All Topics / Help Needed! / Whinging Tenants

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  • Profile photo of Marie123Marie123
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 176


    Yes, hang on to the other tenant, she is a keeper. Send her some flowers or some movie tickets! I usually send a Christmas gift to my tenants but this year I am not sure what to give – we are disgruntled, and so are they. Hopefully we can put them on side but some tenants have the mindset they are helping you out and will use that to their advantage. <sigh>

    Profile photo of Marie123Marie123
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 176


    I didn't really explain that curtain rod well. LOL. I meant to say they wanted some curtains put in, heavy ones. I decided to put a rod up so they could wear the expense of the curtain. It was a win, win – I thought.

    Profile photo of BadenBaden
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Thanks All for your comments and advise.

    It is still a continuing saga but i am starting to figure out my rights and where to draw the line.

    I am expecting an email today from our PM with a list (probably as long as my arm!) of all there complaints.
    We will then work through the list and decide what we will be fixing and then just tick them off as we can.
    Hopefully that will be enough for them.

    Profile photo of HeavenlyHeavenly
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Whilst searching for a solution to various issues with the property we are tenanting, I came across this post.
    I thought to myself, wow, this sounds exactly like the problems that we are having with our place.

    Turns out… it is our place.

    I fully understand about your concerns about having a "whinging tenant" as it does seem that we expect a few things to be rectified. But in our defence, the Property Manager told us the weekend before we moved in, that the landlords would be fixing all obvious issues with the house (broken taps, leaking toilets, excess leaves and rubbish around the property including  a car battery in the garden).
    The day we signed the lease, the PM stated that the house hadn't been fully cleaned and that a cleaner had been arranged to finish the interior of cupboards and wipe down surfaces.
    What wasn't included in the work order and should definitely have been addressed (and yes, it's going to be a long list)

    *Windows and sills (which were absolutely filthy and had to be scrubbed out numerous times)
    *Exhaust fans (which had a buildup of dust and grime)
    *Aircon vents
    *Skirting boards (which had to be washed of grime and flyspots everywhere)
    *Oven (cleaning fulid left throughout the interior and needed to be cleaned again)
    *Shower (mould and soap scum buildup)
    *Walls were dirty from marks, spiderwebs, various liquids still stuck to the walls.
    *Blinds (one of which has been taken down and stored in the shed due to it being in a disgusting condition – mouldy, tangled, stinking…)
    *Severe flea infestation which required my daughter to be banished from going outside and in the main lougeroom for nearly two weeks. Along with other issues but which aren't useful to this post.
    *Broken windows/ ripped flyscreens/no locks or even catches on some windows, no keys provided to others so locked closed (yes, some have now been fixed, thankyou to the owners.)

    And the "slight discolouration on a section of the roof" is actually serious leaking (as experienced by the summer rain we had two days ago which flooded most of the patio area…. Mould around most of the eaves. Black spores in many panels as well, also there was water INSIDE a lightbulb which poses an electrical hazard IMO.

    Most of these things have now been attended to by us, and should have been cleaned prior to us moving in. This is a condition of the Residential Tenancies Act (see below) , not just a "request by tenants".
    It may seem like a trivial and nitpicking list, but it is by no means the extensive list we have compiled for our records, due to personal experience with previous property managers from an overseas investment property I owned that was completely destroyed by tenants, and nearly 50 thousand dollars later…

    But the pictures taken speak louder than words. And due to never being provided with a property condition report even after numerous requests from us, I'm glad we took as many as we could.

    Baden, if you wish to end our lease early, or if you wish to discuss this further, please contact the property manager (if you can, she is nearly always on leave, or out of the office), as it seems we are both unhappy with the current situation.


    42 .         Owner’s responsibility for cleanliness and repairs

            (1)         It is a term of every agreement that the owner — 

                (a)         shall provide the premises in a reasonable state of cleanliness;

                (b)         shall provide and maintain the premises in a reasonable state of repair having regard to their age, character and prospective life; and

                (c)         shall comply with all requirements in respect of buildings, health and safety under any other written law in so far as they apply to the premises

    Thanks for your time.

    Lol, and my username is not a dig at the "tenants from hell" comment, it's a username I've had for years, just thought I'd clarify that before anyone thought I was being a cheeky bugger

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253


    Welcome aboard!

    There are always two sides to every story. I am both a landlord and a tenant. The last tenancy which has just ended was a great escape. We all understand that there are landlords/agents who are inexperienced, cheap or just blah. I make sure that our tenants have a better tenancy than I get in my own house.

    Thank you for your side to the story. I'm sure I speak for many people who have read this thread when I say I hope for a mutual agreement and a happy ongoing tenancy.

    Good luck in the future.


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of BeaBea
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1

    Agree with DWolfe “Work Smart, Not Hard”.

    This is an opportunity for Heavenly and Baden, you’ve both crossed paths on this website.

    An opportunity to get to the bottom of the issues and resolve sort them out. Although unorthodox perhaps don’t include the PM on sorting things out, as perhaps the PM is causing the wires to be crossed and the resultant problems and misunderstandings (in which case get a new PM).

    Once the issues are sorted, Heavenly will be a happy and hopefully long-term tenant, and Baden you’ll be a happy landlord.

    Also – I think a good PM will manage the books so that you still get a cut from the weekly rent each week into your bank account, even if there are a lot of bills to be paid.

    Best regards : )

    Profile photo of fWordfWord
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 471

    Haha, I was reading through the first page of this thread and thinking to myself, 'What if the tenant saw all of this and decided to respond?' Lo and behold it's exactly what we got.

    Goes to show that sometimes, when you ask for advice, you'll get more than what you bargained for, including advice from your own tenant. Be careful with what you put online because it can easily be found, and what is put online can also persist for years. So be careful! Nevertheless I hope that a happy medium can now be found now that all the dirty laundry and mould is out in public.

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