All Topics / Help Needed! / Townhouse or Unit?

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  • Profile photo of propertymistropropertymistro
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 64

    Good day,

    What is generally a better buy – a townhouse or a unit? Thanks…

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    Depends what the demand in the area is.  If it is elderly folk, probably a unit.  Stairs would be highly undesirable for this market. 

    Personally, I am not a fan of the whole body corporate idea, so I'd probably say "whichever one is on its own title" !!

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
    Email Me | Phone Me

    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of SandraLSandraL
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 45

    a townhouse would generally have a higher land value as part of its valuation than a unit. So the disadvantage would be a higher land tax (all other things being equal). The advantage, of course, is that if it's in a high growth area, the townhouse should go up more than the unit.

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    The definition of "unit" seems to vary somewhat.  If it is a dwelling with no dwelling under or above it, great.  If it is a flat (with others above or below it), not great.

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
    Email Me | Phone Me

    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of Nathan BirchNathan Birch
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 189

    I think the best question to ask is which one is going to get you to your goal?

    Follow the numbers, as the numbers dont lie. :)


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