All Topics / Overseas Deals / Cape Coral growth ?

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  • Profile photo of RickH

    Hi all,

    Just thinkin about vacant land in Cape Coral as a capital growth option ?

    Looking at land near Wazee Lake area. Downside seems to be a fair bit of vacant
    land and my impressions are not much new construction going on due to cheap
    house prices vs price to build.

    My thoughts were buy a vaant block and just sit on it for 5 or mores years. Surely it
    cant go down much further and even it it goes up $5 or 10K in that 5 plus years I would be happy

    Any thoughts ?

    Profile photo of luke86luke86
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 470

    If you borrow 100k to buy the block of land for 100k (100% finance, assuming you have other equity), then you would pay approximately $35k interest on the loan @ 7% interest only. This is quite conservative as rates will likely be higher than 7% in the coming years.

    So if you sell for $110k in 5 years (that is the $10k growth you have said you would be happy with), then you would have a loss of about $25k. I do not know many people who would be happy with that.

    You may say that you have $100k cash so you wont have any interest costs and that $10k growth is profit to you. But if you just leave that money in a savings account, you would end up with $25k interest over 5 years so you would still be effectively losing $15k.


    Profile photo of RickH

    Hey luke,

    Yep agreed,
    To be honest i could buy 2 houses for 100k in that area. The land is under $10k.
    There is a lot around at present which will limit growth.
    I am only considering throwing a small amount into an option like this and more into
    a couple of rentals .
    100k on vacant land is total sillyness….. even sillier if financing it

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancial

    Yep..better opportunities than land right now in CC..Keep in mind that when you start new construction on land, you have to pay the city "impact fees"…In Lee County, those are insanely high….buy rental property.  Land is ok if you have a bazillion dollars and want to invest 100k in it….Rental homes will give you a much better return.

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of spyglassltdspyglassltd
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 37

    I think that with land there are other advantages, such as no management, lower outgoings, no maintenance etc. Also land is so low now because nobody is building any houses so there are great opportunities to buy eg in cape coral [Cheeves you'll know the price better than me so feel free to correct me } land with gulf access for 35-55k which sold at the peak at upwards of $250K, if you don't have to have a return for 5-7 years then this is a great investment in my opinion.    

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancial

    I lived in a Gulf Access home in Cape Coral until 2006.  I am one that likes boating and fishing like many others whose intentions is to live on the water.  To answer your question, yes you can buy Gulf Access lots in Cape for as low as $30,000.  However to increase your probability for appreciation, you want to be in South Cape Coral.  And even in South Cape, you want to be as close to the open water as possible.  When builders start building for homeowners/ tourists again, the first lots that will go will be the ones with closest Gulf proximity.  We have manatees down here that are all over the canals (manatees are gigantic animals that are also known as sea cows)…so you have to go in idle speed in the canals.  If you are more than say a couple miles up the intercoastal, you could have a 2 hour boat ride to the Gulf.  Most prefer to be in the Gulf in about 45 minutes or less.

    For you to achieve the better locations, you will need to increase your price to about $75k and you will find something that will improve in value more than the $55k lots.  Also, for that price, you will likely have your assessments of water and sewer hooked up and already paid for.  This is a big deal to Cape Coralites.

    On a side not to let you know how the market went in Cape…..In 2004 I paid $255k for a gulf access home…Very old, small home but location was the best.. I sold in less than a year for $315k….Downtown Cape Coral was expected to pass a huge downtown redevelopment plan…Speculation went thru the roof.  In 2005, my house was turned over twice and the highest recent sale was $799,000.  Market tanked and the downtown plans were scrapped…I was kicking myself in the back of my pants, but at least I made something….That poor buyer got stuck when the market tanked because Gulf Access homes plummeted faster than they went up…Today you can buy a very similar house on the same block for $225,000.  Ouch…Anyway, Gulf Access is very appealing..Especially to international second homers. 

    Cape Coral has 400 miles of canals…more than Venice, Italy…..Take your pick…but be VERY selective.  Hope this helps

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
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    Profile photo of net_d2unet_d2u
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 2

    Many properties in Cape Coral has Chinese DryWall Problems…  that is kind of big and in the worst case might need to have the home demolished…   is this true…  anyone can throw some light on this subject.

    Profile photo of RickH

    would good sized block at under $5000 be worthy investing…me thinks cant really lose much  *L*

    Profile photo of CheevesFinancial

    A lot in Cape Coral for $5,000, Rick?  If you can get a lot in CC for that you should jump on it.  I am seeing bulk purchases of irrelevent lots being sold for $9,000 minimum.  If you PM me the address, I can give you my thoughts.

    net_d2u:  Yes, many properties in CC have chinese drywall.  But CC is very big and "many" is not "that many".  A simple inspection will give you an indication of any issues.  It's actually easy.  The first thing affected by defective drywall is copper.  Check the A/C copper coil and the back of an outlet in each room.  It stinks and it is clearly corroded.  Investors are still buying them though and fixing them…however, nobody really knows what a true "fix" is.  That's why we don't even mess with them.

    To remove/replace defective drywall, you are looking at about $15 / square foot which includes replacing a lot of the electrical which is usually recommended.  Who has future liability?  Nobody knows yet, but I don't want to be involved in it one way or the other.  There are PLENTY of good homes to buy without worrying about a drop in the bucket of homes having issues. 

    CheevesFinancial | Cushman & Wakefield - Commercial Property SW FL
    Email Me | Phone Me

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