All Topics / Help Needed! / Subdividing in Brisbane/Ipswich

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  • Profile photo of tyson15

    G'day Everyone,

    Just looking for a bit of info from people that have recently completed (or in the process of) a residential subdivision, 1 block into 2 or 3.

    Im trying to get a better indication on what the construction/operational works costs are in actually subdividing the vacant lot once your DA has been approved, pre coucnil certification that the block has satisfied the DA requirements.

    Engineers and council fees in the preparation and lodgement of opperational works application.

    Water supply connection
    Sewerage connection
    Stormwater and drainage
    electiricity and telecomunications

    I understand this will differ from suburb to suburb and based on the block, however, if you are able to provide indication of the area your example comes from, type of block (eg battle axe, corner, street frontage split, etc) and the costs that would be appreciated. As i said, im just looking for an average number htat i can plug into feasibility studies.

    Currently im estimating (this is all post DA approval excluding council contributions, but prior endorsed survey plan and issue of new titles)
    1 – Operational works design/approval (op works design & drawings for approval, elec, civil engineers) = $10,000
    2 – Contsruction costs – $25,000
    3 – Field Survey – $5000
    4 – Plan notation and sealing fees = $1200


    Profile photo of Matt007Matt007
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 259

    There is no average number as it is all calculated on figures contained in the town planning documents/zone plans etc, and then calculated on how many dwellings, people, car trips and so on and etc.

    Put it this way, councils will charge you up to $500 to work it out for you, or tell you for free in a prelodgement meeting. Look up the town plan and infrastructure fee calculations for the area you're considering building in and you'll have to work it out from there. Most of it should be contained in the PD Live attached to the council planning website.

    Profile photo of tyson15

    Thanks Matt007,

    I understand how it is caluclated and that it varies depending on site and location and know the council documents well. Im not looking for the council contributions fees so a pre-lodgement meeting with council will not answer my question.

    As my post stated im looking for feedback on the construction works numbers as they have stacked up from people that have done recent subdivisions.

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