All Topics / Help Needed! / Looking for a Buyers Agent

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  • Profile photo of Crazypaulie

    Hi everyone,

    I need some help, please.

    I am looking for a buyers agent. I am interested in buying in western sydney.

    Could you recommend someone? Do they usually charge a % or a fixed fee?

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404

    I sent you a PM in regards to your other post. Check your inbox (top right corner).

    Some BA's charge a set fee. Others a %.

    You will be looking at around $8K

    Profile photo of lvragelvrage
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Hi CrazyPaulie,

    Buyers agents can charge either a % or a fixed fee or both. I am a  Buyer's agent in Queensland and charge a fixed fee.
    Remember cheaper is not always better.
    Good questions to ask a buyer's agent: Do you invest in property?  Are you a good negotiator? A good way to check is ask them to lower their fee or commision, if they do they are probably not going to be good at getting you a great deal.
    Also ask if they get kickbacks from property they show you, if so there is a conflict of interest. They should be working for you and you alone. 

    Profile photo of Crazypaulie

    Thank you Catalyst and Ivrage!

    Catalyst- got your msg- thank you !!

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