…. At the end of the day these US companies needed you guys because you were the only cash in the world. and they were forced to get in bed with you even though your companies routinely charge your clients outrageous fees and then expect a company like Key to pay 7 to 10k for the privilege of you bringing Aussie buyers to them.

    Key management as a rule only deals in older lower end atlanta they very rarely buy anything over 15k and spend 10k to rehab… That same house by the time it gets to a Aussie is 50 to 70k… Yes Key made millions and so did the aussie middle man.. Key is at 1100 homes and counting and is the 19th fastest growing company in Atlanta , ,So yes the institutional boys found them and funded a 10 million dollar initial offering… They are kicking all their investors to the curb… good for them. in the long run its better for all,, no huge middle men fee our US investors make a nice return because they are getting in the asset at cost as opposed to all this ridiculous mark up. that the aussie middle man charges.

    Its also why US companies are even on this site,,, US investors went dormant… thats changing big time now… Whats going to be left for the AUSSIE who insist on fictitious 15% net yields is going to be the junk… Here is the reason why. Of course they have bought a huge amount of the junk already detrioit Rochester and other low end areas.

    Aussie Middle men that supposbly are selling Aussies property… They were able to make offers on property with Due diligence of 7 to 15 days. then if they found an Aussie that would pay them a premium say 10 to 20k more for the property they would do What we call a double closing.. they never use their money its your money that closes the deal and they make the middleman fee. Now some try to hid this though the LLC, and asking their clients to simply buy the LLC assets….

    Now with the market today in Atlanta and Phenoix and soon the whole US> Your Aussie spruidker middle men will not be able to compete. Because US investors will make offers with NO CONTINGENCIES on this redicoulsly low prices…

    You now have to compete against someone like me that will look at the asset within 2 hours of being listed, offer 10k more than list and put up the whole sales price as non refundable Earnest money and close in 14 days no contingencies…

    this is reality this is what the market was like 5 to 10 years AGO.

    <moderator: delete advertising>

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    Your take on the market is very accurate

    Profile photo of emma171emma171
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 161

    Vincent – FINALLY obviously a real US licensed agent online! Guys this is a BUYERS AGENT…. The only caution I make is that you mention multiple states – flip – I couldn't even begin to imagine which brokerage you hold your license with in all those states! 

    Welcome – FYI…..There have been crazy spruikers on here and seriously, some of those that said they are US Buyer's Agents haven't even VAGUELY got their US real estate license… let alone been US residents or even SEEN the properties that people are buying –  (and this is laughable) ha, half of them haven't even been able to explain WHY you would buy that house over the one 3 doors down….or worse – they are selling flips…. BAD flips.

    Thank GOD for licensed agents and I am so happy there is another now to join our midsts…., tulia, zillow, redfin, spotcrime, listingbook etc…. and for those not familiar……under his license that he holds as a US Buyers Agent, Vincent will provide to you and pull for you full comp sales, comp rents, comparative market analysis for each house that you are considering as his client……. SO MAKE SURE YOU AVAIL FULLY OF HIS SERVICES…..and finally as a true buyers agent he can really put honesty into these transactions… CLIENT ABOVE SELF – and boy is he risking his whole livelihood and the wrath of the US government if he broke that mantra….

    Everyone – in case you didn't know – the only people who can state they are a US Buyers Agent is someone who is licensed and under a brokerage in the US and you have signed up with them to legally represent your interests in the purchase of real estate from the open market within the US…ie from the seller…. he owes you BY LAW:


    In EVERY transaction….

    Make no mistake, this is NOT a spruiker…this is someone that affords you protection legally within the US… is someone who owes you, and can be sued if they didn't provide to you, a fiduciary obligation….they are legally obligated to protect you, represent you and your interests in the purchase of real estate within the US. They are licensed to sell real estate within the state that they are selling and MUST present proof to you and duties owed to you…..


    For instance – if you feel that a buyers agent in ANY way misrepresented the transaction, acted unethically or even VAGUELY put their interests (whether monetary or not) above their own, YOU CAN AND SHOULD SUE…. every cent they make must be reported, documented and run through their US broker's license (so please make sure you DO verify their brokerage)… I mean it is just no small thing… so do check which brokerage they are with in the US…. or which real estate agent is representing your interests in the transaction as your buyers agent.

    But, as those of us on here who are US agents (Vincent obviously included) would be the  FIRST to say…….. ALWAYS make sure you do ask them and triple check – you are LICENSED as my BUYERS AGENT within the state that you are buying property from, right??? GET IT IN WRITING……… Vincent obviously has far more experience and multiple licenses in several states more than Jay or I do……Flip, it was tough enough for me to get my license – I can't even imagine how much knowledge Vincent must have being a US Buyer's agent in all those states

    I know I have mentioned it already but it is just so so fantastic to finally see a TRUE buyers agent on this forum…


    It is the most reassuring thing – but as Vincent mentions several states, DO make sure that you get the specific state's duties owed and just TRIPLE check that you get in writing that they are indeed acting WITHIN the state that you are buying, as your BUYER'S AGENT…

    That being said, I don't personally know Vincent so I am not trying to promote his services so I INSIST that you make sure, just as he would with anyone that WHOMEVER is acting as your REAL ESTATE AGENT WITH ALL THE LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES OWED, that you GET THEIR LICENSE NUMBER AND CHECK THEY ARE LICESNED IN THE STATE YOU ARE BUYING IN… they are the only ones that can represent you and will fight for your rights.


    When was the last time this property sold and to whom did it sell and for how much?
    Are you a licensed real estate agent and do you owe me a fiduciary responsibility
    What are the repairs that were done on this property – if any and by whom? Ask for a line itemed copy of the receipts of any item – a toilet in the US at Bunnings equivalent (Home Depot) costs $79 to buy – a whole house to paint in 2 tone up to 2200 sq ft could not be more than $1700?

    It is HIGHLY reassuring that FINALLY US licensed agents are represented here……. this will NOT be someone who sells you a flip, you will be buying DIRECTLY from the bank itself…….

    Profile photo of speedy gonzalesspeedy gonzales
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 149


    I don’t know if your posting was written “tongue in cheek” or not but Vince ISN’T a Licensed US Real Estate Agent. He is based in Byron Bay and charges clients to use his services so is just like every other Aussie spruiker on the forum and just goes to the US wholesalers for stock. Very much doubt he see’s what he sells.

    Vince…am I wrong ??

    Profile photo of Alex SC
    speedy gonzales wrote:
    Emma, I don't know if your posting was written "tongue in cheek" or not but Vince ISN'T a Licensed US Real Estate Agent. He is based in Byron Bay and charges clients to use his services so is just like every other Aussie spruiker on the forum and just goes to the US wholesalers for stock. Very much doubt he see's what he sells. Vince…am I wrong ??

    Bottom line in the USA most people like me use one  lic real estate agent and we buy every single house ( CASH ) well most Turn key guys

    And I do not see how any one is a lic USA real estate agent on here from Australia. Not saying one could not and I could be wrong.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    Cheeves is licensed in FLA…. And I am licensed in Oregon California Mississippi and soon in Nevada…

    CA since 1976, Oregon 1999, MS 2008,,,, NV coming… Plus I am a licensed Mortgage Banker with a NMLS number. which is a federal licensing number….

    Kevin in your office when he gets going will have to get his NMLS license as well.. Full FBI background Checks finger prints,,, personal financial statements and current credit reports are required for this license..

    RE license's require finger printing and State back ground checks… As well as letters show your license in good standing from any state that your currently licensed in.;

    However I agree with you,,,, the majority of turn key guys are not licensed and do not need a license as long as they purchase the home like you do…

    THE LLC interest's that get sold do not need licensing I am sure the non licensed Aussie buying agents if turned in would have some issues with their SOP's as they are surely circumventing the laws.

    I think the Point Emma is making if any one buys from these groups and has issues their is little to nothing that can be done, They are here working on 6 month visa's have no standing in the US… probably do not own much if anything, have their funds sheltered in a foriegn country… The US government would if they even got into the middle of it… Just probalbly ask them to leave the country.

    Now you and I thats another matter,,, we are fully vested here and need to operate at a completly different standard… Am I going to risk all of my companies licenses to try to spruik some Aussie out of 5k on a deal I think not….


    I personally met with Key in Atlanta last week so the post above by Vselleck was very timely,,,, the meeting was about their new direction and how they are going to keep all their assets and not flip them…. The TWH Model is taking hold big time with other companies that have big pockets. Its like I have been telling you Alex…. If we did not buy and hold these deals we are going to be kicking ourselves in 3 to 5 years…… Especially at the deals we get that no out of area person can get because of all the layers of middlemen that have their hands out…

    I am toying with buying a Professionals Realty franchise here in the US… this will give me a network of 350 Aussie real estate companies and all their brokers…. I had a meeting with the CEO last week in Atlanta….They want to bring the US investment product to their clients but they want it done with a code of conduct, and fully disclosed purchase prices etc…. Their US rep is coming to my office in Portland next week… If all goes well I am going to buy CA. OR and WA…. From what they are telling me their is a huge amount of interest from bigger investors that want blue chip properties and will be happy with 5 to 7 caps…. Given the return and Lack of risk ( next to none) compared to the SFR's in the mid west… I am excited to show them A class multi family on the west coast, Mobile parks, and some development opportunities that are really going to be huge in the next few years…. Professionals Realty group has offices in Singapore and is expanding into China,,, the Chinese are going to be serious competition,,, they are happy with 3 to 5 % same as the Japanese however they do not want cheapy low end SFR rentals,,, they want 300 to 700k West coast houses. that rent for 2k to 5k, another words trophy properties….. We just broker these properties and split fee's with the OZ brokers…Nice pay day 3% of sales price.. but the investor from off shore pays a real price not some hand me down inflated 3 times price as what happens now in the low end rental game in the US…. In each and every city….. Just Saying.

    It will be a nice thing for the Aussie investor to stroll into their local Professionals Realty office and know that they are looking at real deals and not massively inflated deals and that the properties are free market… Also PR will do all the LLC bank account and tax's for the Aussie right their in their local office,,, the Aussie will not need to be present in US to set up bank accounts PR has made arrangement with 2 major US banks for these banking services and the cost to set up the LLC and accounting is very reasonable under 600.00 total..
    So now the Aussie can rely on their Local RE agent Broker to protect their interest,, and the Aussie Broker knows that the Broker in the US is in the PR family and abides by the code of conduct and sops of Professionals Realty.
    It was a great talk that Glyn gave on how the Aussie investor buys at home and how the Brokerage offices work in OZ… the managing of rentals is a huge part of the OZ brokerage business, Also agents are paid a salary, neither of these is the case here in the US.

    US brokerages go for volume of AGENTS and only collect when they transact… So thats why you see 200 agents at one brokerage. 20 do deals the rest might do 1 or 2 in a year.

    <moderator: delete advertising>

    Profile photo of Alex SC
    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Alex,,, Cheeves is licensed in FLA…. And I am licensed in Oregon California Mississippi and soon in Nevada… CA since 1976, Oregon 1999, MS 2008,,,, NV coming… Plus I am a licensed Mortgage Banker with a NMLS number. which is a federal licensing number…. Kevin in your office when he gets going will have to get his NMLS license as well.. Full FBI background Checks finger prints,,, personal financial statements and current credit reports are required for this license..

    Jay I know you and Scott were both. Was just making a point we along with you buy cash . What I was saying is most turnkey guys but cash ., When buying cash you are not flipping some thing you do not own.

    As for buying and holding Our Kuwait lender is doing that every thing as 50_ 50 partners no equity sharing just letting property pay for it self.  KC guys are with us on making sure we start holding  more then we sell. This is every ones thought process is right now buy and hold not sell.

    Yes Kevin already did FBI back ground check and is waiting on everything to come back ( local partner we looking at using for lending is already lic in NC and SC Currently working for one of the major banks doing loans. ) So lining things up to supply your  program just Fannie mae deals since no selling for 90 plus days. Then the other homes for every one we are dealing with. Then what is left over we will keep and hold.

    Sounds awesome about Large clients coming in  for you.After speaking at event in Sanfran this past week end I am wanting to do no more then 20 properties every 60 days. Maybe even less , the stress some times is not worth it. Making a good living and enjoying quality of life is more important to me. I will never be the guy who does 100 houses  month , maybe a year. Even looking  cutting my travel down.If some one wants to meet leaving it as open door here to come in to charlotte.

    So alot of changes and happy with the thought process to slow down. I realized volume some times diminishing quality service and that's not my attention.

    Hope all is well and I am still waiting on my bottle of wine….

    Profile photo of bobby25bobby25
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 11

    Tips when buying US Properties:

    Make sure the company owns the property and is not assigning contracts.
    Smaller companies I have dealt with offer better prices and services as opposed to the bigger ones
    When companies have many listings it is not a good sign. It is impossible to know about all of them. Also they usually assign contracts and sell for huge spread.
    Look at ROI. You can buy in areas that have low prices and relatively high Returns. This really makes a difference.
    Not all professional management companies do what they are supposed to do.
    If a company is not publishing addresses for properties on their website, it is not a good sign.
    There is no need to pay membership fees and buying fees to buy US properties.

    I was on ABC News. You can view the video on utube. Message me for the link.


    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425


    All your properties are in Detroit a city that has lost 25% of its population in the last 10 years. Please explain why any Australians should buy in this second rate market?

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
    Email Me | Phone Me

    We have just launched a new website join our membership today

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