All Topics / General Property / Council plan strategy

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  • Profile photo of Johnwilly1000Johnwilly1000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 38

    Hi all,
    Council sending everyone in area a draft neighbourhood plan strategy.
    They have put my area as high density living which u can build 4-6 stories high.
    Cause I’m near shops/ammenitys etc.

    I have a house 500m2 at mt gravatt and next to me is another block 500m2 and nex to us r 4 story residential buildings

    My q is how long till all this takes effect?
    Also will I benefit from this or will council give me bad offer or nothing happens at all?

    Thanks in advance

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    This has to do with zoning.
    When a developer buys a couple of properties next to each other the council will tell the developer he can't built a low set unit or a small town house. The developer can only build a big multi story apartment building.

    Profile photo of Matt007Matt007
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 259

    how long till it takes effect? There should be an implentation date for the new plan on the Draft somewhere, if not ring Council. They should be able to give you an indicative time frame.

    You'll benefit if you decide to sell to someone who's interested in your lots under the new plan zoning. The intrinsic value of the land will increase once the zoning is changed, but only by a certain amount. Ultimately the real value would come once a DA is completed along with a BA etc.

    Council won't be buying it from you unless they've specifically said they're resuming your land. Doesn't sound like they are though. Essentially, nothing happens at all unless you decide to sell, if someone in fact makes you an offer.

    Hope that helps..

    Profile photo of Johnwilly1000Johnwilly1000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 38

    Oh ok thanks for that people
    I wud love to buy the house nex door too now but he hasn’t called me so prob he don’t want to.

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