All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Being your own landlord – contracts to sign

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  • Profile photo of Cattaby

    I was wondering who out there manages their own investment rental properties (i.e. you don't go through an agent). I'm thinking of doing this for my upcoming investment property, but have struggled to find a simple contract for tenants to sign for lease and bond.

    Is someone able to point me to a site that has these? Or is the best way to just waltz into a real estate agent and ask to 'borrow' theirs… :P

    Also, based on experience, if i manage my own property, is there anything else I should be aware of?

    Profile photo of Mr5o1Mr5o1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 107

    You’ll definitely be able to get your hands on a “proper” agreement free of charge. Although you do need one which is applicable to your state, as I believe (not sure) the residential tenancies act differs state by state.

    For example, here in WA all property agents use the ‘stock’ forms from reiwa (real estate institute of wa) I dont think they’ll let you download a contract from their website for free – but you can buy them from newsagents (call them and they’ll tell you which). But if you google it, you can find online copies.

    That said, we also have the department of commerce (WA) which offer pretty much the exact same.. as well as a plethora of really good advice on the subject.

    Really, your looking for two forms.. the application/offer (like this: ) and the residential tenancy agreement (like this: ) but as I said.. you’ll need to track down your local equivalent.

    Also.. have a good read through something like this:

    A word of caution – plan for peace and prepare for war… Make sure you keep exemplary records. Most DIY property managers think that waving a signed copy of a lease agreement infront of a magistrate is a bit of a solve-all magic bullet. But if there is a disagreement, it often comes down to a battle of clerical skills. Record dates and times of any correspondence or action, no matter how small, put things in writing, issue receipts, all that jazz.

    good luck!

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Cattaby, renting of a property is regulated by the Office of Fair Trading/VCAT etc in your state.

    In NSW the OFT has the lease and inspection report available on line for downloading. There is a wealth of information there to be read, you must provide prospective tenants with their rights etc as well as becoming aware of your obligations as a landlord.

    NSW Renting Guide
    NSW Residential Tenancy Agreement (2010)
    NSW Condition Report (2010)
    NSW Tenant Checklist

    Profile photo of Cattaby

    I found this for VIC, which seesm to have everything I need.

    Thanks for the help – I think it was just a matter of knowing the right terminology to Google!

    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Hi Cattaby

    We self manage a couple of our IPs. We usually just pop into the local news agency and pick up a lease (which comes with the inspection report). This is in the ACT.

    I was doing the same for NSW but won’t need to any more thanks to the link from Scott – thanks :)



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