All Topics / Heads Up! / Carly Crutchfield ???

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  • Profile photo of Mandyk47Mandyk47
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Hi – has anyone done the course – we are thinking of joining up to do the DVD course and bootcamp (support mentorship has been thrown in for free) …. did you benefit financially and can what she proposes be done, actually be done in real life!! We watched the intro DVD which came with the Property Investing magazine.

    I skimmed through one reply post which said that you couldn't be paid if you found a site because not a registered spotter – something to this effect – now cannot find this post?

    (Please only respond if you have done the course …. have already read the blah on other forums – looking for pertinent worthwhile genuine comments).


    Profile photo of DeeDeeDeeDee
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Does anyone have a genuine copy for sale with the bootcamp notes, feasabiliy calculator and vendor contracts? If so, please email me on


    Matt and Dee

    Profile photo of ModeratorModerator
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 39


    Anyone considering purchasing something 'second hand' needs to be aware that copyright and distribution permission issues may exist, and so they should only proceed after doing their due diligence.

    I would further point out that anyone making this offer and breaching copyright may be subject to legal action, and if compelled to assist, we would have to pass on their details.

    – Moderator

    Profile photo of NHG


    Just went through the home study dvd course (andd have read through the bootcamp notes too).
    It definately made me think outside the square a little more, nothing that blew me away but worth the read/watch most definately.

    In saying this, I have been spending time with some developers and the feasibility calculator I made myself with their advice was essentially the same as carly's unintentionally (took me 15 mins to make on excel).

    I'd recommend the course, but i'd say the primary purpose of paying the 6grand to attend the bootcamp are the networking opportunities which i've been doing on the side. Otherwise its just a lot of paper with some nice ideas on them.

    Any other questions feel free to ask.

    Profile photo of beediebeedie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 158
    NHG wrote:

    In saying this, I have been spending time with some developers and the feasibility calculator I made myself with their advice was essentially the same as carly's unintentionally (took me 15 mins to make on excel).

    Any other questions feel free to ask.

    NHG.. care to share your feasibility calculator with us… sure it would help many…….

    Profile photo of NHG


    i'll tidy it up a bit and post the spreadsheet.

    unfortunately fighting floods at the moment (in Wagga Wagga), will post once I rest up from shift work.

    Profile photo of morrissue70morrissue70
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 17

    I did Carly's course and found it very insightful.. I believe education is worth the investment as it adds to your knowledge and can help you prevent expensive mistakes.

    Profile photo of Luke DLuke D
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 11

    Did you guys see the Today Tonight story on Carly Crutchfield a few weeks ago? Great lady……….

    Here it is if you didn't:

    Profile photo of SuperSleuth

    Yes my advice is to be very careful when dealing with Carly Crutchfield or any of her spruiker mates. Check out this site also:
      [ ]

    I think people have a right to hear different sides to a story before they make judgements themselves. Only a fool  forms their opinion, having only listened to one side of a story. Test out the claims made by both sides and it soon becomes obvious who is telling porkies. That is exacly what I did with CCorp once I became aware of the allegations being made against them.
    If you are not sure what to believe do a little research of your own and you will soon figure out who is being deceptive. In the case of Carly Crutchfield and Steve Fagan, my enquiries confirmed that Carly had never done one development project prior to setting up CCorp, yet she claimed to have loads of developments under her belt by then. She had never even owned a property prior to setting up CCorp.  Both her and Steve Fagan have built their profile on a web of lies and deception. The truth is that they are amateurs who have discovered it is very easy to fool the masses and create for themselves a ‘guru’ status, by making false claims about your past achievements.Since they have come under the spotlight, I have noticed that they have toned down the language they use  on their website to describe their past achievements now. e.g. they have now changed the wording on their website to say things like ” CCorp have been involved in developments worth $xxx”  rather than the previous wording which said things like

    Profile photo of SuperSleuth

    Sorry I seem to have lost half of my last post somehow. Here is the rest:

    "CCorp has completed $XXX in developments"  There is a big difference between these two statements yet this appears to be typical of their level of deception. There are many other examples of this.

    Anyway, my advice is to do your own research and be careful about some of the testimonials given to these characters. Often the people giving those testimonials have their own agenda for doing so. Company staff are often encouraged to get on these forums and pretend to be happy customers of the subject company. More deception!

    Happy investing but be very careful out there, especially if you are a newby at the game. That's when you are most vulnerable.      

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Hi all,

    I particularly liked the link I picked up off another thread, which is all about how Carly Crutchfield is a Scientologist and is raising money to fund activities.

    Hey, anyone can have their religion, it is just interesting to get more perspective on her investment information and who she is as a person and as the head of a corporation.


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of theonlywayisuptheonlywayisup
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    Hi everyone,

    If anyone wants to purchase Carly Crutchfield original dvd's and course material form her boot camp you can contact me.

    If you are wanting to do property options and developments her materials are worth learning from. I have had much success from this course and now time to sell.

    Stil in new condition and there is no writing in the manual. DVD's has no scratches and plays well.

    It's for sale for $799 including postage. Normal price is $5990

    Send me a PM or email

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