All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Are power tools and/or accessories deductible?

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  • Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    Hi all,

    I am wondering:

    If I were to purchase a powertool such as a drill, sander, etc… for the purpose of being able to maintain and improve my IP, would the cost of purchase be a deductible expense?  If so, does it come under maintenance and repairs, or capital improvements?

    The same question applies to the accessory parts such as drill bits.

    Please note; my question is relevant to a property held in my own name (ie not a company or trust or SMSF).

    Thankyou in advance!


    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
    Email Me | Phone Me

    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton


    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
    Email Me | Phone Me

    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Not an accountant so disclaimer applies.

    Tools would only be deductible if they were considered oart of your business. If your property investment qualified as a business then you may be able to claim tools. If you are like most people and your property investment is sufficient to be classified as a business then the answer would be no.

    Even if you qualifed as a 'property business' there would have to be any apportioning of tool use for private purposes.

    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Not an accountant either – but I wouldn’t think they were deductible.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of Rob G.Rob G.
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 70
    JacM wrote:
    Hi all,

    I am wondering:

    If I were to purchase a powertool such as a drill, sander, etc… for the purpose of being able to maintain and improve my IP, would the cost of purchase be a deductible expense?  If so, does it come under maintenance and repairs, or capital improvements?

    The same question applies to the accessory parts such as drill bits.

    Please note; my question is relevant to a property held in my own name (ie not a company or trust or SMSF).

    Thankyou in advance!


    The tools and accessories (as opposed to any consumable items such as sanding discs) would be capital.

    They may be depreciated, and a deduction claimed for the taxable use proportion of their decline in value.

    To the extent they are mainly used for earning income other than from a business then any items costing no more than $300 may be depreciated 100% in the year of purchase.



    Profile photo of OceanArchitecturalOceanArchitectural
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 31

    What Rob said.

    In addition, there are occasionally various initiatives brought out by government that allow further tax concessions eg about a year ago, if you purchased any capital equipment new with value in excess of $1000 you could write it off immediately. Simultaneous, at the moment there is a capital gains incentive for small business with a 50% reduction in CGT, although I am unsure of the details. One of my notoriously sneaky buddies was telling me about it a couple of days ago. Chat to a decent accountant or call the ATO

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