All Topics / Heads Up! / 2 x Tickets for 2011 Mega Conference – only $199

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  • Profile photo of mudwiggle

    Hi There,

    Due to unforeseen circumstances we cannot attend this year’s conference. Last years was fantastic and highly recommended.

    I have two tickets available at the bargain price of $199. Could well be the best couple of hundred you spend this year!

    The conference runs from Friday 10th June – Sunday 12th June at the Sydney Convention Centre in Darling Harbour.

    I’ve confirmed that the tickets are transferable. Please PM me if you’re interested.


    Profile photo of LifestyleDestiny

    I also still have 2 tickets to the next 3 day Mega Conference held by Steve McKnight on investments.
    It was a fantastic conference last year but now I can't go this year and need to sell the tickets.

    I bought the tickets at a discounted rate at the last conference for $289.00 to buy them retail you'll pay a lot more, make me an offer.

    Profile photo of jowoodcroftjowoodcroft
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 12

     I would be interested in buying 2 tickets

    Profile photo of LifestyleDestiny

    Jowoodcroft, my number is 0411384381 if you want to call me. Andrea. :-)

    Profile photo of mudwiggle

    Tickets have been sold.


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