All Topics / Overseas Deals / Looking for a travel companion to the US to find houses to invest in!

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  • Profile photo of Adam2011

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking for someone who is firstly as interested, as dedicated and as enthusiastic as I am to become financially free!

    I am very interested in investing in US property and have been doing as much research as I possibly can.  I attended the Brisbane US propert seminar held in Brisbane a week ago by Steve and purchased the DVD set to get an understanding of it all.  I am sending off all the initial forms to get tax numbers etc and ultimately preparing to go over there at some point later this year to meet some contacts and get rolling.

    The only problem is I don't know or have anyone who is interested in it as much as me, and therefore its difficult to find all the information I need all by myself.

    It would be great if I could find someone out there who lives in Brissy and wants to maybe work together on this (not as a business partner or anything but maybe depending) to do research, find contacts, share insights etc.  It would also be good to find someone who is keen enough to come over to the US with me so we can sort out contacts and find properties etc.

    If your interested at all, please contact me as I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who are keen to do something but are lost and would benefit from working with someone else.  All of my friends and family are either not interested or simply too lazy and I'm sure many people know what I mean regarding people like this!  I am 29 years old, enthusiastic and friendly so feel free to contact me.

    Regards Adam

    Profile photo of petejac1petejac1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 31
    Profile photo of mjcantrellmjcantrell
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 31


    If your travels bring you through Kansas City, Missouri, let me know I can show you what properties I have purchased.  I also have some great contacts on due diligence over here.


    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter

    Adam, your profile is not accepting PM’s.
    Please email me at
    I’m heading over there in early May.

    Cheers, TH

    Profile photo of Adam2011

    Hey thanks a lot guys and apologies, I didn't realise my PM box wasn't clicked!

    Will email you soon, once I get back from a business trip in a few days.

    Cheers, Adam

    Profile photo of kong71286kong71286
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 261

    I'm interested in investing in US properties, and I'd love to have an investment partner to work with and share insights with, but not at this stage (I may consider doing so from 2014 onwards depending on how things unfold around the world)

    Profile photo of melissamelissa
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Adam and TH,
    I’m heading over to Florida at the end of April until mid May. Going it alone too. I’ve set up an LLC, opened an account and have a great Attorney and CPA over in the US although they’re based out of LA. It all works though and things are set so I can purchase in Florida.
    Where are you guys going to? I’m flying into Miami then heading up to Fort Myers to have a look around and make some good contacts.
    Let me know if you will be in this area and we could meet up.

    Profile photo of Adam2011

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for all your responses.  After doing weeks of research now, like others i'm sort at the stage where I'm debating whether to travel to the US or use a buyers agent.  I have limited funds and so a lengthy trip to the US would cut into my investing dollars significantly especially considering the research i have done on this forum alone has illustrated some difficult stories with going it alone over there and these people had a lot more experience than me.  Although I am still considering it, maybe i just need to do more research, theres so much to learn!  However as I network in this forum as i am trying to do (have emailed a few of you) I am finding many people over there offering help so I guess I'l see.

    Any further advice? Cheers Adam

    Profile photo of ZitaZita
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 11
    melissa wrote:
    Hi Adam and TH, I'm heading over to Florida at the end of April until mid May. Going it alone too. I've set up an LLC, opened an account and have a great Attorney and CPA over in the US although they're based out of LA. It all works though and things are set so I can purchase in Florida. Where are you guys going to? I'm flying into Miami then heading up to Fort Myers to have a look around and make some good contacts. Let me know if you will be in this area and we could meet up. Melissa

    Hi Melissa,

    Well done on taking such big steps on your own. Myself and my partner are heading over in June to do just what you plan to do. Would you mind emailing myself on with your Attorney's ad CPA's contact details. We are looking for someone used and trusted on the ground.

    Thanks and the all the best!

    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter
    melissa wrote:
    Hi Adam and TH,
    I’m heading over to Florida at the end of April until mid May. Going it alone too. I’ve set up an LLC, opened an account and have a great Attorney and CPA over in the US although they’re based out of LA. It all works though and things are set so I can purchase in Florida.
    Where are you guys going to? I’m flying into Miami then heading up to Fort Myers to have a look around and make some good contacts.
    Let me know if you will be in this area and we could meet up.

    Hi Melissa,

    I’ve just tried to send you a PM, but your profile is not accepting them. I’m heading over in early May, to SW Florida. Send me an email to

    Cheers, Mark

    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter
    melissa wrote:
    Hi Adam and TH,
    I’m heading over to Florida at the end of April until mid May. Going it alone too. I’ve set up an LLC, opened an account and have a great Attorney and CPA over in the US although they’re based out of LA. It all works though and things are set so I can purchase in Florida.
    Where are you guys going to? I’m flying into Miami then heading up to Fort Myers to have a look around and make some good contacts.
    Let me know if you will be in this area and we could meet up.

    Melissa, by the way, I should have said, I’ll be in FM/CC at the same time as you, so it would be good to catch up.
    Anyone else going to be “in town” then?

    Cheers, Mark

    Profile photo of CafankCafank
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 19

    Hi guys, I will be in Florida from May 5 until the end of the month. This will be my first trip looking. I haven't set up anything at all yet so will just see how things go. I'd be happy to meet up somewhere if it's possible.



    Profile photo of morpheusbushymorpheusbushy
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 55

    Hi Adam, send me an email i’m definitely interested –

    I’m young & also short on a lot of cash but definitely keen to share resources, contacts, knowledge. I live in Canberra but Sykpe, phone & email works well. I’m also in Sydney & Melb quite often. Look forward to hearing from you or anyone else interested :)


    Profile photo of Shillabeer

    Hi Melissa,
    I congratulate you on making the venture on your own to Florida. I did it also on my own with my 5 year old daughter in tow earlier this year January. I went to Fort Myers and Cape Coral and I have bought a house in Fort Myers Shores and looking for more. I can tell you the great areas to look in and where to avoid. I also have a fantastic realtor in Cape Coral I can give you his details. He drove me around and showed me homes and gor me into them to have a look. I also had a hire car for a week which is a must to get around for yourself. I have a team in Cape Coral which are fantastic.
    If you would like to contact me my email is
    Now that I know the areas and have a realtor who looks at the houses I want to offer on  I can buy from Australia.

    Sue from Adelaide

    Profile photo of Shillabeer

    Hi Cheryl

    It is fab that you are going to Florida but try and get some things set up before you go, at least some contacts and a plan. I did it on my own in January but I did have everything set up first and found my realtor over there. I did a meet and greet with my team, spoke with my bank manger and sorted that out and looked at lots of houses and of course checked out areas to buy in. There are some things you must be aware of before you buy in Florida or anywhere in US  that are not an issue in Australia. Email me on mikeshillabeer@hotmail and I can help you out in some areas if you like.

    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter
    Cafank wrote:
    Hi guys, I will be in Florida from May 5 until the end of the month. This will be my first trip looking. I haven't set up anything at all yet so will just see how things go. I'd be happy to meet up somewhere if it's possible.



    Hi Cheryl,

    Where abouts in Florida will you be? I am going to be in the Fort Myers/Cape Coral area from May 5th until 28th. Be good to catch up if you’re around.

    Cheers, Mark

    Profile photo of thetimorese

    I am also planning to take a trip up to Florida, hoping to get onto Tom’s course. Anyone doing the Mastermind course in May? I’d like to meet up if any of you guys are around in May.


    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter
    thetimorese wrote:
    I am also planning to take a trip up to Florida, hoping to get onto Tom’s course. Anyone doing the Mastermind course in May? I’d like to meet up if any of you guys are around in May.


    Hi Catrina,
    I’m considering Tommy’s Mastermind course. Will decide in the next week or so.
    And I’ll certainly be around there in May. Be good to catch up. When in May will you be there? (I’ll be there May 5th to the 28th)

    Cheers, Mark

    Profile photo of thetimorese

    @treasure Hunter – Hi Mark, I am planning to do the Mastermind course and just put my registration forms in. I plan to be in Florida May 5 or 6 and will be there for 2 weeks.

    @mellisa – Hi Melissa, It’s great to know someone out there is doing it alone and it inspired me. I will be going over there on my own in May. Would love to meet up and hopefully share knowledge and contacts. Would you mind emailing myself on with your Attorney’s ad CPA’s contact details.

    @cafank – Hi Cheryl, would love to meet up. Which states are you from? Any chance being in Sydney?

    @adam2011 – Hi Adam, would love meet up and share the experience, as this will be my first time in looking at property in US.

    Profile photo of Treasure Hunter

    Hi Catrina,

    So it looks like there’s a few of us doing Tommy’s course (myself and Melissa included) and arriving in FM at the same time!
    Send me a PM please to to see if we can all arrange to catch up.

    Cheers, Mark

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