All Topics / Help Needed! / Mildura Streets

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  • Profile photo of EngeloRumora

    Hey guys,

    Im fying to Mildura tomorrow morning to look at buying my first IP.
    Can any Mildura locals or who ever knows Mildura well recommend wich streets are good to purchase in.
    Im viewing properties in: Fourteenth St, Eleventh St, Mimosa Av, McKendrick Av, San Mateo and Etiwanda.

    Thankyou for your time.


    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
    Email Me | Phone Me


    Profile photo of CorieCorie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 113

    Hi engelo,

    A friend of mine bought a property in Mildura earlier this year and he went up there twice to get a feel for the place. I think he knows some of the better areas. Maybe I can put you in touch with him if you are still up there. how long you staying for?

    Profile photo of bethster1980bethster1980
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Engelo,

    I live near Mildura, still fairly new to the area but personally, I'd really want to check out the area thoroughly and get a really good deal because the problem with Mildura is there is alot of land, ALOT. New estates popping up everywhere and house and land packages up the whazoo starting at $189,000 (I think). There are alot of houses for sale here and you can buy a brand new house for what people want for their 20 year old house in a more established area, but not necessarily more desirable area.

    The best estate in Mildura is Ularara off riverside rd/ave, established houses really anything between 8th and 15th west of deakin ave.

    People are saying that Mildura will boom, the population and facilities are increasing and with the rain I think things are becoming more positive….not counting the poor farmers current ruined crops thanks to the rainfall.
     Another thing to consider is the Murray/Darling report and the possiblity of 35% decrease in water allocation, if this goes ahead there may be serious ramifications to the growth and productivity of the area.

    Hope this helps :)

    Profile photo of EngeloRumora

    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your replies, I have just returned back home to Sydney from Mildura. I must say I was very impressed with what I saw during my stay. Everyone was very friendly and willing to take the time to help me know the area better. I have spoken to quite a few locals and they all said that property is considered to be worth more on the West side of Deakin Avenue although the East side has better yields. I am currently in the process of purchasing a 3 bedroom house in McKendrick Avenue due to the recommendations of many locals that its a good street to purchase in. I was also very lucky to come upon an excellent agent who was very proffesional and helped me with all of my requests. The house I will be purchasing (subject to building inspection and pest control) was sold to me at the same price as it was sold to the vendor in 2004. This obviously indicates that there has been little capital growth in the previous 5 years. I am a believer in buy in GLOOM and sell in BOOM, so I think now would be a good time to purchase property in Mildura. The town is very well equiped with everything a population of 50k could possibly want and need. Unfortanetly the propesed casino wont be going ahead which is a big dissapointment as I think this would bring a lot of tourists to the area.

    Once again thanks for your comments.


    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
    Email Me | Phone Me


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