All Topics / Opinionated! / Energy companies driving me mental

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  • Profile photo of justin71

    So I again tonight I am greeted at the door by two indians selling me back to tru energy, first thing I said to them was I dont want to sign over to another company and they said they werent going to do that they were just going to correct my billing by changing it so I get my bills directly from Tru Energy.  Come to think of it, they were pretty deceptive in what they said.

    They crapped on for 30 minutes, but because I had previously been talked into Energy Australia and then Australian Power and Gas, I got rid of them, but very very hard to do, dont take no for an answer, were offering 50 dollar gift cards etc. etc.

    Each of these companies, the Indians do a wonderful job of showing you how stupid you are for getting over charged and each new one that comes along shows me how the previous one has deceived me and lied.

    So now I am thinking the tru energy speel was probably worth switching back to them, but just because they are the supplier of Gas, doesnt mean they will always have the best deal.  We have pretty high power bills with the AC going flat out all over summer and our gas is pretty steep over winter and we have gas hot water.

    Can anyone shed some light as to which company is the most trust worthy and cheapest?

    thanks a lot


    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    Go to a comparison site Justin.

    Also if you want to see what power retailers are committed to not using coal

    I am not sure on the customer service as some cheaper suppliers may have less service when you phone them.

    P.S they annoy me also-  if I want to change suppliers I will ring up another power retailer and switch myself.

    Profile photo of justin71

    Thanks Dukster, but now its even more confusing.  I dont know how they could make it any harder to understand.  I have bills from energy australia and they split the MJ up into two sections, then the australian power and gas have 4 different steps in their calculations.  Then the online calculators say something altogether different.  I rathered it when there was just one, no confusion then.  <moderator: delete offensive comment>

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