All Topics / Help Needed! / What suburbs in VIC & QLD would you recommend investing/buying in?

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  • Profile photo of BozenaBozena
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 9

    Me & my husband are seriously considering buying another investment property from $300,000 – $500,000 (need good rental return) and was hoping to hear your/anyone's thoughts and advice as to what suburbs in VIC or Qld to look at and why?  I am fine with buying one but just nervous that I will choose the wrong area and miss out on good future capital growth $$$.  I have been currently looking at the Gold Coast & surrounding suburbs as well as the bayside in Wynnum Qld.  Victoria is going strong but dont know what areas to be looking at……… All/any thoughts & recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,


    Profile photo of onthemoneyonthemoney
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 134

    Without a doubt Gladstone right now. Shoot me an email and I will send you a full information package.. mainly due to the LNG contract. I could be a little biased but I am personally drawn to Brisbane and SEQ as well. Brisbane has had a bit of a flat period recently so good buying there at the moment. The future for SEQ looks promising from what I can see. Heres some recent snippets I received from a colleague..

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574

    I was going to say Gladstone also and I am unbiased, have nothing to sell you and have already purchased there myself.

    Also while not an expert on the Gold Coast myself, by all accounts I have read it is very costly for what you get there.

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    Toolern in Victoria

    You want find this suburb until the land development is released later on as it is a completely new suburb being planned.
    It is near Toolern Vale where the new suburb will be developed in the future.

    Profile photo of KlahKlah
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 40

    You can find good rental returns in Queensland here at and for Vicortia check out

    You should still get future captial growth in these areas also. Just make sure you do your do diligence.

    Hope you find a great deal.

    Profile photo of Magic Mark

    Hi Bozena,

    I am an ex Vic and felt I should give my two bobs worth.
    I can tell you that the Gold Coast may not be your first choice for Queensland.
    It has gone very very quiet there with the focus further up North where the jobs are.

    I live in Gladstone/Calliope and am witnessing the new Karratha and Meekatharra!
    It is has already started here and will go through the roof over the next year. Now's your timing here for new H & L package.
    There are ten viewers for every rental property and rental returns are strong.
    Good Luck and if I can help you further call me…0418 797 395

    Profile photo of AntheaPropertyAntheaProperty
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 17

    I wil put a plug in for the Gold Coast. The State Government are spending a massive amount of money at Southport. They are building the new Gold Coast University Hospital and work is commencing soon on the new light rail rapid transport network. Initially to go from the University/new hospital to Southport and down through Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach. Next to this there will also be built a new Allamanda Private hospital. There's going to be lots of tradies needed for all these big projects. It has been quiet but there's lots going to be going on and that's good for rentals. Also the Gold Coast Council/State Govt have put in to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Don't write off the Gold Coast!

    Profile photo of austinvest
    Magic Mark wrote:
    Hi Bozena,

    I am an ex Vic and felt I should give my two bobs worth.
    I can tell you that the Gold Coast may not be your first choice for Queensland.
    It has gone very very quiet there with the focus further up North where the jobs are.

    I live in Gladstone/Calliope and am witnessing the new Karratha and Meekatharra!
    It is has already started here and will go through the roof over the next year. Now's your timing here for new H & L package.
    There are ten viewers for every rental property and rental returns are strong.
    Good Luck and if I can help you further call me…0418 797 395

    So what House and land package deals are you doing at Atkinson Homes?

    Care to share some numbers of what can be secured in Gladstone/Calliope at the moment for house and land packages?



    Profile photo of Magic Mark

    Hi Austy,

    Hmmm…. Not sure how you knew that I worked for Atkinson Homes/Suncrest Homes Gladstone, as I had no intention of self promoting on this forum. I DO live here and things really are heating up.

    It is is no big secret what is going on here in Gladstone at the moment with all the press about the HUGE LNG project approvals in recent week(s).

    That being said, I am most happy to share with you (or anyone else that has an interest) in what is available in H & L packages.
    I think best way to do so is to just email me directly from my profile on this site and I am happy to share all.

    Magic Mark


    Profile photo of aussierobinaussierobin
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    Hi All,

    I just joined this forum after lurking around for a bit.

    I have to concur re Gladstone. I have not taken the plunge just yet (yup, I am slow  ) but I do have 2 friends that have and both have actually used Atkinson. I am pretty sure he has been around in Gladstone for quite some time and is very well know.

    Either way, they both are pretty happy and have been bugging me to take the plunge. I just may have to before THIS wave once again, passes me by.

    I just get scared at the last minute, but I know that will never, ever get me INTO the game and I have to start somewere.


    Profile photo of austinvest
    Magic Mark wrote:
    Hi Austy,

    Hmmm…. Not sure how you knew that I worked for Atkinson Homes/Suncrest Homes Gladstone, as I had no intention of self promoting on this forum. I DO live here and things really are heating up.

    It is is no big secret what is going on here in Gladstone at the moment with all the press about the HUGE LNG project approvals in recent week(s).

    That being said, I am most happy to share with you (or anyone else that has an interest) in what is available in H & L packages.
    I think best way to do so is to just email me directly from my profile on this site and I am happy to share all.

    Magic Mark


    Ahh, you see that is the sceptic coming out in me!

    A quick google search with the mobile number you posted up leads me straight to you.

    You may have no intention of self promoting in an obvious way, but by providing your mobile number with the offer to call is, as far as i believe, self promoting.

    Your first post suggests getting in on H & L packages now, and amazingly that is a service that the company you work for provides.

    None to subtle.

    I am however, interested in why you believe a new house and land package would be more beneficial than an existing house?

    Do you think because Calliope is 20 mins away from Gladstone that it may lag slightly in capital growth, as it has in the past?

    Looking forward to more discussion on Gladstone



    Profile photo of JT7
    austinvest wrote:
    Magic Mark wrote:
    Hi Austy,

    Hmmm…. Not sure how you knew that I worked for Atkinson Homes/Suncrest Homes Gladstone, as I had no intention of self promoting on this forum. I DO live here and things really are heating up.

    It is is no big secret what is going on here in Gladstone at the moment with all the press about the HUGE LNG project approvals in recent week(s).

    That being said, I am most happy to share with you (or anyone else that has an interest) in what is available in H & L packages.
    I think best way to do so is to just email me directly from my profile on this site and I am happy to share all.

    Magic Mark


    Ahh, you see that is the sceptic coming out in me!

    A quick google search with the mobile number you posted up leads me straight to you.

    You may have no intention of self promoting in an obvious way, but by providing your mobile number with the offer to call is, as far as i believe, self promoting.

    Your first post suggests getting in on H & L packages now, and amazingly that is a service that the company you work for provides.

    None to subtle.

    I am however, interested in why you believe a new house and land package would be more beneficial than an existing house?

    Do you think because Calliope is 20 mins away from Gladstone that it may lag slightly in capital growth, as it has in the past?

    Looking forward to more discussion on Gladstone



    Arhh yes let me guess…because buying a shiny new house and land package provides both promoter and builder with premium returns after selling to a buyer at above market value! The unsuspecting buyer then has no option but to wait until the market rises to meet the over inflated price paid for the property.

    Sound about right?

    Profile photo of PackerPacker
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 41

    I don't know to much about property but I know a thing or two about the oil & gas industry.
    I have been heavily involved on some of the biggest projects in Australia and yes, I am  karratha lad
    Born and bred. So I also know a thing or two about the effects these major jobs has on a community on all aspects
    including overpriced houses and <moderator: delete obscenity>.
    Let's not compare Gladstone with Karratha just because the GLNG project will be going ahead, this job will at it's peak employ 3000 people, 1000 of which are white collars, 2000 blue collars. There will be a camp built for the workers and once the job is done it will have a maintenance team of 200, this is not a significant population boost into town. Gladstone has allot of property on the market, so the simple supply&demand is not going to outweigh like it has and is still in Karratha.
    Also Karratha is an established mining town, they didn't just have one project than boom!!!! No it had several major projects and it is ongoing at the moment. Karratha is the bottle neck for most exports in the North West.
    Buy a smoko van if you want to cash in on that project, seriously! Or own a brothel.

    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 574
    Packer wrote:
    I don't know to much about property but I know a thing or two about the oil & gas industry.
    I have been heavily involved on some of the biggest projects in Australia and yes, I am  karratha lad
    Born and bred. So I also know a thing or two about the effects these major jobs has on a community on all aspects
    including overpriced houses and B**%S#*T returns.
    Let's not compare Gladstone with Karratha just because the GLNG project will be going ahead, this job will at it's peak employ 3000 people, 1000 of which are white collars, 2000 blue collars. There will be a camp built for the workers and once the job is done it will have a maintenance team of 200, this is not a significant population boost into town. Gladstone has allot of property on the market, so the simple supply&demand is not going to outweigh like it has and is still in Karratha.
    Also Karratha is an established mining town, they didn't just have one project than boom!!!! No it had several major projects and it is ongoing at the moment. Karratha is the bottle neck for most exports in the North West.
    Buy a smoko van if you want to cash in on that project, seriously! Or own a brothel.

    You are clearly not aware of the many LNG projects happening in Gladstone that will employ an extra 10,000 at the peak in a town which is currently about 40,000 people with a vacancy rate of 0.6% before any work has started.

    All the Gladstone projects are costing a total of $40 billion, that’s $1 million per current resident.

    For some reason those from Karratha and Hedland think they are so special it can never happen elsewhere.

    Profile photo of Greg M

    Hi all have been reading all your posts with interest as i have just invested in Gladstone, I thought the best way to sort through the BS was to see for myself, so i hit the road to glady in september before the announcments were made. What i found was a lot of fence sitters waiting for the announcements so i dived in & secured a block of land @ emmadale gardens settled this week increased in value 25 to 30 k as soon as BG made their annoucement also purchased a unit off the plan that increased the same amount in the pinacle developement . I spoke to all the agents in town they all told me the same thing everyone wants new 4 bed 2 bathroom homes and new units. have been there twice since 3500klm return trip! and will be up there again next week leaving tonight so if you have any questions i will try my best to answer them. i do know that as of last week the vacancy rate was down to.05%
    just an investor looking to retire early.

    Profile photo of Greg M

    Sorry Packer you need to do a bit more research as Glasdstone has 65 billion dollars of projects to be built over the next few years LNG is only one of these.A couple of agents have also said since the annoncment most of the purchasers are from the North west where they have seen it all before.

    Profile photo of austinvest
    Packer wrote:
    I don't know to much about property but I know a thing or two about the oil & gas industry.
    I have been heavily involved on some of the biggest projects in Australia and yes, I am  karratha lad
    Born and bred. So I also know a thing or two about the effects these major jobs has on a community on all aspects
    including overpriced houses and B**%S#*T returns.
    Let's not compare Gladstone with Karratha just because the GLNG project will be going ahead, this job will at it's peak employ 3000 people, 1000 of which are white collars, 2000 blue collars. There will be a camp built for the workers and once the job is done it will have a maintenance team of 200, this is not a significant population boost into town. Gladstone has allot of property on the market, so the simple supply&demand is not going to outweigh like it has and is still in Karratha.
    Also Karratha is an established mining town, they didn't just have one project than boom!!!! No it had several major projects and it is ongoing at the moment. Karratha is the bottle neck for most exports in the North West.
    Buy a smoko van if you want to cash in on that project, seriously! Or own a brothel.

    Have you been to Gladstone Packer?

    I think if you did some research, you may see that Gladstone has quite a few projects, past, present and well into the future.

    I agree that Gladstone's housing market can't be compared to Karratha's for a myriad of reasons, but it will see substantial and sustained growth.

    You also might re-think your smoko van suggestion when you realise that the GLNG is actually being constructed on an island!!

    Comparisons to Karratha might not be suitable, but boy, you watch it take off in the next few years.


    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253


    This whole thread is a massive spruik. I'd be interested to see how much of this is genuine :)


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of JT7
    DWolfe wrote:

    This whole thread is a massive spruik. I'd be interested to see how much of this is genuine :)



    This is a forum supporting a community of genuine property investors and shouldn’t be used by spruikers selling their wares! If you want to advertise your properties then perhaps you should pay for and use the usual avenues.


    Profile photo of austinvest
    JT7 wrote:
    DWolfe wrote:

    This whole thread is a massive spruik. I'd be interested to see how much of this is genuine :)


    AGREED! This is a forum supporting a community of genuine property investors and shouldn't be used by spruikers selling their wares! If you want to advertise your properties then perhaps you should pay for and use the usual avenues. JT


    And that's what i'm trying to achieve a little, by pulling them up and asking why they consider their offerings to be so grand.

    If you want to spruik you need to be prepared to defend your position and clearly articulate why it is so good.

    I'm heavily invested in Gladstone and would love to see substantial growth, but would prefer to see a good, robust debate, rather than "get in now" and "buy what i have to sell" posters.


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