All Topics / Overseas Deals / MyUSAProperty – Beware !!!
After reading on here about My USA property, I thought I would give them a go. I liked originally the Andrew Allen interview I saw saying he worked for the client and did everything for you etc. My experience so far has been FAR from that. After a lot of promises at the initial interview I paid the $500. Since then I have been told very little detail, dealt with a very rude agent and have tried to be pushed into filling out and signing multiple forms. The "agent" I was given, from the word go has been totally hot air with very little detail expect a continual sentence of “how good a product this is” I went to a half empty office which had a map of America on the wall and very little else. I then got shown several properties ranging form around 70-110K again with big promises of how good the deal was. Each Property had only 1 picture of the outside ! ( I.E. One of the property ads said “rental under section 8.” I asked the agent what this meant only to be told that he didn’t know but its not important ! <moderator: delete language> ) The agent however couldn't give any info on the unemployment rate of the area/state/city, the vacancy rate or even any specific detail on the financing. When I asked to see pictures of the inside of the properties he showed me, he said the internet was down which proceeded with a lady and him trying to connect wires to the computer in the half empty office only again to be told they don't have any internet. When I said this seemed very amature-ish and I was quite disappointed, the agent then gave me quite a lot of attitude as he wanted me to commit to a property now as they would only hold it for 24 hours. It was obvious the agent had very little knowledge of the whole setup. When I said I would like to see the owner/principle Andrew Allen he said he was away in the US and get this, “didn’t KNOW when he would be back” or if he could meet me. I expected a professional service with all this information presented to me. When the agent CANT even find the state on the US map of where the property is, alarm bells start ringing. I hope Andrew Allen is reading this, as his agent Mazario in Melbourne was a real disappointment. When you display anger/impatience/rudeness towards clients asking questions and a lack of knowledge in the product you sell, the reputation of your business will not go far. I have asked to hear from the owner/principle myself and I will update everyone on here with the response and service I get.
Hi Aussie FLy,
Sorry to hear of your experience. I have been dealing with Tony (national licencee) and Alistair. Both have been really good and patient while we got everything together over here. We did have once minore hiccup, but some of that was our fault with delaying in getting paperwork returned. When we expressed disappointment with missing a couple of properties the CEO phoned me personelly to make sure I were being looked after in the right way and invited me to call him directly if i had any issues.
We are in the final stages of the process. We have numerous photos inside and out of the properties.
While I agree your "agent" should have been alot more and I mean alot more in tune with things like UE rates, location ect of the properties you also need to take on some responsabiliteswith your homework. Getting to know the area ect. Try, for historical info on the said properties and you will then know if your agent is leading you up the garden path.
My experience has been good so far and we are more or less at the settlement stage.Rick
I agree with Rick H. I have been dealing with Andrew A and myusaproperty for about 12 months and have always found them good to deal with. I am in the process of finalising my 4th property.
As with any investment you have to take resonsibility for doing the research and convincing yourself that you are doing the right thing. It is a lot of work and you have to deal with many other issues eg acountants, banks, real estate agents, property managers etc. With each of these areas and in daily life you deal with people who are great and others that are still learning.
I will say all the staff at myusa are allways very busy and the properties go quickly so patience is required.
You have to do research to a degree! and then with the information provided. When the so called agent cant answer basic questions, is angry and rude and when you cant get any factual data from him you have to wonder. You don’t pay an agent over $4000 to do ALL the research and work yourself. This is why you use them in the first place. I am yet to see/meet/speak to andrew A but will let everyone on here know how this all turns out. All I have had so far are promises of many riches and a amature salesman trying to get me to sign everything under the sun without being able to even find the city he was referring to on the US map.
I hope I am proven wrong and I hope all these glowing references are not just from friends/staff of the company…
Sorry to hear about your experience. When choosing a company to assist you with your USA purchase and subsequent management, you should expect that the majority of the work is done for you, by competent people. This is what you pay for. As someone who heads a company that also offers these services, there is some advise which I would like to pass on. When being presented details of various properties always ask: how long has this property been available/listed for? (you do not want to have properties presented to you that no one else wants to buy). How old are the photos? (often, photos take on teh property could be many years old and not reflect the true condition of the property). Histociracl sales? This information is readily available and you should be able to obtain this from the company you are dealing with. This information gives extra purchasing power if you jbow how much the current owner purchased it for. Does the company you are dealing with have any financial interest in the property. Too many times, there are companies offering services for a fee AND receiving a kick-back from the seller. I do not believe this to be fair as a service provider should be acting solely in the buyers interest.
Please take this only as general advice and I wish you all the best with your USA property endeavors.
Sorry to hear about your experience mate I hope you are proven wrong.
I am also hoping so for you because I would be meeting someone at MyUSA in Melbourne next week.
I would be updating my experience as I go..Hi Aussie Fly,
I agree with your previous post. The person you are dealing with needs to be knowledgable about the product. At the end of the day he is more or less a saleman selling a service. I am dealing with Alistair and Tony who both have full understanding of the service and market in the US. It looks to me like you got the new boy or maybe the weekend cleaner by mistake. I would email myusaproperty with your concerns. Any of my concerns have resulted in a prompt call and or email with a satisfactory answer.
I have been happy to talk about their service with friends and family who may considering doing this as well.I hope you resolve your situation and get the results you want.
RickH wrote:Hi Aussie Fly,I agree with your previous post. The person you are dealing with needs to be knowledgable about the product. At the end of the day he is more or less a saleman selling a service. I am dealing with Alistair and Tony who both have full understanding of the service and market in the US. It looks to me like you got the new boy or maybe the weekend cleaner by mistake. I would email myusaproperty with your concerns. Any of my concerns have resulted in a prompt call and or email with a satisfactory answer.
I have been happy to talk about their service with friends and family who may considering doing this as well.I hope you resolve your situation and get the results you want.
As I have commented on the topic of investment in the US in the past on this forum, I want to make it clear that I am not the "Alistair" that works for myUSA Property. I have no involvement with them, nor do i have any opinions on them. I am however, very sceptical of most of these companies, having seen a lot of people lose a lot of money in Buffalo a few years ago, particulalry as every second person investing in the US seems to be investing in Detroit, which does not seem to be all that disimiler to Buffalo in terms of the fundementals driving property values there.
Hi APerry,
I can say 100% i am not purchasing in either Buffalo or Detroit. These are ghost towns from what i have read.
where i am purchasing appears to be a stable city and from my own investagating i am happy that it is not a boom bust area either.
I have comunicated with people in this area and they say the same thing. Once again I think it would be folish to go into anything blindly relying on the advice of someone who makes a living by "Selling" an item or service.
Does anyone believe local real estate agents 100% or car salespeople ? No they do their own research and talk to friends and family to form their opinions of certain areas or car brands. I cant see how this is any different.
As I stated, I don't know anything about the company or what they are doing, and i subsequently don't have an opinion on them. I just wanted to state for the record that I am not the Alistair that works there. I did this because if people search this forum they will come up with multiple posts by me talking about US property and i don't want to be associated with this company.
Good luck with your investments, I hope they are doing the right thing by you and you do very well.
Hi AussieFly
You are so right about myusaproperty. We bought two properties from him, both absolute bombs. He said they were both tenanted. One was supposed to have four tenants in them, but after we bought it, there was only one left. He said that they didn't need any rehabs, but the one that had the one tenant in it, needed so much work done to it, that I felt totally lied to. The other one was a dump and luckily we didn't settle on it, or we would have had to get our money back, somehow. I've since bought through my own contacts, and couldn't be happier. If you are still wanting to buy in the U.S. and who wouldn't, with the dollar being being so strong, and houses as little as $5,000 that need little work done to them, then contact me, and I'll tell you how to buy with no problems.
hi charlie3.
my name is bernie.
i want 2 buy properties for cash appreciate it heaps if u can tell me what u know,how to get started,how to set up account llc etc.
and i like to hear what u buying at the moment,how u rent out places agent or management team,legal team etc.thank u in advance
Hi Charlie3,
I have contacted My USA Property last week and spoke to them again today. I have spoken to Peter from the Gold Coast and he explained things very well and was professional on the phone.
Al thought I am always a bit skeptical if you have to pay a fee before you get detailed information.
Charlie3 I would like to hear a bit more how you went about purchasing property in the USA. That would be great.
Many Thanks
As well as being a long time forum member I'm also named Andrew Allen and run a Brisbane buyers agency (Buying only in greater Brisbane).
We have no connection whatsoever with the companies mentioned in this thread!
Hello All,
I thought I would jump on and say a few comments as there seems to be plenty said about my business. Firstly I always appreciate feedback on the business good or bad. I am currently in the US setting up our full time office in Orlando Florida which is where our Customer Service team will be based to assist all of our clients with after purchase questions. If anyone has an issue with my business my direct email is Send me your emails with concerns and issues you have. I am very easy to approach and I would be more than happy to answer anything you need.
For the people that had a bad experience call me directly. I would love to have a chat.
Kind & Warm Regards,
Andrew Allan
My USA PropertyHey everyone…
As a financial planner, I get asked a lot of questions about various investments and buying property in America is a topic that I have been asked sufficient times for me to do something about. So, I've spent the past few months researching and finding more about it – I've come across the guys at My USA Property, and while I have not bought from them, nothign stands out as problematic – however since I have not delved into the particulars, I'm not going to comment either way.
<moderator: delete advertising>
Education is a good thing – but after you've heard what you want, go and do some research and make up your own minds.
Hi Charlie,
Simple if YOU dont think there is any value in the service then dont YOU use it. You get nothing for nothing. If you use a broker to by a car or buy shares do you think they do it for nothing ?
Car brokers ask fees from clients as well as suppliers on some occasions….double dipping ??
Bottom line if you done see the value dont do it. Let others make their own decision on what is or isnt value.
Personally, having been put in contact with people who can assist in LLC set up, bank account set up and tax accountants, us finance contacts ect seem to make things a lot easier me and it is convenience I have to pay for.
At least you guys get an answer, I have sent 2 emails saying i want to buy several properties and would like to meet with the Orlando office and had no reply. Guess they must be busy enough without any new business.
Hi Miniman,
I take it you are US based. Just email tony ( and I am sure he will be intouch.
I know speaking to tony and Andrew Allen that the Florida office is brand new so might be some teething problems… i dont know.
I know i have found all my contact points at my usa proprty have given swift responses.Mate I have emailed you directly with no response. I WANT TO BUY SOME PROPERTIES AND WOULD LIKE TO USE YOUR SERVICE
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