All Topics / Forum Frolic / Introduce yourself

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  • Profile photo of susie843susie843
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 16

    Hi everyone,

    I joined this forum about a week ago and find it to be very informative and engaging.

    I have the idea of having all new members introduce themselves here, so we know: –

    *Their first name
    *Where they live
    *How everyone else could be of assistance to them

    So I will be the first…

    My name is Sue and I live in Brisbane. I'm a property portfolio specialist and I'd like to discuss all property matters with you all, and wish everyone prosperity through property!


    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    I'm Jamie,

    I like long walks on the beach and chilling out with my pugs. Pity there's no beaches in Canberra :(

    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of roxie.springsroxie.springs
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 14

    Hi guys!

    Roxie Springs here.  I'm a blogger and I'm currently venturing to real estate business.  Hope to meet lots of people here with the same interest.  Thanks.

    Profile photo of MosicLandscapesMosicLandscapes
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 73

    Hey everyone,

    My name is Jess and I have been "playing"  the game of real estate for about 6 years now. Feel like it is time to step up a bit and feel like education is the way to go so thought this forum would be a great starting point.

    I live in the Macedon Ranges (about an hour out of Melbourne) and am more interested in rual properties rather than city ones. This may be because I know nothing about the city.

    Looking forward to learning the ropes off those more experienced!

    Profile photo of skraboskrabo
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    Live in Perth (Cannington)…try learn as much as possible here before buy 1st IP in few months…hopefuly :-)

    Profile photo of stellarreistellarrei
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Hi there Folks,

    My name is Michelle

    I’m an investor in sunny South Florida (Miami)

    I’m involved in creative real estate sales to investors

    I look forward to sharing with you guys.

    Profile photo of yuriart10yuriart10
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    New here …name is Yuri and work at home 90% of the time. Hope to make it 100% as it is a lifestyle we should all be fortunate enough to maintain.
    I live in USA and look forward to the benefits of being involved.

    Watch Hereafter Online Free

    Profile photo of beediebeedie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 158

                                      Their first name –  Michael

    *Where they live – West End Brisbane …. might be susies neighbour. lol

                          Reason here :- you never stop learning

    Objective – – create “The Endless Summer” via property development

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    First Name – Richard

    Live – Chapel Hill, Brisbane

    Started buying the odd property or two in the mid 90's and now have a couple …………….

    Enjoy helping people with their finance in order to achieve their property investment dreams.
    Personal goal when i came out of premature retirement was to make 100 property millionaires which i did.
    Now want to make that 1000. 


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of illuminatiilluminati
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 81

    My name is luke,
    I currently live and study Construction Management and Economics in Adelaide

    I like business have have 4-5 different “jobs” atm… but they vary from share trading to being paid to dye my hair bright colours for youtube.
    I hope to start buying properties/developments early next year.
    So i am here to learn and share!

    My goals are rather lofty…. but eventually i want to build and own large 100 story plus energy neutral buildings all over the world.

    Profile photo of Ben KBen K
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 103

    Ben – 23 yrs
    Currently in the NT, here 6 months ago from NZ, initially went to the gold coast to play league but have discovered the proverbial gold mine that is central australia so will be here for 3 years with my partner before going back to QLD

    have been interested in real estate since 18 yrs, bought and sold a couple of homes with a friend then travelled and drank the profits, learnt from the "mistakes" and am now in the process of building enough of a deposit to start again on a buy and hold basis.

    love learning on these forums and try to give input where possible.


    Profile photo of specialonespecialone
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 10

    Nick – Australind 180k south of Perth

    Looking to learn as much as poss on IP so I can start building my own portfolio.


    Profile photo of kellybrookskellybrooks
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Hi All,

    This is Kelly Brooks and I am new to this forum. I am really feeling good to be out here, since I am a regular reader of the forums. Also I would like to say that this community caught my attraction as I am always on the lookout for knowledge and various other life experiences, which I am sure that I would get over here. I would be more than happy to share my viewpoint and experiences on various other topics as well. So I am really looking forward to a happy and enjoyable experience…

    Hope to listen soon frm u all…



    Commercial Mortgage

    Profile photo of casanovawacasanovawa
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 63

    Mark from South Lakes (Perth)

    bought and sold a house and made a tidy profit in 2003 (would have been tidier if we had hekd on), but starting again now, wanting to listen and learn and get ideas (and contribute where possible)…  the more uncertain the times the more you need to know what your doing and what your options are…   next year want to get back into the property market if the situation is reasonable and the right opportunity comes up…

    Profile photo of julesm2006julesm2006
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 10

    Hi everyone Julie here, I joined today and  hope to meet lots of intreresting people on the Forum.

    Profile photo of patrickhakepatrickhake
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 5

    Sure, might as well. If you guys need me, I sell real estate in Placer County, California. I know it's a world away, but investment properties in America are getting more plausible for foreigners. If you got any questions, fire em my way. I'll see what I can do for ya!

    Profile photo of TC62TC62
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 45

    G'day to All!

    My name is TC and I live in beautiful south Adelaide on the beach. I'm a lawyer and heavily into property investing. At my age (nearly 50!) it's good to come to forums like this to impart my accumulated knowledge for the benefit of others.
    Ask, if I have answers and can help, ye shall receive!
    It is truly a great feeling helping others with what has taken a lifetime of trial and error and yet, receive no financial reward.
    Nice to meet all you folks!



    Profile photo of kemjaykemjay
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Im Karen,
    live in Armidale NSW. I want to invest in as much property as I can over the next 10 years. Want to learn all I can. Am learning lots from reading this forum intensely over the last few weeks although have been a member for a while.

    Profile photo of mrmonopolymrmonopoly
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 15

    Mr M here, I live in Coogee, Sydney and have been passionate about property since I can remember. I think from a very young age a combination of Lego and Monopoly showed me how much fun building a property portfolio can be, and now many years on I am doing it for real and realise it is a truly amazing way to create true freedom and wealth.

    For years I have been reading forums like this and believe that surrounding yourself with positive like minded people really does help you achieve all your goals.

    I aspire to soon be in a position where I can quit my day job for good, and use my knowledge and experience to truly give back to those less fortunate.


    Profile photo of mjjgmjjg
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3

    Hello all,

    My name is Maurice. I live in Mount Tamborine Queensland and have just bought a second property in Currumbin Queensland. We’re going to rent out our Tamborine house and therefore need to consider our options. As always we’re doing things in the order that is opposite towhat logic would dictate. Like many people I’ve always believed (known) that wealth can be created by investing in income producing assets – but have been too uncommitted to take any action. I lecture my sons on this subject and decided I should start heeding my own counsel. I look forward to receiving and donating knowledge – more of the former than the latter I expect. Cheers.

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