All Topics / Value Adding / Demolition and Subdivision costs

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  • Profile photo of Matt McLean

    Hi All, I'm looking at taking on my first development project and am needing help with the costs and timeframes involved with demolishing / subdividing. Obviously this can differ quite dramatically but I'm interested in hearing your experiences, particularly in SA. Looking forward to you responses and I really appreciate your help! Cheers, Matt.

    Profile photo of ALF1

    Hi Matt.
    I also live in SA at Port Noarlunga and alot of what you can and can't do is contingent upon which Council you're dealing with. Believe me, Salisbury and Playford Councils are far easier to get projects approved than say Marion or Onkaparinga Councils. Time frame will be based on what it is you wish to develop.

    Profile photo of Matt McLean

    Hi Alf,

    Have you had any experience with the Tea Tree Gully council? Potentially looking at a simple subdivision and re-sell to start with.



    Profile photo of ALF1

    TTG Council unfortunately, tend to be one of the more 'anal' Councils. If it's in places like Golden Grove they are very restrictive but in older suburbs like Vista they tend to be a lot more lenient. There are certain suburbs in the TTG Council area that are old now and require 'fresh' money and investment, so again, it is contingent on which suburb in their Council area.
    If you need some help with this Matt please feel free to drop me an email below where I could guide you much better and we could talk in more detail than in a public forum. If not, I will do my best (along with others we hope) to answer your questions here.

    Profile photo of christianbchristianb
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 386

    Hi Matt, it's a loose question and allows me the opportunity to provide a loose response!

    1. Demolition is generally somewhere in the vicinity of $10,000 – $15,000 for a house.
    2. You could look at having the house removed if it is sound and of lightweight construction.
    3. Building costs of around $1,500/m2 are usual for a site specific dwelling.
    4. You could also consider using a volume builder if the project is extraordinarily straightforward (say $1,100/m2)
    5. The town planning process (getting permission) generally takes about 6 months.
    6. A building contract would typically run for 6-9 months.
    7. Whilst building don't forget to get titles in order.

    So a 3 unit development might take you say 18 months and cost say $600,000 (plus the land and holding costs) assuming modestly sized dwellings (120m2 for 3br) and a reasonable run with the municipal authorities and other stakeholders.

    Profile photo of wade anthonywade anthony
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 53

    Hi Matt,

    If you are looking at doing a subdivision or Strata titling check you council for section 64 and 94 contributions, with strata title they can amount to $10000 per dwelling/unit for (section 94) – sewer/water, section 64 contributions may be a % of the cost of the project. These are for NSW but not shure about SA, but check you local council because the are paid at construction certificate stage. Just something to think about.

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