All Topics / General Property / FINALLY …..

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  • Profile photo of karen.

    after five failed contracts and five months on the market our house has FINALLY gone unconditional.

    the house HAD to sell this month, cos next month we couldnt have afforded the mortgage payments without it being tenanted.  so today, on the day where we had $0 in our account, and only $3.55 avail on our credit card, our house went unconditional.  so we cant go out to dinner to celebrate yet … but we are certainly cracking open the bottle of bubbly we had been saving in the fridge for a special moment.


    im so excited :D

    itll be a merry christmas this year!!!

    just had to share my excitement with other property investors that may have at some stage felt the pinch when ur investments dont sell straight away.

    Profile photo of beediebeedie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 158

    Lol………. good for you young lady……………. ……. feel your joy & congratulations……

     You averaged a contract a month over 5 months …’s an interesting market at the moment……..

    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Congrats :)

    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of karen.

    yep as soon as it was out of contract we would only have to wait a week or so then itd be under again.  they all dropped cos of finance.

    Profile photo of JessW

    That's great news, congrats! I've just checked out your blog… it's great! I am also a property investing housewife!! My hubby works away a lot, so the property investing journey is mostly mine… I'm currently renovating our first IP, which I will put a tenant in until mid next year, and then sell and move on to the next one. I soooo hope my sale goes smoother than yours though!!!  I can't believe you had 5 contracts before it sold….. talk about frustrating.

    Anyway, I love your blog, and you have inspired me to do the same…. I'll let you know when I set it up. I think it may be a good way of getting out some of the frustration that goes with property investing and reno's, and it's also a log book of the journey.

    Keep up the good work!


    Profile photo of karen.

    thanks jess :)

    Profile photo of JessW

    Hey Karen – here it is !!!

    Have quickly entered a couple of posts… sorry, name of blog is similar to yours… I'm trying to think of something else!!!

    I hadn't thought of blogging about it before, but, as I said you've inspired me!

    Anyway, check it out…

    by the way, I have a friend in Mackay who is a real estate photographer, so if you need any shoots of your houses done you should check her out. Let me know if you want her details.


    Profile photo of PaulliePaullie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 217

    I wish my yummy mummy was into as this as you two are. hehe :)

    Profile photo of spoonicusspoonicus
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 19

    Congrats, and good luck on going unconditional on the unit

    Profile photo of Ben KBen K
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 103

    well done for hanging in there!

    no need to go out for dinner, mc d's and a movie :)

    Profile photo of karen.

    u can call ur blog anything u want :)

    had a quick look at ur blog and i love the look of ur reno!!  ill come back tonight once the kids are down and have a proper read and comment.  im in the middle of the nighttime routine …. which im sure u know what its like haha.  dinner cooking, kids running around naked after baths, general chaos :D


    Profile photo of Kaz YoungKaz Young
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 25


    Just had a look at your blog also, great to read about what you've been doing with regard to the reno. 
    Doing a cosmetic reno is next on my list as well!  Just need to finish the small development project we're working on first!
    Good luck with the next one, can't wait to hear about that one too!  Really good to see people out and doing great things for their financial future!



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