All Topics / Overseas Deals / My USA Property

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  • Profile photo of lawsjs


    About your sister buying property in LV, I think she is crazy to invest in property there. I'v been doing some more research and found that LV is forecast to drop 19.4% by the end of next year! Here is a link to prove it =P


    This is straight from my post regarding the foreclosure market on somersoft. Straight cut and paste  feel free to ask her (Emma) directly anything you want – I hasten to add that she is up about 100% in CG in the last year and half. Her worst return is around 19%, she is currently getting 16-17% as a buyers agent. She helps people choose the properties then helps them rehab them THEMSELVES (if they want to save money) – no multi tiered marketing at all. Rehabbing costs so far havent been above about $2k, some as little as $500. Its not for everyone but she _really_ knows what she is doing and is there doing it herself. Before anyone asks, the only reason she is doing this is because so many people asked her for help to avoid the multi tiered things. As she said to me she is in LV looking after her own stuff, so it makes little difference to her to assist others not be ripped off. I have not bought in LV but I wish her all the best in it. I buy very different stuff. But you asked so I will repost one of her somersoft posts when someone asked the very same question.. If you read the thread you will understand she was not out to sell anything, but so many people were asking for direct help and even turning up on her doorstep in LV – sort of happened by itself.


    Why Vegas

    Vegas specifically:
    1) in SFR's virtually no vacancies… See below
    2) no state income tax and under US tax rules, I can claim the 8.1% sales tax back
    3) the most pro landlord rules I have ever found anywhere… Where else on the planet do you have a situation where every tenant pays the $50 late fee on the fifth day of rent due? Why? Because on the sixth, I can go to the constables office, walk in, pay $39 and they, not me, go and deliver a 5 day quit or pay notice… Unless all outstanding rent is paid in full by that fifth day, THEY go down to the property, the sherrif changes the locks and evicts the tenant… NOT ME… YIPPEEE! Try that in Australia, Alaska or any other pro tenant place.
    4) no earthquakes, termites, mold issues, snow, ice, hurricanes etc… Leave a house in Vegas for four thousand years untenanted and the desert dry climate will worship you… I spent three weeks driving Florida properties and apart from atrocious vacancy rates, can anyone say termites, mold and water? After Alaska I will never pay oil bills again.. First you are protecting from frozen pipes then, come thaw, you are dealing with melting snow and leaking basements that tenants don't tell you about…. Ha lessons learnt from what may look like a great yield on paper… Start thinking new furnaces at $8k a pop!
    5) I didn't go to "the strip" until I had done 3 properties. Once I went though, I got it. They would bulldoze the rest of Nevada and probably the United States before Vegas would go under. It may be kitsch, it may be over the top, but it is quintessentially USA. Ever wondered why songs come out about Vegas, "the Hangover" is based in Vegas etc… There is money churning to keep Vegas going. The value of a movie based in your city is worth millions upon millions in translated occupancy. Vegas has "it". "It" requires staff and those staff are my tenants.
    6) Vegas is not reliant on my real estate taxes. Government is supported by gambling revenue and liquor taxes. Name any other city in the US where property taxes were cut in half this year without a major glitsch on services? Mine were. Room rate taxes, gambling and alcohol taxes, no matter what your thoughts are, these keep my rates down and survival of Vegas guaranteed… And the police employed and the fire and ambulance…you get the idea.
    7) I don't personally know what the "voluntary foreclosure" rate means in the rest of the states but in Vegas people aren't leaving the state, they are merely quitting the mortgage and buying a cash foreclosed property on the same street! I have bought back the blinds for my own property from the previous owner who lives three doors down now….. Another topic another day.
    8) California is bankrupt and Arizona is anti immigration… People are moving to Vegas.. It was in the 2009 Uhaul ( massive moving rentals van company) top inbound rental destinations… Significant.
    9) cheap, cheap labor…cheap, cheap qualified labor. Cheap, brand new appliances.. Whole kitchens available for $350 ( my latest… Including stainless steel microwave, stove, fridge and cabinets.. Although a bit of a don't ask don't tell but done..)

    Ok, getting late, hope that answers a bit…there are of course other markets. I looked at Texas, phoenix Florida etc .. This is just my market.

    Another way of thinking…

    How to find a good market is another question. I do the most basic thing ever when I start a search on any real estate market.

    This is coming with a caveat that this is of course just my two cents worth and not gospel

    1) go to and pick any city that you are curious about. In my mind, a good city is nowhere that involves cold weather that could freeze pipes or has a utility that the landlord has to pay to keep this from happening – especially not one that involves an ever increasingly scarce resource like oil!
    2) choose any random property for sale in your target city that meets the bare minimum of walking distance to schools, transport and shops – within your target price range
    3) take note of the address, the. Go to
    4) type in that you are looking for somewhere to rent.. Then type in the street (not number) of your target property and search. This will give you properties within half a mile
    5) pick any of them and call them pretending you are renting. How much and how long has it been on the market… If they offer ANY discounted deal, you are looking in the wrong city or they are asking the wrong rent… That simple.. There is a glut.. Or the property is overpriced.. What would it rent for for the yield you are looking for?

    It is getting late and I hate to say it but am packing in theory for Melbourne Cup. I am so happy to answer questions ..makes me feel as though all the hard work may help someone.

    Ask away.

    Profile photo of 1eyeopen

    Ok, now THAT answers my question and I agree I might have been insanely wrong about Vegas haha. Thank you so much iawsjs. That post has got to be the most helpful post I have read on any forum so far. I think this is going to help me greatly =D I appreciate all the time you’ve put into answering all my newbie questions =)

    Profile photo of lawsjs

    Its pretty basic stuff really – buy where ppl want to be:)
    Foreclosures are VERY specialised and presonally not my cup of tea. I am not there and not knowledgable enough to do really well + I am probably too lazy:)

    My real point is that paying 80% more than anyone else in the street has paid is neither a 'bargain' nor necessary….

    Profile photo of lawsjs

    What about someone with a god awful handlebar moustache and too much hairspray:)

    I didn't go to Melbourne Cup – Emma did:(… dates the post though – well spotted! If I had gone to the Cup, I would have enjoyed it though:):)

    Profile photo of 1eyeopen

    Ok, now thats a little better white_goodman. I understand where you are coming from and after reading your post I understand that yes, I would listen more to peoples views that have been through the boom and bust cycle, and I would never trust just statistics alone. <moderator: delete comment> I had a lot of trouble with them when i used to live there, mainly cause i couldn't keep my mouth shut when i should of but I like to stick up for myself. They are mainly one of the reasons I hate the bay now, and haven't lived there for 6 years. Beautiful place but the people ruin it. So I do tend to get a little touchy over the subject haha. But enough of the sob story. And Iaw, I think thats a photo from Zoolander =P

    Profile photo of lawsjs

    I didn't like the movie, but my wife loves it. So I have to live with that awful hair, poor jokes and moustache probably for the rest of my life:(

    Keep reading everyone, try not to pay too much for 'bargains.' I don't mean to sound like Neil Jenman – sometimes I can't help it…

    Profile photo of 1eyeopen

    Haha, I just love the quotes from the movie. But yea, thinking i’m just going to sit for a bit and keep searching around till I find another property I deem “worthy” enough haha. Plus I don’t won’t to borrow to much money just yet, If I end up borrowing to much and something happens to my investments then I shall be McScrewed =P

    Profile photo of white_goodman

    where did you borrow for your first?

    Profile photo of 1eyeopen

    Half from the bank, half from my dad =P

    Profile photo of white_goodman

    what bank lends here for foreign prop? or personal loan?

    Profile photo of RickHy

    or drawing on home equity ?

    Profile photo of 1eyeopen

    None. Used a friend over in USA to lend it for me. He gets 50% of my return till I pay him back to all of you asking why he would do that. =P

    Profile photo of RickHy

    novel way of doing….good thinking and good mate of there  How do you go tax wise. With the loan being in his name and he is not a party to the property(ownership). You wont be able to claim the interest on tax and also the 50% your mate receives….. you will be the one paying tax on it from what i understand.
    Big winner – the mate. I may be wrong …… just my thoughts

    Profile photo of IMC Newbury
    Reformed Sceptic wrote:
    Hi everyone.  I have never been on a forum before but have watched all the comments about investing in the usa over many months so thought I would make a comment. 

    It seems a lot of people have opinions what's good and bad about USA.  Last year I saw RickH say he could get finance in Kansas or I think anywhere in America, and he said to talk to Tony at so thought that would be a good start, but only just before Christmas did I do  anything about it.

    I have since seen Melbourne Girl say good things about Loans Usa and My USA Property and Rosa Tong the same.  I also must say there have been others who have not been so generous in their comments, but guess that is what forums are all about.

    I just want to say thank you to RickH and Melbourne Girl as because of you I took the plunge and I can't believe how sincere and knowledgeable Tony has been in our dealings and has introduced me to Melinda at Loans USA.  Tony explained that Loans in the USA is definitely a specialist's job, so he leaves all that to Melinda, as every State and bank have different rules, and now in some areas finance has become very easy for them after a long time building a relationship with banks.

    It seems a lot of the people on the forum have been talking a lot about finance, and I am going to get finance for my investments, but really the focus should be on the properties and what services a company can offer, as I don't want to pay a fee and then be left in the lurch to look after myself.  I am sure the company Tony is with will look after me properly as they even have their own office in Orlando to look after clients

    Tony has discussed a lot of cities at length they deal in in the States, but  I will be buying in Memphis and around Florida firstly as I think those are the best to get loans and also are great places to invest.  If I get more money to spare, I will probably buy in other areas as well at that time.  He did say that Kansas had been very difficult after being promised loans there a while ago, but still hopes they will approve loans soon, so I hope your loan goes through soon RickH. 

    I guess in life you get what you pay for, and although some people on the forum say everything is too expensive getting someone to do it for you, I just can't agree with that.  The way I look at it is to put your faith with specialists and pay a fee, as it is better than having all the worries about trying to learn what to do and then investing your money hoping you have done it right.

    So you haven’t actually got the finance…. just dreaming of it yaaah.

    Profile photo of IMC Newbury
    RickH wrote:
    Spuking is self promotion to drum up business. To be honest there are alot of you doing it. anyone putting the company name and email address with the types of comments like" if you want to invest in this area ….call me " that is self promotion. These forums are for people or investors personel experiences. If you wish to detail your personel investing experienes (not business promotion) feel free. I know there are people posting who work in real estate in the USA who do not end every post with the business web site and personel email address . This form is more and more being used as free advertising ….not the intended purpose. Oh and check out my new website or email me : : I dont charge any fees

    You got to be kidding… this whole tread is about self promotion and <moderator: edit> posting undercover…

    Profile photo of RickH

    if they are doing it undercover then they are not openly promoting themselves are they.
    Your total of 9 posts on this forum would make you a very wise analyst on this forum.
    Thanks….keep up the investigations mate

    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891
    IMC Newbury wrote:
    RickH wrote:
    Spuking is self promotion to drum up business. To be honest there are alot of you doing it. anyone putting the company name and email address with the types of comments like" if you want to invest in this area ….call me " that is self promotion. These forums are for people or investors personel experiences. If you wish to detail your personel investing experienes (not business promotion) feel free. I know there are people posting who work in real estate in the USA who do not end every post with the business web site and personel email address . This form is more and more being used as free advertising ….not the intended purpose. Oh and check out my new website or email me : : I dont charge any fees

    You got to be kidding… this whole tread is about self promotion and <moderator: edit> posting undercover…

    Hi RickH,

    I would suggest its not all that smart to try and exclude people who are ofering services from posts. What would the finance forum look like without all the brokers there? If professionals are adding good information to the forum then they are doing everyone a favour, if they never get business from their contributions they will probably leave and everyone is the poorer. Having said this I also have issue with those who blatantly self promote without adding anything and also those who make out they are experts in ceetain topics when theyu obviously aren't (This is the biggest issue on this sub-forum I would suggest).

    As a side note, if you register a signature with company details etc. in your profile it immediately appears in all posts, including those made in the past.

    Profile photo of RickHy

    I agree with your post 100% my sole issue is those who add a pointless comment just stating “I can help you”
    Followed by email address and website.
    Those posts I have an issue with

    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425

    The problem I have with the forum is that people here do not trust someone who makes money out of property or property services. So let me ask a question. When was the last time you spoke to an accountant or a solicitor and did not expect to pay for there advice. To be frank I am very worried about the number of people offering services to second rate markets who are often either Real Estate agents or thats where the deals come from. Then there are people promoting services where for anyone who is experienced clearly do not know what they are talking about.
    However a word to the wise, be careful. The US market a place where you can easily loose money if you do not have the right contacts on the ground. Many real estate agents do not understand investing and they see Australians as a golden goose. I post here to put up a point of view, I do not need clients from this forum, I have a number of clients that i am working with. I have been involved in the Texas market for over 5 years and it took me a long time and a lot of money to find the right team. So you can do this on your own but be prepared to spend a lot of money and time to get it right.

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
    Email Me | Phone Me

    We have just launched a new website join our membership today

    Profile photo of RickH


    I used one of "those" services and I am more than happy with the results and convenience and for this a paid a reasonable fee.

    Without these companies i would not have made a purchase. Every business is there to make $$$$. Advertise the business in the appropriate area.
    Start a new thread : Companies who assist with US purchasing ect :  Then promote your business in a thread where people are looking to read about it. ….simple really

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