All Topics / General Property / Gladstone – The good the bad and the ugly?
HI all just looking into Gladstone as a possible purchase for my next property. I was just after a bit of info regarding the good the bad and the ugly?
Areas to buy?
Areas to stay away from?
Any info would be great.
There is a lot of infrastructure proposed for the area just to keep up with the mining which is planned for the next 10-30 years. Little things like a major private rail line which is in the planning will require a lot of long-term rentals.
Kaleetha Park- Sharyn drive and Penda avenue are good along with the new part of Telina (woodlands estate) , Parts of South Gladstone are marginal and I wouldnt buy in emmadale because kirkwood road runs right through the middle of it, this will get all the heavy trucks on it. Just my opinion.
Hi Fredo_4305,
I found this website useful:
While i was doing some preliminary searches.
My opinion is to be careful with any comparisons of Gladstone to places like Port Headland / Karrathra, they are trully remote & out of the way. Gladstone has another major city in Rockhampton only being ~1.5Hrs away, with little town's along the way.
They are already much larger established towns in their own right, which will mean less issues/costs with building. Materials / Workforce can be sourced readily from furhter up and down the coast also.
Also with Gladstone + The Surrounding area, land release appears to be much more plentiful.
I think price comparisons with those towns would prove pointless as they don't have the same fundamentals.
I need some opinions and maybe some local insight . I am tossing up between Gladstone and Calliope (20 min SE of Gladstone) for building a new 4 bdrm IP. No one has a crystal ball but looking at the fundamentals , would there be a significant difference in capital growth between them once Gladstone starts moving?
I have talked with someone from up that way and as I understand it Calliope is close enough for workers of the new Gladstone Projects to commute too. Another person told me it was a nice alternative to Gladstone for people that want a more country feel.
Population Around 1650 and only 5 rentals available currently, 5% rental yield, bigger cheaper blocks.
I think comparing Pt Hedland with Gladstone is completely relevant, also, Rocky is 2 hours away from Gladstone. Gladstone is the major port from which ALL the mining material from the Surat Basin will be transported to and shipped overseas. The LNG deal there is the largest in the history of Australia $69 BILLION. This has secured QLD financial future for the next 20 years and I don't think people realise how BIG this is… The sheer size of this deal has given me alot of confidence, where and how will they fit another 50,000 people over the next 10 years or so which is the predicted population increase according to a few sources. Santos and British Gas have a major problem in that they are unable to secure the amount of housing they need for their employees. There is NO registered available land left in Gladstone currently. There are unregistered block but very few left as the Estates there have sold out. The land shortage is a major issue right now, I have done some research as I am buying there myself. Calliope is a great place to invest, its 18 minutes from Gladstone and very popular as its out of the hustle and bustle yet so close. <moderator: delete advertising> Regards Steve.
I have recently become friends with LJ Hooker Gladstone on Facebook as Gladstone is certainly an area of interest for myself, they posted tonight that they have a Zero Vacancy Rate. This office has the largest rent roll in the area and by the looks of it won many awards for their office, quite a large team by the looks of it. Surely with a Zero Vacancy Rate this is a great place to invest.
Looks like I need to find a property their quickly LOL
(Ohhhhhh if only I was financial enough to purchase)
In response to the original post ‘where to buy in Gladstone” I would suggest buying anywhere around Kin Kora, Kalleentha, Emmerdale, New Auckland, Kirkwood.. these areas are more up market. The coastal suburbs are badly affected by coal dust and alot of the houses full of asbestos. 90% of the investors I have dealt with buying in Gladstone have bought in these areas. Calliope is an excellent spot, 20 minutes or so from Gladstone and very popular with good rent returns. Hope this helps.
I have jusr bought in gladstone qld and am not sure whether to furnish for rental. Has anyone done this? Do you supply linen too? Does the extra rent make it worthwhile or do you end up with too many ongoing costs? Looks like a great place. Investors are pouring in there.i know the big companies like furnished..
I have jusr bought in gladstone qld and am not sure whether to furnish for rental. Has anyone done this? Do you supply linen too? Does the extra rent make it worthwhile or do you end up with too many ongoing costs? Looks like a great place. Investors are pouring in there.i know the big companies like furnished..
shazfamily im about to rent out my furnished house in gladstone msg me if you want details
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