As a norm during my residential development projects (typically 2 or 3 on a block) (and in VIC) , I get quotes at two stages:
Firstly Town planning drawing stage. Before finalising TP drawings and submission to Council, I get preliminary quotes. These can vary lot as they are nothing more than ball park figures (most builders will not go into too much detail at this point – too many variables to consider.) If you have a good relationship or history with the builder, this is a good time to discuss the builders thoughts on obvious costs savings that could be considered in the designs.
Finally, build tender stage. Firming up the quote. In order for a fixed price to be ascertained, I would expect to provide the following documents:
– full construction drawings
– engineering drawings and soil test results.
– Certified Town Planning Drawings. plus Town Planning Pernit letter specifiying conditions of the Permit.
– Energy Rating Report (if applicable)
– stormwater and sewerage designs (if available)
– landscaping (if relevant)
– project specification. If this is not ready, provide, or ask to be provided with specified and itemised dollar allowances for items such as cabinetry/ plumbing fixtures etc etc etc.
The more you provide and the more specific you can be , the more accurate your pricing should be. Which is what you want from a tender. Otherwise, you may find that you will struggle to compare pricing.
Regarding your "circular list", no need to go past the first point, the rest is irrelevant / makes no sense.
But when you say "full construction drawiings". For me, this includes the list I've just drawn up above.
Hope this helps. Good luck. In which state are you building?