All Topics / Value Adding / Uncle Knackers Shows How to Pull Out a Fence Post

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  • Profile photo of Uncle KnackersUncle Knackers
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 13

    Hi guys,Uncle Knackers here.

    Lets face it, nearly every time we are doing up an old place we nearly always finish up removing the fence and whacking up a new one. Todays video demonstrates an ingenious way how to remove those pesky timber fence posts…even when they are encased in concrete! After watching it you’ll all want to go out to your back yards and start pulling down your fence, just for the hell of it! BE WARNED, there are near NUDE scenes and Appalling Egyptian Style Dancing in this video.

    Here’s the link:

    Profile photo of duckster

    Thanks for the great tip I would have used a car or a dingo. Your method is much better.

    Profile photo of House Call

    very good. I liked it.  Except I have no fence posts to  try it out on.  Maybe I could put some in, wait a week till the cement goes hard then try pulling it back out again.

    Profile photo of duckster

    There is a system I saw where you fill a plastic bag with a fence post and sand and seal the top with silicone and cement it into the ground. When you want to remove the post you break the silicone and suck out the sand with a vacuum cleaner.

    Profile photo of House Call

    Yes I saw that too.  It was a link on the same youtube page as Uncle Knackers little gem.

    Profile photo of lewisdiemlewisdiem
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    AWESOME!!   Love it…. Have been wondering for a while how to remove and replace posts!!

    Profile photo of kwjegateskwjegates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 10

    Brilliant……..Very impressed Uncle Knackers………K

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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