All Topics / General Property / Building Pocket? – Muti-unit development

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  • Profile photo of Zoran1975

    Hi, First time poster here.

    My wife and I recently bought a residntial block of land in Jackson's Hill in Sunbury (Melb).  It is half an acre in size (approx 40m front x 50mtr deep) and sits on a corner.  We bought it with the intention of building our dream home on the front half (40 x 25) and develop the back half later (townhouses).  We had all this checked out prior to going ahead with the purchase – the council said that subdivision on multi-unit development would not be a problem as long as it occured 5 yrs from the time we have our cert of occupancy for our house.

    Given that we have 1000sq mtrs to develop, we were hoping to send on common driveway down the middle of the block and build townhouse on either side (hopefully 6 or 7).

    The clincher:  I ran into a friend tonight and spoke to him about and he mentioned that I should check what the 'building pocket' for that area is?  What the? Cant find anything on the net or the Hume Council website.  he said that it is basically what you need to allow for each dwelling (i.e. 200sq mtrs etc/300 sq mtrs etc)  Has anyone heard of his? does anyone know how I work out how many I can build?
    I was under the impression (and still am) that as long as you satisfy the building regs in place (which include 50sq mtrs of private open space per dwelling), that is the only thing that determines how many you can put on there.

    Anyone else know more about this 'building pocket' business? 

    Profile photo of Cap BCap B
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 8

    Zoran – you need to check the Title of your land for any covenants relating to what you can and can't build on the land.

    I've been in the industry for over 10 years and I'm not sure what "building pocket" means, but it could mean simply that you must maintain certain dimensions between each dwelling (as you said, each property must be a certain size). 
    Some areas of Sunbury specify that a block must be a certain size, or the dwelling must be brick – or even that you can't park a caravan outside the dwelling for more than 3 hours!!  I would check the Title and go and see the council for confirmation.

    Profile photo of Zoran1975

    Thanks heaps Cap B.

    Yeah, I thought so.  I had this checked out by VicUrban, who I bought the block from, my solicitor and my architect.  Not one of them saw any sort of restrictions on the title.  The biggest condition of us buying the block was that we could do this in the future, that's why we bought a 2000sq mtr block on a corner.

    I think of it as my retirement plan.  fingers crossed everything works out well.  We're due to start building our dream home early in the new year.

    Thanks again.

    Profile photo of thomsonthomson
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 31

    Our local council requires 300m2 size lot per dwelling in our area as standard, that may be what he's referring to. 

    There's also obv all of the other requirements like spacing, setback, overlook etc. but the council or a local town planner or a licenced surveyor should be able to tell you this pretty quickly.

    Depends on the zoning set be the council.


    Profile photo of illuminatiilluminati
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 81

    yeah i think he has just made up his own name for a fairly standard thing.
    There are often a minimum lot size per dwelling,  and then minus the required open space,setback etc from this, and you can find out the size of each dwelling you can build. etc.

    So the "pocket"  is really just the minimum lot size.  then you have density, which is how many apartments etc you can build.
    can they be two story one dwelling above the other, single story, 3 story etc.

    but yeah, i think pocket just means lot size.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    my guess is they meant ‘building envelope’ not pocket.

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