All Topics / General Property / Who is going to Sydney 3day event?

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  • Profile photo of kong71286kong71286
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 261

    Hi Marie,

    Sounds like a great plan!

    What is the secret PI sign and how do I join?



    Profile photo of Marie123

    Hi Kong

    Oh, just the ears. It wasn't me that came up with the idea.

    Perhaps we should just wear name tags – with our forum name. How else will we recognise each other?

    Profile photo of Tracey BTracey B
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 158

    How to join – just PM your mobile number to either myself or Marie123 and we'll text you a meet up place and time once we're there – to work around the session times etc.


    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    My number is 0406886284 just text me and I will meet everyone wherever you all are….


    Profile photo of Michael 888Michael 888
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 260
    Nathan Birch wrote:
    My number is 0406886284 just text me and I will meet everyone wherever you all are….


    Will you be wearing your top hat? 

    Profile photo of ScottsdaleScottsdale
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 63

    This will be my first time attending any sort of property seminar so really looking forward to it and it's the first step in a more proactive approach. It'll be a very intense 3 days but I'm sure it will benefit me immensely.

    From reading many forum posts, it sounds like the a lot of those attending are as educated as the speakers! I read a few comments about last years event and it got mainly positive reviews (aside from some of the speakers surreptitiously creating a buzz just to sell their product at the end of the talk).

    As a friend dropped out and I have yet to find a replacement, looks like I'll be going alone. Unless someone wants to join me? The reward for such a sacrifice is a free ticket!

    Also, is anybody thinking of going to the Trump/Kiyosaki/Robbins event in Sept?( $200 seems pretty reasonable to see such big names live.

    And Nathan, I agree with MattNZ about thinking of being a speaker at the next event. Would be great to see some young and successful talent such as yourself sharing ideas and different methods.



    Profile photo of Marie123

    Hi Derek

    Get used to the buzz and the sales talk toward the end, I haven't been to any seminar that isn't "selling" something.

    I would like to go to Trump/Kiyosaki/Robbins event in September, that would be awesome! I think it co-incides with my trip to Wales, however. Too bad. :(

    I am sure there are many hungry people that will take the ticket – it's a bonus that it's free.

    Not long now.

    Profile photo of Marie123

    3 Day Mega Conference – how was your experience??

    I enjoyed the time, I learned a few things and I realised I have a lot more to learn. I think I am a little more clear in what I need to do now – but only by a fraction.   Looking forward to buying another +CF IP, that is step number 3 on my list.

    What was your experience like?

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    Hi Marie,

    This was my 2nd conference.

    The best – Marty Ayles (no crap, just great info, provided an excellent blueprint for wealth creation and amazingly his only product for sale was $10)

    The good – Steve McKnight (as usual), Rachel Botsman (very inspiring and useful information), Daniel Kertcher (5-10% per month is pretty awesome and I haven’t managed to fault his logic yet), Peter Koulizos (although I can’t figure out where his medians for Kensington and Newtown came from as it certainly doesn’t represent what I am finding for sale on

    The disappointing – Peter Ellyard (learned not to sit in the middle of a row or I would have been out of there 1 hour before I did leave). He could learn from Rachel Botsman on making information about the future interesting, useful and practical.

    Profile photo of Marie123

    Only just saw your response today, Mattnz!

    Lol, on the Peter Ellyard. I read Marty's book that someone else bought, while in his lecture. Oh, and then found Marty on FB and friended him… until he realised he didn't 'know' me. Oh well. ;)

    Rachel started off slow but totally agree; inspiring and useful information. Have been looking into Daniel and his methods and approached him to see if they did managed funds as I wasn’t' about to learn the share market from scratch. He said they would be offering this service at the end of the year. The main problem I had with his idea (looked into after the seminar) was that you have to pay rather high fees for guaranteed stop losses. I have also heard that Daniel doesn't use them often as it cuts into the profit margin significantly. Will you be doing his course?

    Pity we didn't get to meet more people off the forum. Those who I did manage to catch up with HELLO from WA.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Hey Everyone,

    Marie good to meet you and everyone else at the 3 day seminar.

    Henry, how are you? Not too sure what you mean?


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