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  • Profile photo of marq001

    Hi all,

    I was referred to the Margaret Lomas website by another investor who has been thinking of joining her group. I dont know much about it or what the fees are but would be interested to hear from anyone who has joined and what they thought about it.

    I do have some property investing knowledge and have an IP and looking for another and just thought that by joining a professional group it might accelerate my wealth building.

    Your views??


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi Marq001,

    I'd start by dropping a couple bucks on her books. Better to see what she says in print first, sort of try before you buy. ML is also a host of Your money your call on Foxtel and talks about property and property investing.

    I would investigate all options of 'groups' you can join before putting your money in. There are plenty out there. Metropole, Destiny, Results, Carly Crutchfield.

    Just be sure that the course or buyers agent as some of these groups are suits you and your investing.

    Good luck, let us know how you get on.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Jamie Moore

    Totally agree with Dwolfe, spend a few dollars on her books and see if her investing style suits you. I personally think she’s pretty good – I’ve enjoyed all the books I’ve read and I also check out the foxtel show each week. I think it’s on a Sunday arvo. She also has some clips on youtube that you could check out.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of CorieCorie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 113

    Hi marq001

    Yeah Margaret walks the walk and talks the talk. Her book – "20 must ask questions" is the bible when it comes to finding the right place to invest.
    One thing to mention is that if you dont have foxtel you can purchase episodes of her show "Property Success" from her website for a small fee. In each episode she does a town spotlight on areas she believes are going to see good growth. some great info in there.

    One other group that may be worth looking into is the Active Property Network. This group can be found in most states and it is generally more a group of people who are interested in getting together with like minded people rather than people looking for mentoring. At each meeting there will be a few quest speakers of property experts from around the country.There is normally a small fee of $20-30 per meeting to cover the cost of the hall and refreshments. Well worth a look.

    I frequently go to the Perth APN meetings and I look forward to them every month. What state are you in?


    Profile photo of Jamie Moore
    Corie wrote:
    Hi marq001

    Yeah Margaret walks the walk and talks the talk. Her book – "20 must ask questions" is the bible when it comes to finding the right place to invest.
    One thing to mention is that if you dont have foxtel you can purchase episodes of her show "Property Success" from her website for a small fee. In each episode she does a town spotlight on areas she believes are going to see good growth. some great info in there.

    Yep, that book’s a good read. She also covers off one of the 20 questions in each episode of Property Success.

    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of marq001

    Thanks everyone for your generous input.

    I must say that i have read many other books from other authors but never any M.Lomas.
    I shall make it a priority to get some of her books.
    Im located in Melbourne and have not heard of the Active Property Network. Shall find out more about them and attend their meetings.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Troy Harris runs the one in Melb. There is a meeting on this Monday.

    Good luck with the learning :)


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of mrmonopolymrmonopoly
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    Having read many of her books and as a regular watcher of her shows I can honestly say Margaret Lomas is an absolute legend and in my opinion by far the best and most credible property commentator out there. The only slightly negative thing I would say is that her philosophy on property investing is such that she doesn’t really write or comment enough on properties/areas within 10-15km of the major CBD’s often enough. Which is a shame although understandable when you read her books etc.

    Profile photo of Jamie Moore
    mrmonopoly wrote:
    The only slightly negative thing I would say is that her philosophy on property investing is such that she doesn’t really write or comment enough on properties/areas within 10-15km of the major CBD’s often enough. Which is a shame although understandable when you read her books etc.

    I agree, she is a fantastic commentator on property investing and I’ve enjoyed all her books.

    Purchasing within the CBD isn’t her bread and butter – she’s all about the outter burbs and/or regional centers that provide higher yields and factors that will drive growth.

    Michael Yardney has a preference towards CBD investing and high capital growth strategies over cashflow.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of emptyvesselemptyvessel
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 170

    Completely agree. Margaret absolutely walks the talk and is a bonafide guru.

    Have read almost all her books and found them to be the most down-to-earth, comprehensive and balanced of the many others I have read.

    After reading everything I could get my hands-on, I became a Destiny customer 3 years ago. Cost us a few thousand for a lifetime platinum membership and has given us the fantastic start we were looking for. We went from zero properties to currently holding 5 (4xIP + 1xPPOR). Currently ramping up to buy 1 more again before the end of the year. The plan has us buying 3 more next year and 2 in 2013.

    If you are looking for a tried and true method for financial freedom with property investing, the Destiny strategy will deliver. It isn't the most exciting, high- risk or dynamic road to untold riches. It is just a boring method that works. So if you are a conservative or risk-averse investor that still wants financial freedom, I reckon you are a good fit. If you are high-risk, super-dynamic and want to do development or rennovations, Destiny is NOT for you. It is definately straight buy and hold. That said, I have found myself wanting to do developments recently. I think this comes from becoming comfortable with all the basics of property investing. So naturally I am curious about the fun I can have in adjacent investment spaces.

    Could you do it without paying Destiny money for mentoring etc? Yes, absolutely. It just depends on how much time you have to piece together the knowledge from other information sources. If you have access to a great mentor that walks the talk or a good independent investors group, this could put you in a great starting position.

    Profile photo of DarwinBoundDarwinBound
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1

    The only problem is that you no longer have a lifetime membership because they changed it. Sure that is what they said to you when you joined but the branch manager is now supposed to charge you for ongoing sessions.

    To join now is about 5.5k for 18 months then you have to pay again.

    when you go along to a Destiny branch make sure you have an appointment with the franchise owner because that is who you will be dealing with not Margaret. She gets you in the door and they keep you.
    The branches that had the wrong people or that were in the wrong location just went broke costing the franchise owners a lot of money (including two in the same location at different times) and some run by Margaret and her Husband closed down because they could not make them profitable.

    Emptyvessel you must have a great manager you are working with and that is great but mine is long gone and believe me if they are doing a good job with you it is all down to them because they are getting no help from Margaret.

    Don't get me started… Ex client

    Profile photo of NHGNHG
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 198
    emptyvessel wrote:
    Have read almost all her books and found them to be the most down-to-earth, comprehensive and balanced of the many others I have read.

    Completely agree, I find her books the most easy to follow and realistic. No out-there tricks, just a basic strategy which I feel continue to apply regardless of market conditions.

    Profile photo of shawnfromsydneyshawnfromsydney
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 11
    DarwinBound wrote:
    The only problem is that you no longer have a lifetime membership because they changed it. Sure that is what they said to you when you joined but the branch manager is now supposed to charge you for ongoing sessions.

    To join now is about 5.5k for 18 months then you have to pay again.

    when you go along to a Destiny branch make sure you have an appointment with the franchise owner because that is who you will be dealing with not Margaret. She gets you in the door and they keep you.
    The branches that had the wrong people or that were in the wrong location just went broke costing the franchise owners a lot of money (including two in the same location at different times) and some run by Margaret and her Husband closed down because they could not make them profitable.

    Emptyvessel you must have a great manager you are working with and that is great but mine is long gone and believe me if they are doing a good job with you it is all down to them because they are getting no help from Margaret.

    Don't get me started… Ex client

    Yes i agree with you DarwinBound, I too have had some experience with them and found the same issue that you have to be with the right office. A point to note, Neil Jenman recommends her immensely so she claims, but I have sent questions to Neil Jenmans web site about these claims and he has never responded……No surprise as he only responds if he is not aligned with any of the so called proerty experts out there.

    Her claims are that Neil Jenman recommends her programs, and says that she is the most honest out in the market…….but she still sells you her course for $5,500 and recommends properties to buy………..I was a little put off by this.

    Most of the property experts sell their program's for about this price, but I feel that you should go to a few FREE property days first and then come back onto this forum and ask some questions about the person and their program.

    That is exactly what I have done, but not I can afford any of the programs anyway…….But I can still learn.

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