All Topics / Value Adding / Introducing myself, and my plans for my Value adding portfolio.

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  • Profile photo of illuminati

    Hey all!

    I am going to be starting some property investing at the beginning of next year.
    I used to live in darwin for 15 year.
    then a mixture of darwin and adelaide for 5 years.
    and exclusively adelaide for the last 5 years.

    So with these two places being my main source of experience and contacts i am in a good position to start investing.

    I have $875,000 to use as deposits and have started seriously looking at properties over the last year, and on and off for sometime before then.

    In adelaide i have found a large number of properties that can easily be improved, either just with some paint or landscaping, and some others that will need a bit more work… new tiles etc. so this will be my main focus, buying properties with fairly easy value adding via reno. Once i gain some more experience i will branch out into more complex fields.

    I have been looking in darwin too, and atm it seems like the market is moving sideways, or slightly down, until plans about offshore deals are confirmed or fall through. But the rents up there are huge! so was thinking about having a couple of rental properties up there purely for rental income. Im looking around the south side of palmerston as it is close to where i used to live and the location of darwins next proposed “city”. so that area should grow over the next few years.

    I don’t have any specific questions yet, but i am sure i will soon! But if you have any advice about what i’m doing, or questions! feel free to post them!

    I am also thinking of journaling/blogging my property investing adventures for future reference, and will post links once i have started creating them!

    I’m looking forward to talking to you all! and hearing about your exploits too!



    Profile photo of morpheusbushymorpheusbushy
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 55

    My only question is to ask where you got $875,000 cash from ?! ;-)

    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Hi Luke

    Welcome to the forum and best of luck with the investing.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email: [email protected]

    Profile photo of illuminati
    morpheusbushy wrote:
    My only question is to ask where you got $875,000 cash from ?! ;-)

    The money is from a few things, inheritance, past businesses, and the stock market. :)

    Profile photo of beediebeedie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 158

    You will get better clarity if you start with the end in mind…………

     Personally with that amount to invest I’d be doing some developments

    Profile photo of IntrigueIntrigue
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 208

    If I were starting this journey with $875,000 cash, I would be one happy chicken… wahoooo

    Lets count –  yep that 875,000 cents for me… but thats okay, I'll catch you one day

    Profile photo of illuminati
    The Gambler
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 11

    Good luck with your plans Luke.
    Nice deposit.
    How's your cashflow?
    As mentioned by another, I'd be doing developments, especially if you have good cashflow.

    Profile photo of illuminati

    hey gambler, i am just changing fields atm, i was in the stock market and making good money.
    but pulled my money out a while ago, and 4 months ago put it in a term deposit just so it wasn’t sitting around.

    So atm cashflow isn’t good, and that will be my biggest problem with getting loans.
    but i have talked to a few people and will be setting that up shortly and assessing my options.

    I will have access to all the money as at feb next year, and plan to start then.
    Developments are definitely where i want to end up, i finish uni half way through next year. where i study construction management.
    So thinking maybe a few renovations till i have the process of buying and selling down. Then move up to developments.

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