All Topics / Legal & Accounting / how much does a option contract cost?

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  • Profile photo of jelovea2003

    i heard form carly's seminar, she said it cost a lot  but if we join her course, she will provide that in her course. is she telling the truth? im so worried. because actually i just joined her course. 6k is a lot of me as a student. can someone help?

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    Do you mean drawing up an option contract by a lawyer? probably would cost around $500 or so.

    I would be worried about trying to use one standard contract for all situations.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    I agree with Terry each Call Option contract i have ever used was specifically drawn up for the project in mind and do not believe that 1 hat can fit all.

    Terry is a lawyer and maybe for the fee he mentioned  he could assist you.

    Would save you a lot and also you are getting some first hand expertise.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of jelovea2003
    Qlds007 wrote:
    I agree with Terry each Call Option contract i have ever used was specifically drawn up for the project in mind and do not believe that 1 hat can fit all.

    Terry is a lawyer and maybe for the fee he mentioned  he could assist you.

    Would save you a lot and also you are getting some first hand expertise.


    Yours in Finance

    thx  guys. but i would like to know the cost ranges, so i can get an idea of whether the course worth 6k. thx heaps…

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Well say maximum $700 for a qualified Solicitor to draw up a Option Contract thats a $5300 savings.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of philspropertydealsphilspropertydeals
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5

    You can do it for FREE and could have saved yourself $6,000. All you need to do is change the terms of the sales agreement when you make an offer by adding clauses to the contract (your offer).

    For example:
    Contract is subject to buyer getting planning approval for development (this is a simplified version).

    This technique is also referred to as; subject to.

    Most agents don't like doing this though as it is different to what they're used to, but so are option contracts.

    Hope this helps,

    Profile photo of MdrnPhilosophyMdrnPhilosophy
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    hey jelovea,

    One of my friends has done the course and i have personally watched Carly's dvd set and seen all the information you get at her courses and here is the thing. It's worth every penny and more with the proviso that you actually follow the strategies, just bite your tongue and do it. There are too many people out there that just study and study and spend good money on their 6th course that they could have put as a deposit on a deal. Also, Carly is kind of like the "brand name" education at the moment meaning you're also paying for the name.

    I have personally just signed up for a 7 month property development/ investing mentoring course here in Queensland for $6k.

    If you use it, it will all be worth it.

    by the way, i would personally have an option contract written up each time if it is only $500 per time as was mentioned above. Otherwise see if you can have a generic one made up that you can fill in certain blanks such as time frame / option fee / right to DA approvals and such and have a lawyer show you how you can modify it your self each time. may be 700 for the time but at least it will be right each time.


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