All Topics / Heads Up! / Anyone got a Carly Crutchfield home study they’d like to sell?

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  • Profile photo of Vixxx222

    If anyone has a Carly Crutchfield home study they’d like to sell, I’m interested. I’d happily pay for the whole course if it provided more assurances, but there seems to be a lot of varied opinions, so I just can’t justify $6K out the family budget. If you have one please PM me.


    Profile photo of SuperSleuth

    Hi Vixxx222, Yes there are a lot of opinions out there about CCorp. I am not a fan of Carly Crutchfield at all, nor am I a fan of many other wealth creation spruikers. The bottom line is that any information that is contained in these courses they promote are not secrets at all as they suggest. It can all be obtained for a fraction of the cost and often for free. The courses and material are often laced with promotional material and 'fluff' that consumers are paying far too much for!

    I wouldn't be in any rush to pick up one of Carly's courses unless of course you can find one on ebay for a fraction of the price it was originally sold for. More often than not, these courses devalue hugely when they are onsold. If you really think about that, what does it tell you about the information contained in them? Remember that it is the spruikers that come up with the 'value' figures for these courses and I have to say that they are often hugely inflated.  

    My advice is to avoid the property gurus altogether and buy a few good books on the subjects that you are interested in. You will save yourself a lot of money.

    Having studied how these people promote themselves, I find it frustrating to see thousands of unsuspecting consumers falling for the marketing and promotional hype created by property gurus, only to discover much later that the goal of achieving wealth through property was achieved alright, but not by them.         

    Profile photo of elissa2009elissa2009
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    I would very greatly disagree with your opinion SuperSleuth.

    I have just purchased the Carly Crutchfield course and I would do it again in a second. The courses that are developed by these companies and all others out there, provide a wealth of knowledge and more than anything, an opportunity to network with people who are interested in your investment opportunity.

    Yes, the information that they provide is more than likely available for a reduced price, however, you have to go out there and do the leg work and obtain all of this information. Just remember that time is money as well.

    These courses and seminars are not developed so that they can make you the money, so you are certainly correct when you say that the goal of achieving wealth through property was achieved by you, however, the courses and seminars provide you with the tools, the knowledge and the support to achieve your goals.

    As for the price, if they were giving it away for free, or even for a reduced price, I would not want the information. If the creaters of these courses and seminars do not value their product, then why should I.

    I also know that I am putting much more effort into the course and learning because I have made such a big investment and it means something to me.

    If I am able to put the information that I am gaining and put it into practice, even at a smaller level, then I know that I will get ten times out of the course as I have put into it.

    Profile photo of JamesSampsonJamesSampson
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 54

    6k for a course. What a joke.

    This information is not worh 6k, its not even worth 1k. You can get all this info plus more through books, online courses and this forum.

    Keep your money.

    Profile photo of Travis73Travis73
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    RE:  It can all be obtained for a fraction of the cost and often for free.

    I agree with this statement and having seen the CCORP intro DVD I can see how people can be caught up in the hype. It was quite compelling. However I am a cynic and also do not agree with the cost involved. By simply picking up the phone and speaking with people will give you tremendous confidence and knowledge in the field you choose to operate in.

    In her DVD Carly made reference to a feasibility software package that compiles a report showing percentage outcomes for developments. Does anyone know where I could get one of these. The cheapest I have found is $770 and its quite comprehensive. However $770 is a bit steep.

    Any help would be great.



    Profile photo of ModeratorModerator
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 39


    Anyone considering purchasing something 'second hand' needs to be aware that copyright and distribution permission issues may exist, and so they should only proceed after doing their due diligence.

    I would further point out that anyone making this offer and breaching copyright may be subject to legal action, and if compelled to assist, we would have to pass on their details.

    – Moderator

    Profile photo of chocoholicchocoholic
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Just came across this site, exposing Carly Crutchfield and CCORP, have a look, makes you think twice before parting your hard earned money on DVD's and Elite Mentorships programs that go for $50k

    Profile photo of SuperSleuth

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but it frustrates me when I see all these people falling for the deceiving marketing hype of wealth gurus. I just visited the site above re Carly Crutchfield exposed and it really doesn't surprise me that this has happened.

    Property wealth sprukers, whatever their specialty, all operate in a similar fashion:

    1)  Firstly in order to create a profile for themselves they often start with a 'rags to riches' story about themselves whether it is true or not.  This aligns them with the majority of hopefuls that attend their courses. It instills the idea that 'if I was able to do it you can too'.
    2) They often create fear in people that they are not going to have enough money in their retirement or similar suggestions.

    3) Then they offer the solutions. Come and learn the secrets. This is where many get caught; because they have never heard of the strategies before, they think they must be secrets.  Many of the strategies are outdated and no longer work and many find that they are a lot harder to put into practice than they are led to believe at the seminars. Many of the spruikers are teaching strategies that they would never use themselves, and some spruikers are not even involved in implimenting the strategies they teach, despite what they may say to the contrary. 

    4) Much of the content in their talks (especially when it is about their own achievements) is highly exaggerated. They will make statements like "Come and see me after the seminar and we will show you all the evidence", knowing that no-one ever will. The masses take most of what is said at face value and the spruikers know this. 
    5) Many spruikers have also realised that if you create the profile of the philantropist, the masses will sing your praises. This has enormous benefits for their profile.  True philantropists don't flaunt it. They give quietly and don't use the publicity of their works to benefit themselves. 

    Remember that these people are highly skilled at moving a mass of people in the direction they want to. It becomes a crowd mentality at these seminars, and many find themselves joining the que to sign up for expensive courses once the hype has been created. Carly is a classic example of this. She has been making hundreds of thousands from the masses, some of who will still sing her praises, even after they have come to realise that thay have paid far to much for information that is next to useless.

    Many become defensive when they see that their 'guru' is coming under attack because they are afraid that others will see it as a reflection of their own poor judgement.

    I think it is time for a reality check. People need to be informed of the deceptive techniques they are being exposed to at many of these seminars as it is not obvious unless you have a good knowledge of how spruikers operate.  NLP (neuro linguistic programming) is only one of the techniques that spruikers have studied and use. By all means attend their free seminars as there may be something you will pick up, but don't be conned into buying expensive courses under the belief that you will make 10 times the amount of the course fees in your first property deal. Very few have found this to be the case, and by saying this you are just parroting an old line of the spriukers themselves. It may sound feasible to you but it is just another hollow statement made by spruikers to convince you to buy their courses.

    Sorry for the rave but I think it is time that many people woke up. 

    Profile photo of Vixxx222

    I agree with you Super Sleuth, the marketing hype sucks a lot of people in, to pay for things they really don’t need. Be smart about your goals people, success doesn’t come in a 13 DVD set!

    However, sprukers do deliver the information in a fun interactive medium, which makes it quick and easy to learn. It’s a great starting point, to get you motivated to learn more – and that’s all it is. How much is that worth???? well that’s up to the individual.

    If you can avoid being dazzled by the bright lights and the promise of riches (after paying large amounts of money), then you will enjoy the information, and be smart enough to diversify your learning, with all sorts of courses, forums, books and magazines, with opinions from a variety of “experts”…. and then when you’re ready, plan a strategy that suits “you”.

    Last but not least. Don’t spend more than you can afford – that’s just stupidity.

    Profile photo of dean_robbie
    Vixxx222 wrote:
    If anyone has a Carly Crutchfield home study they'd like to sell, I'm interested. I'd happily pay for the whole course if it provided more assurances, but there seems to be a lot of varied opinions, so I just can't justify $6K out the family budget. If you have one please PM me. Thanks Vixxx222

    Hi there,

    Yes I have her latest 2010 edition with feasability calculator,legal contracts etc plus a ticket to the bootcamp.

    Will sell for $2000

    Profile photo of SuperSleuth

    @ dean_robbie.   I know this is probably not a fair question to ask you now that you are attempting to offload Carly's material, but perhaps you could give us your honest opinion. Do you really think that the the material supplied was worth the money? Have you applied her strategies and made a fortune as she claims you will? I haven't been able to find anyone who claims they have been able to even recover their costs of the programs yet. There must be someone out there surely!!!!!???? 

    <moderator: delete personal comments>

    Profile photo of Charles 1Charles 1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 65

    I don’t have any Carly Crutchfield courses to sell, but I have a book of fairy tales.

    Anyone interested?

    Profile photo of theonlywayisuptheonlywayisup
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    Hi everyone,

    If anyone wants to purchase Carly Crutchfield original dvd's and course material form her boot camp you can contact me.

    If you are wanting to do property options and developments her materials are worth learning from. I have had much success from this course and now time to sell.

    Stil in new condition and there is no writing in the manual. DVD's has no scratches and plays well.

    It's for sale for $799 including postage. Normal price is $5990

    Send me a PM or email

    Profile photo of dean_robbie
    Travis73 wrote:
    RE:  It can all be obtained for a fraction of the cost and often for free.

    I agree with this statement and having seen the CCORP intro DVD I can see how people can be caught up in the hype. It was quite compelling. However I am a cynic and also do not agree with the cost involved. By simply picking up the phone and speaking with people will give you tremendous confidence and knowledge in the field you choose to operate in.

    In her DVD Carly made reference to a feasibility software package that compiles a report showing percentage outcomes for developments. Does anyone know where I could get one of these. The cheapest I have found is $770 and its quite comprehensive. However $770 is a bit steep.

    Any help would be great.



    Hi Trav,

    PM with your email address and I'll send it to you for free.


    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    Hi everyone
    very topical thread, and seems to polarise people

    While I wont make any comment on Carly, I recommend you do not lump everyone who speaks about or teaches property investing as 'spruikers' or rip offs, or whatever phrase you prefer.

    Remember you are here on Steve McKnight's site & he falls into this category too. He has been ignorantly criticised in the past and there is no one in his field more ethical or with stronger wishes for those attending his seminars etc to succeed.

    I had no idea about property when I started in Steve's mentoring program in 2005. that cost me a few thousand bucks.
    While a lot of the information I got from that program would have been available free or cheap elsewhere, i had no idea what i needed to find, or if I did, where to find it. It was all bundled up in a convenient 'package' for me to use. it was the kick start i needed

    5 & a bit years later I am now full time (well i only do it part time i guess) property developer earning many times what I was when I joined. I work from home & spend a whole lot of time playing with my young family.
    I can tell you that was a few bucks VERY well spent!!!!

    I also now teach others how to complete their first property development, with some seminars, mentoring program etc.
    I have had some great successes with many students making 6 figure profits that they may not have done otherwise.
    To me, it is a huge thrill when i get the call to be told the impact that it has had on someones life. It is an added bonus of what I do.
    I'd like to point out that i offer 100% money back guarantee on everything we do, to take any risk away from the attendees. I dont want anyone's money if they cant make use of the information.

    While i am certainly not trying to twist anyones arm to come to one of my events, (thats the last thing I'd do) I'd like to recommend that you do thorough due diligence on any person/course/seminar etc to ensure it is right for you, and that you will make the most of it. I also suggest only those money iron clad money back guarantees too, for obvious reason.

    Like any industry, there are some very good ones, and some very poor ones out there

    If it is right for you, then to spend a few hundred, or a few thousand dollars for you to earn $50k – $100k (or maybe lots more, maybe many times over again & again) then i think it is pretty good value

    I hope you see my comments as balanced, and not biased

    Profile photo of APOLOAPOLO
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 33

    Hi Guys PM me i will sell my pack.cheers

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