All Topics / Forum Frolic / Who’s doin’ what in 2011?

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  • Profile photo of patrickhakepatrickhake
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 5

    Would like another investment property. Probably some time in the next two months.
    Want to learn the Banjo. Not easy.
    Join a soccer team.
    Build a home theatre in the basement.

    That should be enough. I might cut the lawn or do dishes sometime in there too.

    Profile photo of Mick CMick C
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1,099

    Getting ready to start my property development project for a block of units in Glebe :)

    Speaking to builders 3 hrs a day is sooo much fun…oh the joy ahahha


    Mick C | Shape Home Loans
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    Same Banks. Better Rates. Served With a Passion.

    Profile photo of StingrayBirkeStingrayBirke
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 11

    I'm deleveraging, big time, the crash is on our doorstep and I wouldn't want to be left holding the bag!

    Link – Australian House Price Crash

    It's a long way dooooowwwnnnn…….

    Profile photo of ALF1ALF1
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 237

    Ok Stringray, I read about your Housing Price Crash on the link and I was suitably unimpressed how lacking the article was in fundamental economics – something I have a undergraduate degree in. I have read, heard and been dictated to this kind of dribble through the 80's when I had an 18.4% mortgage. I heard it from these armchair experts in the 90's through the recession this country had to have. I heard it from the uneducated who said Australia's economy is doomed because the rest of the world fell into an economic heap. I bet my Grandfather heard this same during WW1, the Great Depression and WW2. I bet my father heard it when there weren't enough men to do jobs needed in this country post WW2 when so many young Aussie men paid the ultimate sacrifice. Yeah, the doomsters and soothsayers will always look for that big soapbox to grandstand their uneducated, uninformed attempt to justify their mediocrity. This is Australia and here, we 'give it go' and articles like that 'be damned'.
    Anyway Stingray, you sell up and one day you'll be sitting down with your grandkids, with all the hindsight you can handle, telling them how you made one of lifes biggest decisions based on lack of emperical evidence but solely on hype and emotion – the things good, intelligent investors leave out of their decision making..

    Profile photo of NHGNHG
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 198

    So far:
    – Spent some time overseas
    – Moved cities
    – Started new professional role

    Loving the change :)

    Am hoping to:
    – TRIPLE my savings
    – Buy an investment property
    – Learn mandarin
    – Help a mate expand his business
    – Learn a whole lot more about professional-networking
    – Learn to surf
    – Keep scuba-diving

    and keep being happy!

    Glad to hear you guys have some big plans!

    Profile photo of fWordfWord
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 471
    ALF1 wrote:
    Ok Stringray, I read about your Housing Price Crash on the link and I was suitably unimpressed how lacking the article was in fundamental economics – something I have a undergraduate degree in. I have read, heard and been dictated to this kind of dribble through the 80's when I had an 18.4% mortgage. I heard it from these armchair experts in the 90's through the recession this country had to have. I heard it from the uneducated who said Australia's economy is doomed because the rest of the world fell into an economic heap. I bet my Grandfather heard this same BS during WW1, the Great Depression and WW2. I bet my father heard it when there weren't enough men to do jobs needed in this country post WW2 when so many young Aussie men paid the ultimate sacrifice. Yeah, the doomsters and soothsayers will always look for that big soapbox to grandstand their uneducated, uninformed attempt to justify their mediocrity. This is Australia and here, we 'give it go' and articles like that 'be damned'.
    Anyway Stingray, you sell up and one day you'll be sitting down with your grandkids, with all the hindsight you can handle, telling them how you made one of lifes biggest decisions based on lack of emperical evidence but solely on hype and emotion – the things good, intelligent investors leave out of their decision making..

    Whoa, strong response. Well-said.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Go ALF1,

    Nicely said.

    Back to the topic. I actually spent today sitting down with one of our main complainants against our apartment development. Let's go team!

    I love this thread! I'm really excited to see how everyone is getting on. Anyone got any deals going in Vic? FWORD are you sticking to Vic this year?


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of kong71286

    Been doing the usual things: Work, Study, Exercise, Games, and time seems to fly


    • Been working 6-7 days per week for the past few months
    • The boss is happy to give me a week off in April, and some time off to attend events around June-July period


    • Recently completed a course in Austrian economics relating to the 'Anatomy of the Feds' – Did you guys know that if you deposit $10,000, the bank can lend out $90,000 out of thin air and charge someone else interest on it?!
    • Currently reading the book 'The Power of Focus' by Jack Canfield, and trying to develop more successful habit
    • In terms of investments, I invested quite heavily in Silver back in November 2010, and the shares have appreciated by a staggering +40% since then! My plan in 2011 is to prepare for the next phase of my investing by studying material relating to property investing. I had a brief look at Australian properties, and 'Tasmania' looks like a good place to invest in – especially the suburbs with median house price of below $100,000, 7% yields, and 10% growth
    • Also looking into a work from home business in the health and nutrition industry, by the name of 'Herbalife'


    • Currently walking 30 minutes per day, and going to the gym once a week, but am considering doing more weights and more cardio, every morning
    • Have gained about 1kg of lean muscle mass in the past fortnight – my goal being another 5kg by the end of the year, and a six pack


    • I enjoy playing strategic games, like Starcraft II and have recently attained Gold Ranking in all team matches
    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Nice Kong!!

    Bit envious of the exercise part, I'm getting a run in about once a fortnight and getter fatter every minute

    Whats the bank thing? How do I get a $90k loan?!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of kong71286

    Thanks DWolfe!

    If you want something bad enough, I think you will find a way

    Most people however are too comfortable where they are, and can't be bothered changing

    The best tip I can offer, is to think about the BENEFITS of achieving your goals, so that the small menial things don't matter

    As the the $90k thing, it's called 'Fractional Reserve Banking'. If you have 100% fractional reserve requirement then the bank can only lend out money they have, but if you have 10% fractional reserve requirements they can create money out of thin air and lend it out with interest. Not a bad business to be in, ey?

    Profile photo of SashSash
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 91

    D Wolfe – Long time no speak! What a motivating/uplifting topic!

    I plan to:

    – Finally receive permits back from council.
    – Complete first reno on front dwelling.
    – Complete first subdivision/development.
    – Either buy 2 more properties with equity and replicate or buy a larger site to develop.
    – Continue progressing in my career at Telstra Business (Senior Account Manager).
    – Commence working for a property company on the side.
    – Expand the property property knowledge lobe in my brain.
    – Continue hitting the gym (8 times a week, morning and night).
    – Take the girlfriend on a surprise birthday trip to Thailand.
    – Stay happy, focused and enjoy life!

    Who knows, may even run into you at the next Property Conference.

    Want it. Own it. Enjoy it. Achieve it.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi Sash!!!!!!!

    Long time mate!!!

    Hehe I have to skip next conference I think anyone want my ticks?

    Great post, it is great to see you going for it, how long ago did you put your planning app in? I'm glad to hear that you have really gone for it, keep the passion :)

    Cheers, and let us know how you get on


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of heathersheathers
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 26

    The plan for this year…….

    1. Irrigate our last IP(5acres) to increase equity hopefully in the realm of 160k.
    2. Start shopping around September for IP 3, four* and 5, with LVR less than 80%
    3. Be eventing at 80cm on my new horse by the end of the year
    Four. Lose 3-5kg for good AND
    5. Go on a proper holiday!

    6. * Get number four on laptop fixed!!!!

    Profile photo of The ImmigrantThe Immigrant
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 73

    Activities for this year:

    1. Waiting on stamped plans from council (hopefully in a week or two). This planning permit took us almost two years. wheeew.
    2. Get subdivision underway.
    3. Hopefully building is finished by end of the year.
    4. Network with developers, and find a mentor (anyone?)


    Profile photo of goldiesgoldies
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 115



    * Getting PPOR valued in 2 weeks after renovations  have taken place over last 4 months. Fingers crossed for a good result so we can use equity for more IP purchases

    * Buy another IP.  (First bought in 2010). Either a simple set and forget positive cashflow in a Regional NSW town or a local reno job – looked at a 2 bedroom house with a fantastic floor plan that allows for a 3rd bedroom to be added with very minimal outlay… The local reno option ties in with my hubby's goal this year, to drop down to part time work and do a reno with his brother. This will all be possible because i reached my career goal and income goal within 2 months of setting it in late 2010 which would allow my hubby to do a local reno with a part time job…. YAY!

    * Depending on outcome of above, buy a 2nd IP for 2011, 3rd in total by Christmas.

    * win Division 1 soccer comp!
    * Get an on road bike
    * Pay off ridiculous amounts on our car debt… i hate car debt

    Looking forward to seeing more comments on here!

    Profile photo of ForeverStudentForeverStudent
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 41

    2011… what can I say? Well, I've been hanging around this site long enough for me to open up a bit.

    Recently seperated which is neither good or bad, just one of those things and there's no need to feel sorry. Close to rock bottom where the good thing about it is "there's no way but up!" :)

    Back to topic.

    – Doing a Uni Program with a trimester schedule doing around 3 modules/courses per semester.

    – Find a role in the commercial property sector

    – Attend API and UDIA events as much as time and funds can get

    – Continue to prepare, build my contacts list, learning from mentors and forums to start commercial investing next year and commercial property development by the start of 2014.

    – Ensure credit rating is intact

    – Pay off credit card debts

    – Go overseas by the end of the year

    – Get closer to my goals one step at a time

    My attitude is I don't have a crystal ball and I can't predict the future. I can only increase the chances of success by continuing education, learn to minise risk and maximise profit potential. I would like to be as fair as possible with the deals I'm making without getting burned in the process.

    Profile photo of OceanArchitecturalOceanArchitectural
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 31

    Repeat everything I have done thus far, in half the time

    Profile photo of beediebeedie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 158
    beedie wrote:
    Like you have construction commenced  on one site this week , sold one site  last fortnight and looking at buying two more…….
    Bit hard to find a good development site in inner city Brisbane at the moment which is either not overpriced or a secondary site.
    Anyone know of a good one let me know……
    Cheers my friend

    Mmm….. reviewing my post from Feb… now April………. signed up for 2 properties last week, commenced construction on the other…. seems like I achieved my 2011 goals earlier in the year than i thought ……  hmmm.  ……..mmm… Maybe I didn't sent them high enough…

    Anyway, for anyone reading this . take it as a jolt to review what your goals are/were for this year . the year is but young my friends.

    "You may not accomplish every goal you set — no one does — but what really matters is having goals and going after them wholeheartedly."


    quote by-Les Brown

    Profile photo of brazybrazy
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    My goals are-

    1. Finish my apprenticeship at the end of the year (hopefully get signed off 6 months early)
    2. Stop talking and thinking about investing and just get in and get started
    3. Save for deposit on first home (idea is to live in, renovate then use equity)
    4. Visit a new country
    5. Stop wasting my time with the damn xbox argh!!!
    6. Get out in the community and start meeting people and networking

    Cheers Brazy

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hehe, nice to see a few interesting goals!

    An update with us, we have had protesters out the front of our new site, they have started a vigilante group against of 12 apt plan :)

    Keep it coming!


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

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