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  • Profile photo of Marie123

    Hi D

    Unlike you I am looking to move out of PPOR and rent. I also want to add a few more dollars worth of value to my IP so it becomes positively geared, then I want to invest in the US (3 properties) and move to subdivisions (but only managing one, not paying for one) – my brother has the block.

    As for losing weight, I have given up on that one :P

    I am looking forward to getting more into Yoga and possibly getting fit – I can only dream :D

    Thanks for the thread! You have a lot on your plate. :O

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Nice Patrick!

    Well how are we going? Heading on to the middle of the year……….

    Just put a deposit down on the PPOR!!!!!! hooray! Now we just have to pay for it

    Looks like we will still be clearing out the portfolio….Got tenants moving out in June to reno and sell that one, one we sold earlier settling in July, the new purchase settle in Aug (ppor) have to put another on the market (previous interstate ppor turned investment) phew…..and thats not even big bertha the 12 apartment thorn in my side. Have a community meeting tomorrow where my neighbors can call me a greedy developer and bang on about how evil I am……yes, I know the picture says it all!

    It's all fun and games until someone loses a view……

    Keep those updates coming party people!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of grimnargrimnar
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 86

    Great post,

    My year off to a good start. Completed the bulk of building work on my PPOR, just putting up and knocking down a few internal walls and blocking up some doors, painted half the house (inside) so far, and generally taking it one weekend at a time.

    Took some time off work for a proper holiday, for all of April.
    Used the holiday as a good excuse to get engaged. Hooray!

    We are still planning on tackling our kitchen and bathroom, paint the outside and maybe even put up a carport and patio… the goal being to eventually move into the next house, and get some tenants into this one… But of course now we are trying to stash some cash for a wedding too.

    It should all be manageable, but will take more discipline than we have previously employed…. our spending habits are more like a game of duck duck GOOSE…. saving saving saaaaaaving SPENDING *run around like ricky bobby on fire, and giggling like chucky*

    Profile photo of MarJacMarJac
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 71

    Just rented out my 2 bed Flat after repaint & new carpet, was my PPOR for 11 years so have a nice 6 year CGT exemption after moving in with GF.
    Mmmmm… 2nd months rental a 5 days late, will have to discuss with PM, tennats late or slack processing by PM ??

    Getting some architects plans for possible reno/extension to GF's (soon to be bride) PPOR and discuss wether to sell IP (flat) to pay for reno's etc and also saving for a wedding & holiday/honeymoon

    Profile photo of Marie123

    Hey D

    When does your PPOR settle? Are you so happy you don't have to move around anymore? :D

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi Marie123 :)

    I am STOKED!!! Start of August so it is ages but hey something to look forward to! It was a goal I never thought I could achieve, so hooray!

    I'm scared that my other halfs work will pipe up now and say 'hey we want you to go to…..' Fingers crossed!

    How are you going? Strategizing? I saw your other post…….
    <br /:D” title=”>:D” class=”bbcode_smiley” />


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Marie123

    Hey D,

    August isn't far away; it will be here before you know it. :)

    I am toying with the idea of doing Rick Ottons course; buying houses without the banks. I come back to square one every time I start in a direction though – which is thinking I could do it myself but with a little more pain involved and more information sourcing. Still, I don't seem to get my AintoG when I think this way :P


    Edit; must add that is WAS a calculated risk ;)

    Profile photo of beedie

    We now just over 6 months into it….. ( the year that is) …..

    Whats everyones progress report to date??

    Hope we all having a win along the way and not lost our way????

    Profile photo of DWolfe


    I've cracked on with renoing our 'crap shack' which was a +geared property in Colac, Vic. Needed stacks of works so have been driving the 2.5 hrs each way with the 2 kids in the car to paint and rip stuff out. Fun ;)

    Settle on our PPOR in 3 weeks! YES WE FINALLY BOUGHT A HOUSE TO LIVE IN!!!!!! I am excited.

    We find out next Tuesday (26th July 2011) if our 3 storey apartment block is going to get approved. It's taken a year to get to this point. We have had protestors (read the Knox Leader online and you can have a sticky beak it's an ongoing saga) they formed a vigilante group, etc etc. More fun! :)

    I'll be starting a blog soon.

    That's it so far. I'll put it on here next week whatever happens :)


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of EleaElea
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 24

    Hi DWolfe,

    I’m jealous. It looks like you are really busy doing lots of things. Maybe I should start setting up my goals and do something.


    All the best,

    Profile photo of beedie


    Love your passion and hear your excitement………….Mind you civil unrest in the suburbs over your development……man that is putting it out there…………

    Will have our latest development finished and on the market next 5 weeks……….. Best product in the worst market so to speak…

    Will post some links when I get around to it for you to have a squeeze….

    Cheers my friend and may the force be with with us……..

    Profile photo of beedie


    As promised links below on our latset development 5 aparments and the house . .just hit the market only couple of weeks overdue……

    Hows the civil unrest in the suburbs over your development going my freind?

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi everyone!!!

    Sorry to the people I didn't say hello to earlier!

    Beedie, those are amazing, I love the finish. Gorgeous….. Hows the market? Whats your guide prices out of curiosity? Hows your profit my friend? :)

    We got slammed by council, etc on our apartments. It now looks like we are back to the drawing board and that we can do only 2 storey not 3. But you get that.  :)

    Keep it up team property investing, we all need our freedom :)



    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of tigermiger

    My update for 2011 goals: 2 OUR OF 3 COMPLETE.

    1. Looking and aiming to buy my first IP                         STILL LOOKING – SCARED TO TAKE THE LEAP.

    2. Hoping the other half proposes to me (haha)           ENGAGED!!

    3. Trip to Thailand or Coburg (N.T)                                  WENT TO COBOURG, NT FOR A WEEK.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Like that!!!

    It's ok to b a bit scared on your first one, but don't let it keep dragging you down, or you'll never get to where you want to be! Congrats on getting engaged tigermiger!

    Cheers everyone!!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of beedie

    Wofle….getting very  good interest…and thank you for the compliments

    We do have location location the agents are saying a new benchmark development for the suburb. .. quality sells …etc etc 
    Its also in  Greenslopes which recently got the gong in  API Magazine ( August 2011 edition) as one of the top 100 hotspots so leaning towards  selling  2 of the apartments  and the house which will pay back the bank keeping  the other 3 apartments with a rental appraisal of $1600 a week positive cash-flow…so profit all good ….

    As far as  the present market ..……well it is what it is….and being  auction mind you any thing could happen…… .lol

    We also lodged with council for a 9 apartment development on the other property we bought earlier this year so in theme with whats happening in 2011……….its been busy and on track……..Good luck with your development my friend

    Profile photo of Blue Ridge HomesBlue Ridge Homes
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 32
    beedie wrote:

    As promised links below on our latset development 5 aparments and the house . .just hit the market only couple of weeks overdue……

    Hows the civil unrest in the suburbs over your development going my freind?

    Your places look great Beedie! All the best with them.

    I only just came across this great thread by DWolfe this evening….  If I'd put my goals down at the start of the year would have been….

    – to have a successful pregnancy
    – to sell our Graceville houses that were mid construction at the start of the year

    We had a difficult pregnancy but now have a beautiful healthy boy – all worth it!

    The market was such that we'd built a great product in a currently declined market and hence have rented the Graceville homes out rather than sold (we already hold 12 rental properties so weren't looking to add to that).

    We've changed the direction of our business successfully as a result of Graceville – things happen for a reason… now solely focused on client's developments for the next couple of years and then we'll go back to doing both our own and client work.

    So by this time next year…..
    – I will have sold one of my Victorian rental properties
    – we will have built and sold our Gympie – 4 townhouse development
    – have leveraged off the current client work we are doing to grow the snowball (pipeline) to the point where we can get back into another development of our own concurrently.
    – I'll be more web savvy and if I haven't engaged someone to help will learn how to build a new website for ourselves from scratch, start a regular newsletter
    – investigate a business idea I've got for other developers
    – all between playing; new Mum, Farmer – we have 500 acres, Builder's Wife, property investor

    There – now I feel accountable.

    All the best for the rest of 2011 and beyond!



    Profile photo of tigermiger

    Finally getting the balls to do something instead of reading all about it – I'm meeting with an accountant tonight to chat about the best structers for us and then the mortgage broker on 13 January for pre approval.

    yippe – very slowly, but I'm still here and very keen.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Go Tigermiger!

    Might have to change this thread huh?!

    This year…….

    Got protested at, got rejected, council overturned a major part of the planning scheme in favour of protesters, did 1st reno, bought a house to live in, made money from shares, lost money from shares, started a new business doing house staging and open for inspection cleans, made new friends, got elected to kindergarten council, started renoing PPOR, started a Blog, made sure my kids and husband were fed and looked after ignored a lot of moronic media chatter about property bubbles……. Xmas with the inlaws at my house coming up, currently reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand……..

    Next year… VCAT hearing to finally finish what I started (will be 2 years at the time of the hearing) and time to pull finger out and finally start making some real money, time to get fit!

    Life keeps going, we have to keep going, we have to get started and get restarted. I'm going to be cracking the whip next year!



    DWolfe |
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