All Topics / Overseas Deals / US Foreclosures market info. Steve, love your site. Anyone reading – BOHOLT NO!

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  • Profile photo of lawsjs

    I think the following link will explain most. I do not wish to retype, but if anyone is interested in the US Foreclosure market, you will get some real experiences on this link. I apologise in advance for not using this forum initially, but you weren't around when I first started posting…

    Profile photo of lawsjs

    I can cut and paste the first bit though…

    I have been to your very early (1st??) seminars Steve (had some great debates with you 10+ years ago – not that you would remember me:) but I am sure you would agree with me that everyone is entitled to ask questions. You and I disagreed on a couple of minor points and back then you were what I considered a 'newbie' but I have never, ever had any reason to think of you as suspect. Unlike this little episode with Ms Boholt. My post from another site is pasted in full below. I wont go so far as to say say I am warning people, but I am not a fool and do not like anyone being treated as one.  I would urge people if they have any interest in the amazing US property market to read it.

    I have been investing in US property since '98. I wrote some posts on it years ago on this site (somersoft) so you can check up on it if you wish. It has done me very well and interestingly my portfolio hasn't dropped in value since the peak in '06. Depends what you have, but I digress.

    Some years ago (and it took a while) I managed to convince my sister to start buying income property in the US – as a complete coincidence the guy she was with lived there and she had a green card etc. If I could do it (and it WAS hard as a non resident alien) then it HAD to be easier for her… Eventually she did, buying a few multiplexes in the state she was then living in.

    Recently she has had a very busy time getting serious and buying foreclosures in LV. She has bought something like 15 in the last 9 months. $40-60k stuff, reno'ing and then generating a net 20++%. I don't know the specifics – but those are the general numbers. I am not involved directly as we don't often speak and I buy in LA, but she has been doing very well which is great.

    So when Dymphna Boholt (who insists on frequently sending me seminar information) had a seminar on the US property market I thought it would be an interesting thing for my sister to go to. Its always good to hear what other people have done and you meet like minded people at semnars. My sister isn't often in Australia (too busy rehabbing foreclosures) so it seemed a good idea all round.

    Long and short of it was that at the first break she got talking to a couple of people who were sitting near her about her experiences and that DB was a) a boring seminar presenter and b) long on teasers and short on detail, but it IS a good thing to do and she had done it, so lets see what is presented next etc etc. Usual first break seminar chit-chat.

    What happened next was not normal.

    Emma was approached by someone who immediately threatened legal action and accused her of trying to steal customers from Dymphna. She was escorted off the premises and in no uncertain terms told to stay away.

    Emma had absolutely zero intention of doing anymore work than she is with her own stuff, but (as I would do) if someone treats me like that when they are trying to milk tens of thousands of dollars out of people I will take it further.

    I haven't posted on this site for years, but I will now make it very public everywhere I can that Dymphna Boholt should have treated at least one seminar attendee with a lot more appreciation and respect than she did. If she was smart, she would have used Emma as an example of a real person who had actually gone out there and done it. Threatening legal action (especially to someone like my sister) is neither a friendly move, nor particularly intelligent.

    If anyone is at all interested in US property then please respond to this post or PM me and I am happy to pass on what I can, or if you are interested in the amazing foreclosure market, yes it is very good, yes it can be done, and yes it is real and achievable. It is not for everyone and takes real organisation and work, but it can be done. I stress forclosures are not a pond I myself have paddled in, but my sister has lived and breathed it now for 2 years and has all the contacts.

    I am confident Emma would be happy to help anyone interested in US foreclosures, and if any money ever changed hands at all, it would be a LOT less than would be spent attending one day with Ms Boholt.

    I have attended seminars of most well known 'investment gurus' over the last 15 years or so. I have never seen or heard of this type of thing happening before. And I include Henry Kaye in that collection. As this seminar was my recommendation to a sister I see about once every 2-3 years I take it very personally she was dealt with the way she was.

    I have always been amazed that people only value information when they pay for it. I have learnt an incredible amount through people's generosity and it pisses me off no end when one over zealous speaker takes offence at someone actually attending a seminar to see if they can learn something new, rather than falling over themselves to help buy that speaker a new Ferrari.

    Methinks Ms Boholt is convinced the entire US property market exists merely for her own exploitation.

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