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  • Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hi all!

    I need some moral support here!

    How do I put up with the knockers. Anyone got some good comebacks for the "oh well, I guess it sounds like a good idea…………………………………………….BUT………………………………

    GRRRRR! Yes I own the foot that lives most often in my mouth, yes I have a lot to learn from my betters and the wise ones. However no is ever laughing when I MAKE HEAPS OF MONEY!!!!!

    Where are the Butters (yeah it's a new word I made it up) when the money comes in? Oh they are the ones who are "oh yeah WE did this, WE did that!!!!!!

    Having a bad hair day, needed a rant!!

    By the way my next post will be "anyone done a land release?"


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of sonyasal

    Hi D,

    I know how you feel there are lots of people who are willing to knock others and their efforts to 'get ahead'. I think it is Rober Kiyosaki who says to take and seek advice from those who are doing what you are doing or wanting to do. Maybe the knockers are jealous of your desire/ability/guts to get out there and have a go. if they are critical ask for constructive criticism. What are they doing? how do they do it? What success have they had? If they haven't get any 'success story' to share then tell them to keep their negativity to themself.

    Chin up,

    We know that you are getting ahead for your family



    Profile photo of Paul DobsonPaul Dobson
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    Remember, what other people think about you, is none of your business  ;-)

    Cheers,  Paul

    Paul Dobson | Vendor Finance Institute
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    An alternative way to finance your home.

    Profile photo of clint.sellenclint.sellen
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    What does it matter what other people say or think. Are doing what you do for their reasons or your own?

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Awwwwww! Thanks everyone! Like I said bad hair day! Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated and know that you are doing the right thing when everyone is looking at you like you have grown a second head!

    I will stop caring what other people think and say, and concentrate on my goals instead!! Thanks for the comments!!! It helps to know that other people are out their trying to achieve their goals too!


    DWolfe |
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    I find it easier not to tell the non-believers what I am doing.  I learnt that not everyone is supportive, so just seek out like minded people that think the same way that you do. 

    Totally agree with Sonya seek out the people who are doing what you are doing and have what you want to have.

    If it was easy everyone would be doing it:)


    Profile photo of fWordfWord
    Join Date: 2009
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    A common feeling amongst the aged is: 'I wish I had taken more risks in life.'

    If you get ahead while riding on the waves of what people initially perceived as a 'bad idea', nobody is gonna knock on that! Do what works for you. Obviously risks mean opportunity, BUT some are more risk averse than others.

    Haha, just wanted to make the word 'but' stand out a little more.

    Profile photo of Badgers_R_UsBadgers_R_Us
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    By all means have ambition, but it needs to be  tempered with an understanding of your limitations (financial, intelligence, disposition to things like risk, etc).  Some people will never make it so long as they have a hole in their ar$e and some are so hapless they jeopardise what limited prospects they have with dumb decisions.

    Profile photo of akirkakirk
    Join Date: 2009
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    PaulDobson wrote:
    Remember, what other people think about you, is none of your business  ;-)

    I like that alot!!

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    Your success is up to one person,

    Do not let others stop you

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Aww, Duckster!!!!!

    To everyone who has posted on this thread thanks so much!

    It has been a real grind getting a realistic strategy happening in Melbourne (trashed market)! I really appreciate everyone who lives and lurks on the forum coz it really is a great info source, sounding board and just plain fun!

    I'm ok, I'm alright, I'm gunna make it happen, that's why!


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Hehehe, BTW, even my mum is banging on about doing a subdivision/duplex development. Because it must be really easy if I can develop….!



    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of goldiesgoldies
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    Surround yourself with like minded people – dont discuss property investing with people who care more about the footy on the weekend or when they can head to the pub…

    Talk to us :)

    I look at my parents who are (divorced) 50 and 52 years old and still, dont even own their own cars… thats my motivation, to never be like this and thats all that matters and i dont expect anyone else to understand my deepest feelings

    "shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars"

    Profile photo of sonyasal


    i was motivated to invest by my mum who worked her butt off to pay off my parent's home. UNfortunately my dad was a very poor manager of money. My mum cashed in her super when she retired with kidney failure, to pay off their mortgage, Sadly my mum died four years later at the age of 61. I don't ever want to be in that financial situation. To work SOOO hard to only own their own PPOR and to not have the chance to enjoy it.

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Thanks Goldies!

    Thanks everyone, after drying my princess eyes, I went out and did all my homework and bought something in the lovely mountain town of Boronia (Vic) to either get planning on and sell off for a profit or build an apartment block we'll see… Everything seemed to click, we (hubby and I) all got on the same page like we used to be and everyone just seemed to be quiet :)

    So thanks, this thread can keep popping up as a reminder to me and to everyone else, that hey it's ok to have a bad hair day and have everyone tell you that you can't do it, you just need to get on and show everyone how you do it.

    Also for clarification when I say I most of the time I mean "we"!  

    Thanks everyone!!!


    DWolfe |
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    The only reason these people are in your life is because you allow them there … change your vibration and don't let them in … attract positive helpful and wealthy people …


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Yeah you are right Wealthy. I think I would have a bit of trouble ditching a few of them as I am related to them! But I am just not taking on board any comments and when they speak about whatever annoys me I just change the subject. I think the attracting the positive and wealthy part is happening because you are here



    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Limited RecourseLimited Recourse
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    With regards to remaining positive I find having a library now of over 200 books on real estate and constantly re-reading the material, attending seminars on Trusts ,Tax and accounting has resulted in people saying to me its ok for you because your an expert. Definition of an expert? A big drip under pressure

    Profile photo of littleaussielittleaussie
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    I can relate to what you're saying. So many times people say to me that what I'm doing is risky, or  that's not going to work, or " don't do that you'll end up bankrupt" etc….
    But at the end of the day, it's my life,  investing is exciting and I love it and I'm gonna keep doing it!!
    I sound like a 16 year old rebelling against my parents… hmmmmm…
    Keep your chin up and smile because it is only their jealousy and their own insecurities showing when they put us down. It is not a reflection of our capabilities. 

    Profile photo of petronapetrona
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    I have to admit, of the people who we speak to about our properties, they are fairly carefully chosen.  Apart from immediate family (my parents & brother) and his dad and stepmum, other family aren't aware.  This includes my husband's mother, stepdad, sister and brother.  They wouldn't understand, and there's no point banging your head against a brick wall – the brick wall doesn't start to give way first!

    This was something we consciously decided before we actually purchased our first property.  We had a good talk about it and thought very carefully about who we would and wouldn't tell, and why.  No point in leaving yourself open to unnecessary grief!

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