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  • Profile photo of Alex SC

    Hey All

    Alex from Charlotte NC here in the USA . Been involved in Real estate for 15 years now. Currently spend most of my free time with my wife  and our four dogs. Travel quite a bit meeting other like minded individuals who have an interest in real estate. Just got back from Singapore ,heading to Australia next ..Love discussing real estate and current trends for USA properties.

    Guess if I had to list my favorite things to do in order , ju jit su ( submission fighting , kyacking , traveling..



    Profile photo of Alex SC
    ChristinaM wrote:

    My anglicised name is Christina. I am originally from China and now live in Melbourne.
    My father and I did a couple of deals back in China and we made millions (?)

    I have a passion for real estate and hopefully, in the near future, I'll have a sizeable property portfolio(like my father did).
    If anybody on this forum is interested in partnering up, please let me know.

    We have a few partners from China,  ( Hong Kong ) and now one new partner from Australia . What type of partnerships are you looking to venture in or with. We are located in the USA . Charlotte and Atlanta are our two markets of Focus .

    Look forward to speaking with you,


    Alex Franks

    Profile photo of jbrogzjbrogz
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3

    Hello everybody!

    My name is Jess
    I live in Sydney
    Bought my first investment one month ago… Settled 1 week after i turned 22

    I joined this forum yesterday, and have already read lots of handy tips / information / funny stories
    (All while at work, Shh please dont tell the boss =P )

    Profile photo of kalmackalmac
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1

    Hey all,

    My names Hayley,
    I live in Regional Victoria,
    I am in the process of purchasing my first of many IP, Its due to settle at the end of January.

    I just joined the forum and can't wait to meet you all and learn :)


    Profile photo of wakebrownbwakebrownb
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 44

    My name is Ben, partner Sherie and living in Emerald in QLD and have 1 IP looking to learn a lot and put the lessons into action to facilitate a want to choose to work, not working because I need to…….looking forward to chatting

    Profile photo of moxi10

    Hi all…my name's Tony.
     I came to Oz almost thirty years ago from Idaho, been here ever since. Interesting to see so many yanks posting on this thread! I've been a carpenter in the  U.S. and Oz, night shift taxi driver in Sydney (interesting times), school bus driver around Newcastle for a couple of weeks (lousy pay, trying conditions), truck driver (mostly 6 wheel drive articulated trucks on road construction-the ultimate off road vehicle). Now operating heavy machinery on mine site near Muswellbrook (managed to get into fast lane of the "two speed economy").
       I've had a lot of fun, followed the easy path too often, but entered an extremely ambitious phase of my life about two years ago. I want out of the rat race. I have done extensive renovations, some ongoing, to my PPOR, refinanced, and purchased three investment properties in "muscle towns". I read a lot, surf this web site regularly, and feed my fairly recent but thriving addiction to property investing. I'm currently tapping equity again for my next deposit on IP. 
      I closely follow developments in the mining industry, and I'm a firm believer that the unprecedented levels of investment in coal, iron ore and LNG are going to continue to pay dividends to those who purchase properties in the right locations. 
      I'm here to read, listen and learn. Great website, and i am very appreciative of the generosity of those who share their knowledge here.                                  

    Profile photo of moxi10

     Whoops I forgot to mention I live on the N.S.W. Central Coast and do the drive in drive out routine at the mine. I love Australia's coast line. Also worked for eight years as a gemmologist. Should have done a geology course instead of gemmology, then the mines would pay me much more to work for them.

    Profile photo of nevertoolatenevertoolate
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 5

    Hi, my name is Cathy. I live in rural SA on 9 acres of sand which I have spent the last 10 years trying to turn into a replica tropical and native scrubland retreat from the world. I am now 50 and my partner is 56. We had no intention of relocating ever again but I had been getting interested in investing but have never considered us to be in a position to do so. Always thought you had to have bucket loads of money to do it. This site and other investigation has opened my eyes to so much, I wish I had known about this stuff when I was younger, why aren't kids tought stuff like this at school, more use than some of the crap they teach!  Anyway, last year things in our little world turned a bit pear shaped. My partner was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Me, being the stable, calm, rational being that I am, decided that that was it! We were heading back to Qld. 99% of his family are there and half of mine is as well. Working with a financial advisor I found on the Gold Coast, I followed his advice and we changed our home loan from St G to WestP and extracted as much equity as they would give us to put in an at call account. So half the mortgage is interest only, half is variable and 76k went into the at call. Beautiful, we both had an income although combined was only about 60k max. At least we could do something, then just to add spice to life G hurt himself at work just before he was due to have the op ofr the prostate cancer. That meant that there was NO money from work or workcover for him.
          Then,  my brother got diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma and the week my mum and I were going up to see him was admitted to hospital and put on life support. I took early leave for shutdown from my job which was cleaning at the local abbatoir, however the current contractor had lost the contract and after shutdown the new contractor would take over. No problem with that, we all had our jobs they said. So off I toddled to see bro, (what a roller coaster that was! we were told on arrival that they were going to pull the plug on him after a few days. They were just waiting to see if he picked up a bit. Then at the family conf to let us know when they would do the deed, behold, a different doc, different story. Trying pumped him full of steroids they said, see if he improves the nest few days! Well blow me down, he did.)  
           Well, duty done I went home. But HO!, after 5 years of dedicated service I find myself out of a job. The Wily site manager had pulled a swifty on me and didn't re employ me. (I should have seen it coming, I was 1. quite open in my opinion of his ineptness and 2. I was the union delegate.)
           So now we have no income from me but because workcover started paying as soon as the new contractor took over (because G couldn't get to a site operated by the former contractor) we have one amount that only just covers the mortgage.
            I am now on newstart but doing a Diploma of Business Accounting online so I also get some money.

    My problem is, now we are both no longer 'employed' an only bringing in about 680 per week are my grand plans out the window. I had planned on using the at call money combined with the proceeds from selling off all our assets (cars, cars, cars, cars, cars, cars, and some other things) to give us the money to buy a business, something that had accom attached. Took a real fancy to a little hotel motel in the Gold Coast Hinterland.  Were also planning to sell our place here and use the money for a deposit on an investment or future retirement home for us. Now, I think that it is very unlikely we would be able to borrow any money for the home, is this the case? Or is there still hope we can do something?

    Any advice or assistance from you finance geniouses out there would be gratefully received.

    PS. Gary's op was first thought to be a success, 8 hours it took. The surgeon said he'd never had one so difficult. The cancer was up under the pelvic bone and very vigorous. Luckily it hadn't got to the seminal glands but was not far off. However, the last test found his psa was up again so they think they missed a tiny bit and it has grown enough to register. So not only has he got a posible death sentance hanging over his head, he still cannot use his arm properly and has gone from a person that used to <moderator: delete language> lived in his workshop (mechanic by trade) to one that doesn't get off the lounge! I would hate to be in his head. Mine is bad enough!!!!

    Thanks in advance C

    Profile photo of Kate DickeyKate Dickey
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1


    My name is Kate and I live in Brisbane. I am new to property investing but have always wanted to buy property since playing monopoly as a child! I read Steve’s books in 2010 and that gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to get started and I bought my 1st IP in 2010 and a second one in 2011. Both properties are +tively geared, self managed and in Kelvin Grove, Brisbane. I am currently in my mid 20s and my goal is to keep investing and become financially free in my 30s.

    I love this forum and have learnt so much over the past year. I would love to meet like minded investors who can share their knowledge and experience to help me achieve my PI goals as I hope to purchase my 3rd IP in 2012!

    I wish you all the best for 2012 and look forward to hearing from you :)


    Profile photo of Kye20Kye20
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Kye, been surfing the forum for a while now taking in all the knowledge building up to finally making that first investment.Living in Darwin.


    Profile photo of Stacey SurveyingStacey Surveying
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 138

    Hi fellow forum-ers,

    My name’s Ashley (prefer Ash), and as you’ve no doubt already gathered in a Land Surveyor. I’m located in Montrose, Victoria – about 45mins east of Melbourne CBD. I specialize in 2 and 3 lot subdivisions, although we have done quite a few large apartment blocks, inner-city developments and rural subdivisions- for those on other property forums you’ve no doubt seen some of our work.

    Rapt I joined the forum last year not just to share my expertise but learn so much about the other aspects of property that you don’t see in my profession. I’m always happy to answer queries and help anyone out with questions on development and subdivision. If you’re not in Vic I’ll do my best to help! (or point you in the right direction).

    Look forward to another year on this fantastic forum!


    Profile photo of greentitlegreentitle
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 7

    Ladies and gents,

    My name is Stephen living in Perth (north of the river).  Been investing since late 2008 and hope to continue until I reach financial independence.  I hope to learn off other forumers and pass on a few things I have picked up on my investing journey.


    Profile photo of Pat007Pat007
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 71

    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Patrick and i'm from Adelaide in South Australia.

    I have been a contractor (via an agency) working in IT for many years and have a wife and 3 kids (youngest is 10 weeks old now)
    as any time off is unpaid, mandatory public holidays are unpaid , sole income earner.. it's a struggle.
    thus my ventures into the world of property investing ! 

    for as the saying goes "if you always do what you always did, you'll always get, what you always got"

    currently also considering a move to the USA to escape the cost of living squeeze we have here on every essential item (food, electricity, petrol , rent and telecommunications)

    Profile photo of TreweyTrewey
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 6

    Hi my name is Matthew.

    I live in Townsville, QLD but moving to Melbourne soon.

    I am interested in an international property portfolio, so here to learn what I can and find like minded people.

    Profile photo of misa23misa23
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hello all,
    my name is Lisa, I'm from Brisbane
    I'm a beginner in realestate, and I would like to learn more about property investing and building wealth.
    I hope to learn heaps here as I have purchased my first property last year, but things hasn't been going very well with renovation and budgets…
    Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day. :)


    Profile photo of deepak6574deepak6574
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 14

    Hi All

    My name is Deepak and I am pretty new to the forum (joined about 2 months ago). Its been a great find for me in terms of learning form the other members and I quite like the idea of putting your thoughts out there for discussion knowing there are some experts on this forum who can provide their valuable insights on the topics. Very appreciative of their work.

    I am thinking of buying my first ever IP in the near future. (provided all goes well)

    Hope you all have a great day.


    Profile photo of mattstamattsta
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 604

    Hi Deepak, Nice to meet you. Share your opinions and questions. Glad to have you

    Profile photo of LibbySutcliffeLibbySutcliffe
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi all,

    my name is Libby and I'm living Walloon Qld (near the Lockyer Valley).  My husband and I already have three IP's but they are negatively geared, and I've finally worked out how dumb that is!  I'm here to find out how we can turn this around and move forward with positively geared properties to replace our income and be able to spend more time with our child.

    Look forward to learning from you all!

    Profile photo of Eve ProjectsEve Projects
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi All, just joined up! Im a registered builder and avid investor. We help time poor investors transform their tired looking properties throughout Brisbane, Melbourne & the Mornington Peninsula.
    Stress free, affordable, stylish renovations. tailored for investors by investors.
    Looking forward to being involved.

    Profile photo of jim64jim64
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 52


    Im Jim Mcintyre.Live in Adelaide in the Adelaide Hills.Have 2 rural investment properties,and subdividing a land parcel into 5 X 500sm house? land packages.Decided  recently to have a go at developing,and dont believe everything someone tells you.Ask the questions on this forum,there are a lot of very smart people on here,so use their knowledge to move forward.

    Enjoy every minute


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