All Topics / Help Needed! / Look to self manage investment property what’s the best place to advertise?

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  • Profile photo of nightelves

    Hi all,

    As the subject states what avenues are available to me to advertise me place for tenants?



    Profile photo of Kiwi CashflowKiwi Cashflow
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Not sure what its like over there, but I had a place here in NZ that my property Manager said they couldn't re fill just 2 weeks ago.  I went down to the local supermarkets, put one add in 2 supermarkets boards and had 3 calls in 2 days and found one very good tenant, as it turned out the PM Coy did beat me to it so all good, the place was only empty a week.
    Super market boards are good, obviously newpapers etc. 
    Just dont rush in, do your homework on them and as an ex Property manager, get the full bond from them.
    Good luck

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    It depends upon your market & whether you want to do all the work yourself. Local paper,, etc are all good starting points. A little more expensive but peace of mind is using an agent – cost 1 week’s rent.

    Profile photo of ScratchScratch
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 81


    as previously mentioned your local Newspaper is always a good place to start.  In Central Qld we have small classfied journals (Pocket ads/Pocket Trader) which are sold weekly and are quite popular, not sure where you are or whether you have this option.
    Earlier this year I started my own PM business, one of the services I chose to offer clients is a set fee to advertise, shortlist, screen and select a suitable tennant for a property.  If you want to manage your property on an ongoing basis maybe see if there is a local agent who you might be able to come to similar arrangement with.

    Best of Luck.

    Profile photo of illuminatiilluminati
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 81

    have places 10 tenants using these sites all within a day or two.

    If its students your targeting then the universities have their own accommodation sites you can advertise on, and of course the paper too, but depends on who you are targeting.

    Profile photo of number 8number 8
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 333

    I use the local paper, For $30 or so I have up to 10 perspective tenants. I had a client last month that used the local community board and McD's and claimed his phone rang hot.

    Profile photo of nightelves

    Wow what an overwhelming response. I will look into all these avenues. Thanks

    Profile photo of

    I will advertise your rental property on over 12 sites that include and for $149 to list and $99 per month. It is very unusual to require the extra month. This is the most comprehensive online marketing package available for landlords at the lowest cost. I am happy to be proved wrong if there is a better alternative that I am unaware of. 

    Profile photo of nightelves
    I will advertise your rental property on over 12 sites that include and for $149 to list and $99 per month. It is very unusual to require the extra month. This is the most comprehensive online marketing package available for landlords at the lowest cost. I am happy to be proved wrong if there is a better alternative that I am unaware of. 

    This looks quite interesting. Do you mind if you could possibly PM your direct contact details for me to speak to you directly?

    Profile photo of
    nightelves wrote:
    I will advertise your rental property on over 12 sites that include and for $149 to list and $99 per month. It is very unusual to require the extra month. This is the most comprehensive online marketing package available for landlords at the lowest cost. I am happy to be proved wrong if there is a better alternative that I am unaware of. 

    This looks quite interesting. Do you mind if you could possibly PM your direct contact details for me to speak to you directly?

    No email in your profile that i could see. Call 1300 622 300 to discuss.

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