All Topics / General Property / Theres so much Doom and Gloom around latley.

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  • Profile photo of JamesSampson

    Thought id share another article released today on the latest doom and gloom media headlines.

    Doom Gloom and Boom

    There are a lot of negative headlines lately on the economy and the outlook for Australian property.

    Just this week I have read headlines such as ‘Melbourne Property Bubble Finally Bursts’, ‘Brisbane Property Market in Free Fall’, ‘Land Sales Slide To Lowest In Decade’ and ‘Households Struggling To Keep On Top Of Their Bills.

    Wow, we really are in bad shape. If these headlines are true I better sell all my investments before the situation gets worse!

    read the rest here if you like.

    Profile photo of ALF1

    In the fifties we said the price of property could never go up because we’d lost half the

    male population due to World War II and a recession, yet prices doubled. In the sixties

    they said property prices would never rise again because of affordability and wages

    couldn’t keep up, but prices doubled. In the seventies they said prices couldn’t increase

    due to the oil crisis… yet prices doubled again. In the eighties they said prices couldn’t

    increase due to the introduction of capital gains tax and high interest rates which

    reached 22 per cent at one stage, but prices doubled. In the nineties they said prices

    wouldn’t increase anymore due to low inflation and wages not keeping up, but prices

    doubled. In the noughties they said prices couldn’t increase due to the introduction of

    GST, but they doubled.

    “In 2003 when the property boom was full-on and the stock market had bottomed and

    was losing lots of money, I had clients coming to see me in a panic and wanting to sell

    out. I told them the same thing I’m telling everyone now: just hang tight.

    “All I can say when people make claims of gloom and doom is ‘yeah, yeah, yeah I’ve

    heard it all before’. So why am I so calm when everyone panics?   “One must understand

    the fundamentals first before you can make a sensible analysis of what is happening.

    “We’ve experienced world wars and depressions and recessions and high interest rates

    and low inflation and high unemployment etc. but we’ve managed every time to move

    through this and come out the other side stronger and wealthier.

    “As long as the human race is wanting to ‘improve their lot’ then we’ll ride through the

    economic ups and downs. A simple way of explaining this is if you’re uncomfortable in

    your seat, you’ll move around until you’re comfortable again. This may happen straight

    away or it may take some time but you will get comfortable again. This is the same as

    economic conditions.

    “As we bring more people into our country to maintain our standard of living we have to

    provide more housing. In New South Wales alone there is a high building shortage and

    the demand will continue to push the prices of properties upwards like it has done since


    Do NOT lose your optimism in property as a great investment tool.

    Profile photo of JamesSampson

    that certainly puts things in perspective!

    Profile photo of ALF1

    I always like a balanced perspective James – believe what one may but, make decisions based on the 'whole' – which means combining current empirical data and supposition with historical fact.

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